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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"You'd think the war going on is as good of a reason as any, no?" Death closed his eyes. "But, truth be told, the true reason we are here is because our King has finally grown enough courage to step up to the plate as our leader."

Rika huffed. "Fairly certain it would've been sooner if you fools hadn't acted like you were going to kill Reaver and his family... I'm looking at you, Death."

Death growled and glanced to her, Conquest holding in a chuckle while looking away. "I was testing his dominance. We don't need a king that's scared of everything."

"I mean, it is the only way to run soldiers well." Masaru said, shrugging. "Don't encourage bad behavior. They should've told Reaver in the first place, instead of trying to KILL THE FAMILY." Yuki squinted down at the wolves, besides Rika.
"I mean, it is the only way to run soldiers well." Masaru said, shrugging. "Don't encourage bad behavior. They should've told Reaver in the first place, instead of trying to KILL THE FAMILY." Yuki squinted down at the wolves, besides Rika.

Death, War, Conquest and Famine all flinched slightly from the raise of voice, as well as the squint. Rika giving a nod of agreement. "See? At least someone gets it."

Dei-Loki chuckled, continuing to gently pat Rika. "I wonder what pushed Uncle Reaver int' being assertive with them..."

"Probably Uncle Grizzly Bear." Malvo smiled, shrugging softly. "He's always had a way with motivation. S' one of the things that makes him a great General." Dei-Loki nodded.
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Reglius let out a hearty laugh. "Well at least they were doing something illegal! I was the "lead operative" to investigate a string of thefts in the city, I forget which one. Turned out to be a monkey. I was the lead operative...on a mission...to track down a monkey! And then the money turned himself in! I didn't even get to catch him!" He burst out laughing. Ah the memories. He almost killed that monkey. Figuratively of course. 

Death, War, Conquest and Famine all flinched slightly from the raise of voice, as well as the squint. Rika giving a nod of agreement. "See? At least someone gets it."

Dei-Loki chuckled, continuing to gently pat Rika. "I wonder what pushed Uncle Reaver int' being assertive with them..."

"Probably Uncle Grizzly Bear." Malvo smiled, shrugging softly. "He's always had a way with motivation. S' one of the things that makes him a great General." Dei-Loki nodded.

"That and probably because it's his actual soulmate. You can see their auras linking together, right Yuki?" Yuki nodded. "Yeah, i saw it. Soooooooo adorable. I just still can't believe you remember the book and how soulmates came to be." Masaru stood up. "I keep a lot of the books, especially now since i have my own soulmate."
Reglius let out a hearty laugh. "Well at least they were doing something illegal! I was the "lead operative" to investigate a string of thefts in the city, I forget which one. Turned out to be a monkey. I was the lead operative...on a mission...to track down a monkey! And then the money turned himself in! I didn't even get to catch him!" He burst out laughing. Ah the memories. He almost killed that monkey. Figuratively of course. 


Valerie cocked a brow, soon finding herself to be laughing along with him. "Maker's breath! Oddly sounds like a pretty smart monkey."

"That and probably because it's his actual soulmate. You can see their auras linking together, right Yuki?" Yuki nodded. "Yeah, i saw it. Soooooooo adorable. I just still can't believe you remember the book and how soulmates came to be." Masaru stood up. "I keep a lot of the books, especially now since i have my own soulmate."

"See? I kneeeeew they were soulmates!" Malvo grinned, softly sighing at the thought. And, as she glanced to Dei-Loki towards the end of Masaru's words, she both blinked and snickered.

Dei-Loki, beaming with happiness through a proud smile, closed his eyes. Malvo having shaken her head as she laughed softly.
"Oh the monkey was obviously a master of his craft. I swear that monkey knew what it was doing, the little klepto. We still haven't found half the stuff he stole!" He stared up at the moon. "The adventure was exciting, if a little odd. You ever been on a mission that was just plain weird." 

"See? I kneeeeew they were soulmates!" Malvo grinned, softly sighing at the thought. And, as she glanced to Dei-Loki towards the end of Masaru's words, she both blinked and snickered.

Dei-Loki, beaming with happiness through a proud smile, closed his eyes. Malvo having shaken her head as she laughed softly.

Masaru snickered and kissed Dei's temple. "Yep, my one and only. You truly are the other half of my soul. And someone else has a soulmate." Masaru looked to Yuki, but immediately groaned in pain as Yuki flickered his forehead. "Shut up, idiot." She rolled her eyes with a smile, walking into the palace again. "So, where to next?"
"Oh the monkey was obviously a master of his craft. I swear that monkey knew what it was doing, the little klepto. We still haven't found half the stuff he stole!" He stared up at the moon. "The adventure was exciting, if a little odd. You ever been on a mission that was just plain weird." 


"I've had a couple of those, actually!" Valerie beamed in remembrance, a grin having spread across her face. "In fact, I came across a mad man a couple months back that had me go through a series of... bizarre trials. Poor man thought he was dead and I was someone coming to claim his soul. So, he set up the trials claiming that 'no reaper could be able to surpass these tests'." Valerie squinted briefly, in thought, before closing her eyes with a snicker at the memory. "But, what was even stranger than that was, after I finished the trials, I couldn't find him again. Haven't seen him since. Makes me wonder if he'd been under the influence of some pretty strong elf ear, or something."

Masaru snickered and kissed Dei's temple. "Yep, my one and only. You truly are the other half of my soul. And someone else has a soulmate." Masaru looked to Yuki, but immediately groaned in pain as Yuki flickered his forehead. "Shut up, idiot." She rolled her eyes with a smile, walking into the palace again. "So, where to next?"

Dei-Loki's grin widened as soon as he felt the contact - gently dragging the blushing Malvo along as they went inside. "Let's seeeeee... We've got Aunt Val, Aunt Chloe, and, I could be wrong, but I could swear that I felt Aunt Alison's presence, at some point, as well."
"Alright here's a story. Once upon a time, I found myself in the infamous Red light district of some city in a bar. I found the most exquisite narcotics and blacked out. Next thing I know, I found myself fighting a horde of murdur fairys with The Flaming Sword of Ultimate Swordiness (that's what I thought it was anyway) and a giant fairy gave me a solid uppercut to the face. And then I woke up. Apparently I just started stabbing at people with a blunt spatula and the bouncer knocked me out, and I woke up in my room." 

Dei-Loki's grin widened as soon as he felt the contact - gently dragging the blushing Malvo along as they went inside. "Let's seeeeee... We've got Aunt Val, Aunt Chloe, and, I could be wrong, but I could swear that I felt Aunt Alison's presence, at some point, as well."

"You have a lot of aunts . . . are they going to kill me for dating you?"
"Alright here's a story. Once upon a time, I found myself in the infamous Red light district of some city in a bar. I found the most exquisite narcotics and blacked out. Next thing I know, I found myself fighting a horde of murdur fairys with The Flaming Sword of Ultimate Swordiness (that's what I thought it was anyway) and a giant fairy gave me a solid uppercut to the face. And then I woke up. Apparently I just started stabbing at people with a blunt spatula and the bouncer knocked me out, and I woke up in my room." 


Valerie laughed, shaking her head. "Quite the night!" She had mentioned, turning her attention towards Reglius. "I can't imagine they'd ever let y' back in, after that."



Lucifel ran a hand over his mouth once making his return to where he and his allies chose to stay. Thankfully, the ability to float took the pressure on the large, currently wrapped wound on his torso. With his gaze on the ground, he'd remained silent. 

'Well done.' The female voice in his mind would taunt. 'I never raised you to be a coward, and yet there you were, running away. You could've had them all.'

Lucifel growled in disagreement to the voice, his eyes closing. 'Don't mock me. You know damned well I had a reason.'

"You have a lot of aunts . . . are they going to kill me for dating you?"

Dei-Loki blinked, shaking his head - soon thinking for a moment. "Well... I know aunt Chloe won't, anyway. As fer aunt Alison and aunt Valerie, I'm not sure what their reactions will be. But, I can promise y', I won't let them hurt ya in any way."
Dei-Loki blinked, shaking his head - soon thinking for a moment. "Well... I know aunt Chloe won't, anyway. As fer aunt Alison and aunt Valerie, I'm not sure what their reactions will be. But, I can promise y', I won't let them hurt ya in any way."

"Oh my hero~." Masaru snickered and continued to walk around. "So uuuuuuuh, where the fuck are we going?"
"Actually they were surprisingly understanding. I tried to avoid that place afterwards, anyway. I suppose I should leave you to your walk...alone...with no one to talk to. Oh well." He mentioned rather pointedly. 


Dar'vange floated along side Lucifel, fuming. "Why are we running?! I had the boy and his puppies! By my calculations we would've had the castle by sundown!" He floated in front of Lucifel, stopping him. "Explain yourself!" He yelled, fangs bared. 

"Oh my hero~." Masaru snickered and continued to walk around. "So uuuuuuuh, where the fuck are we going?"

Dei-Loki laughed, Malvo looking around for a moment before shrugging. "... Let's go see if we can find aunt Chloe. Give ya ten t' one she's at the docks."

"Y' know we aren't supposed t' mention--"

"Ah, come on. I'm sure the others have already found out by now!"

"Actually they were surprisingly understanding. I tried to avoid that place afterwards, anyway. I suppose I should leave you to your walk...alone...with no one to talk to. Oh well." He mentioned rather pointedly. 


Dar'vange floated along side Lucifel, fuming. "Why are we running?! I had the boy and his puppies! By my calculations we would've had the castle by sundown!" He floated in front of Lucifel, stopping him. "Explain yourself!" He yelled, fangs bared. 


Valerie slowly lifted her brow as he'd watch Reglius. Her brow mainly lifting as the result of catching on to the possibility that he'd want to stick around. Normally, remaining solo wouldn't bother her, but something unknown drove her into speaking her next words as a small smile formed on her face. "... I suppose I wouldn't mind the company."



Lucifel came to a stop once being forced to do so, growling softly as his eyes remained closed for the time being. "No, no you wouldn't have. I'm not sure if you noticed this, but things were going too well, were they not?" his eyes would then soon open, glaring to Dar'vange as he'd been spouting off his understandable rage. "We did our damage, for now. Besides, had we stayed longer... then, what I ended up sensing at the time would've been right. Just getting into the palace takes a lot out of anyone with an injury this size. If I were to confront the enemy backup, logically, I wouldn't have been able to pull off another confrontation. You might've, but I would have liked to be there."
Reglius bowed. "Then after you my lady. Since you know where you're going, and I am totally lost." He said with a chuckle. 


Dar'vange's gaze softened. "Very well. I suppose I shouldn't have all the fun without you." Dar'vange floated back to the side. 
Dei-Loki laughed, Malvo looking around for a moment before shrugging. "... Let's go see if we can find aunt Chloe. Give ya ten t' one she's at the docks."

"Y' know we aren't supposed t' mention--"

"Ah, come on. I'm sure the others have already found out by now!"

"What do you mean? Why do we have to keep what a secret?"
Reglius bowed. "Then after you my lady. Since you know where you're going, and I am totally lost." He said with a chuckle. 


Dar'vange's gaze softened. "Very well. I suppose I shouldn't have all the fun without you." Dar'vange floated back to the side. 

Valerie let out a gentle chuckle of her own, soon nodding as she began to walk. "How long have you been in the company of the allies you came with, if ya don't mind my asking?"



Lucifel sighed softly, watching him for a moment before closing his eyes. "Thank you. Now... I don't suppose there's any way to dress this wound better? All I did was put a makeshift bandage on it, but I know that won't last."

"What do you mean? Why do we have to keep what a secret?"

Dei-Loki and Malvo glanced to each other before looking back to both Masaru and Yuki. Dei-Loki gently exhaling. "We'll tell ya, but on the off chance no one else knows yet, ya can't say anything." Dei-Loki took a cautious look around before glancing back to them. "Our aunt Chloe is a pirate."
Dei-Loki and Malvo glanced to each other before looking back to both Masaru and Yuki. Dei-Loki gently exhaling. "We'll tell ya, but on the off chance no one else knows yet, ya can't say anything." Dei-Loki took a cautious look around before glancing back to them. "Our aunt Chloe is a pirate."

"Oooooo, i've only met a few . . .  of them in my day." Yuki said. Masaru squinted, looking to his sister. "You're older, and more powerful than me, but yet, you still get that close to fucking it up, eh?" Yuki bonked his head. He hissed in pain as he continued to walk to the docks. Yuki smiled and nodded. "Yes, oh look, is that your aunt? Hello!" She waved to Chloe.
"Oooooo, i've only met a few . . .  of them in my day." Yuki said. Masaru squinted, looking to his sister. "You're older, and more powerful than me, but yet, you still get that close to fucking it up, eh?" Yuki bonked his head. He hissed in pain as he continued to walk to the docks. Yuki smiled and nodded. "Yes, oh look, is that your aunt? Hello!" She waved to Chloe.

Malvo blinked, going to speak before turning her gaze to Chloe with a small smile on her face. "Yep, it is."

"AUNT CHLOOOEEEE!" Dei-Loki called out, also having waved.

Chloe blinked, soon looking to them as she both smiled and waved - making her way over. "Ah, I was worried I wouldn't catch y' both again for a while." she snickered, ruffling Dei-Loki's and Malvo's hair before looking to Yuki and Masaru. "Evening. I remember seeing y' both at the Valhalla day feast, but I don't think we actually got the chance t' meet formally."
Malvo blinked, going to speak before turning her gaze to Chloe with a small smile on her face. "Yep, it is."

"AUNT CHLOOOEEEE!" Dei-Loki called out, also having waved.

Chloe blinked, soon looking to them as she both smiled and waved - making her way over. "Ah, I was worried I wouldn't catch y' both again for a while." she snickered, ruffling Dei-Loki's and Malvo's hair before looking to Yuki and Masaru. "Evening. I remember seeing y' both at the Valhalla day feast, but I don't think we actually got the chance t' meet formally."

Yuki and Masaru bowed. Masaru held out the plate of steak to Chloe. "Hi. I'm Masaru, this is my older sister, Yuki and i'm Dei's mate. We've come to bring you food."
Yuki and Masaru bowed. Masaru held out the plate of steak to Chloe. "Hi. I'm Masaru, this is my older sister, Yuki and i'm Dei's mate. We've come to bring you food."

Chloe ooed at the plate of food, the stomach-flirting smell speaking for itself. And, gently taking the plate, she thanked them as she'd then lift a brow with a soft laugh. "Aaah, so you're the reason the shadow puppy is a little ray of sunshine once again?" Dei-Loki softly huffed at this, but smiled, nonetheless.
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Chloe ooed at the plate of food, the stomach-flirting smell speaking for itself. And, gently taking the plate, she thanked them as she'd then lift a brow with a soft laugh. "Aaah, so you're the reason the shadow puppy is a little ray of sunshine once again?" Dei-Loki softly huffed at this, but smiled, nonetheless.

Masaru gave a smile, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess so." He pulled Dei into his arms and ruffled his hair, he turned back to Chloe, holding Dei to his chest.
Reglius walked next her, tilting his head upward in thought. "Well I've been going on... five years now. I was born in the slums of (insert coastal city name here) and I learned all the street skills of running away, stealing from rich people, and upsetting the mafia. The LionClan inner circle, Buh'roham Jarho, his adoptive son Techal, the husband and wife elf team Harlinduil and Lileli, and the Direwolf Ma'Jindarr, came on a mission and I helped them out. In turn they helped me bring down the mafia and I've been traveling with them ever since. Turns out you make more money helping out those helpless villagers on the road than stealing for a living. Who knew." 


"Hold still." Dar'vange took out a syringe from a robe pocket. Taking Lucifel's arm he stuck it right in the vein. An unpleasant shudder would pass through Lucifel's body as the skin rapidly healed under the field dressing. "The pain will go away shortly. The Am Brodians could be a little hardcore when it came to hunting, so they made their field medicine a pain to use." He put the syringe in the robe pocket. "Shall we continue?" 


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