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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"She'll think yer even cuuuuuter~" Dei-Loki grinned, Malvo having blushed and looked away.

"Okay..." She huffed.

Masaru snickered and yelled for Yuki. Yuki immediately walked into the room. "What's up?" Masaru clasped his hand on Malvo's shoulders. "Fun facts about Malvo. One, her Uncle Graham calls her a sweet potato. And second, Dei calls her dorchadas. Which means darkness because of how mischievous she is. Isn't that cute?" Yuki giggled. "Yes, Masaru, that's adorable."
Reglius looked back up towards the moon. "You ever wonder if it's a place? Like not just a light in the night sky, but a tangible place that people could go." 


Valerie blinked at the question, a grin on her face as she nodded. "I have a feeling it is. But, that's only because I've seen it closer through the telescope in the observatory."

Masaru snickered and yelled for Yuki. Yuki immediately walked into the room. "What's up?" Masaru clasped his hand on Malvo's shoulders. "Fun facts about Malvo. One, her Uncle Graham calls her a sweet potato. And second, Dei calls her dorchadas. Which means darkness because of how mischievous she is. Isn't that cute?" Yuki giggled. "Yes, Masaru, that's adorable."

Malvo continued to blush as Yuki made her way in, a small smile soon appearing on her face as she looked to her. "Y' think so?"
Valerie blinked at the question, a grin on her face as she nodded. "I have a feeling it is. But, that's only because I've seen it closer through the telescope in the observatory."

Malvo continued to blush as Yuki made her way in, a small smile soon appearing on her face as she looked to her. "Y' think so?"

"Mhmm! Of course, how could you not? It fits you well."
Malvo smiled a bit wider at that, lowering an ear. "Thank ya."

"Oooo~" Dei-Loki snickered, letting out a quiet 'oof!' when Malvo elbowed him.

Masaru snickered, but immediately as Yuki elbowed him as well. He grunted before squinting at his sister. "Come on, let's leave your Uncles to eat and sleep some more. We got more family members right? I got a lot of plates. Even for the wolves." Masaru said.
Masaru snickered, but immediately as Yuki elbowed him as well. He grunted before squinting at his sister. "Come on, let's leave your Uncles to eat and sleep some more. We got more family members right? I got a lot of plates. Even for the wolves." Masaru said.

Dei-Loki nodded to that, glancing over to Graham and Reaver with a smile. "Enjoy and rest, y' guys."

Reaver gave a nod, smiling in return. "Will do. Thank you all fer the food."
Dei-Loki nodded to that, glancing over to Graham and Reaver with a smile. "Enjoy and rest, y' guys."

Reaver gave a nod, smiling in return. "Will do. Thank you all fer the food."

"Yup. No problem." Yuki and Masaru got out of the room. "Now, who's next?"
"One thing I've noticed is that Wolves and Were-Creatures seem to be connected to the moon somehow. I've never heard the full story but I wonder if Were-Creatures are from the moon. This is pure speculation of course but that would be cool. Moon Wolves. That sounds like it'd be an awesome TV show." 

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Dei-Loki and Malvo soon quickly followed, blinking as Malvo spoke. "The dire wolves, next? Then maybe we can find the others on the way."

"TO THE WOOOOOOOOOLVES!" Masaru said as he began to ran to where he smelled the wolves and then waved as he saw all them together in the outdoor patio.
"One thing I've noticed is that Wolves and Were-Creatures seem to be connected to the moon somehow. I've never heard the full story but I wonder if Were-Creatures are from the moon. This is pure speculation of course but that would be cool. Moon Wolves. That sounds like it'd be an awesome TV show." 


"Either that or an interesting syfy film." Valerie laughed, soon shrugging slightly. "Though, if it were true, I guess that would explain my younger brother's love fer space."

"TO THE WOOOOOOOOOLVES!" Masaru said as he began to ran to where he smelled the wolves and then waved as he saw all them together in the outdoor patio.

Dei-Loki laughed as he followed, Malvo right behind him.

Death was the first to look up, War excitedly leaping into a stand at the scent of the food. Pure interest in all of their gazes. 
"Either that or an interesting syfy film." Valerie laughed, soon shrugging slightly. "Though, if it were true, I guess that would explain my younger brother's love fer space."

Dei-Loki laughed as he followed, Malvo right behind him.

Death was the first to look up, War excitedly leaping into a stand at the scent of the food. Pure interest in all of their gazes. 

Masaru lowered his tails to show the plates to each wolf. "Thought we would give you some food. Do you like it?" He said to all dogs, but petted War since he was the closest to him.
Masaru lowered his tails to show the plates to each wolf. "Thought we would give you some food. Do you like it?" He said to all dogs, but petted War since he was the closest to him.

War would close his eyes happily from the patting before eyeing the food - moving his face to the plate as he'd happily eat the food. Conquest, Famine, Death and Rika quickly approaching to do the same.

"Safe to assume that's a yes." Dei-Loki snickered, patting the fur on Rika's back with a happy, nostalgic sigh.
"You know Buh'roham says that his Cat people came close to going to the moon. I never believed it till I saw some old Am Brodian ruins. They had some impressive stuff, none of which made sense to me." He said with a laugh, before quieting down. "More food for thought. What would we do in space? The accomplishment alone would be enough for some, but I prefer something more useful. What is useful about space." 

"You know Buh'roham says that his Cat people came close to going to the moon. I never believed it till I saw some old Am Brodian ruins. They had some impressive stuff, none of which made sense to me." He said with a laugh, before quieting down. "More food for thought. What would we do in space? The accomplishment alone would be enough for some, but I prefer something more useful. What is useful about space." 


"Well, no doubt there's something useful up there." Val grinned, looking to Reglius with a quirked brow. Her reddish brown hair softly traveling in the light breeze. "That's what a lot of adventures are good fer, right?"
War would close his eyes happily from the patting before eyeing the food - moving his face to the plate as he'd happily eat the food. Conquest, Famine, Death and Rika quickly approaching to do the same.

"Safe to assume that's a yes." Dei-Loki snickered, patting the fur on Rika's back with a happy, nostalgic sigh.

Masaru smiled, running his hand through the fur of one of the wolves. "Have they always been here? I remembered the last time we came here, i didn't see any wolves. But i was also extremely focused on not being a total fuck up in front of your Dad."
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Masaru smiled, running his hand through the fur of one of the wolves. "Have they always been here? I remembered the last time we came here, i didn't see any wolves. But i was also extremely focused on not being a total fuck up in front of your Dad."

Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki shook his head. "All of them are new, except Rika here." He patted Rika's side gently. "Though, Rika hasn't been here fer a while. They're all uncle Reaver's wolves."

He looked into her eyes. "Ya' make an excellent point." He paused. "So. Been on any adventures lately? Recent battle excluded." 


Her brow quirked once they exchanged glances, softly inhaling before glancing back to the sky in a bit of a quick... somehow embarrassed and shy fashion. However, she'd grin once more as she spoke. "... As a matter of fact, I have. I was actually venturing around the northern part of Màkrum before I came back home for the holiday."
Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki shook his head. "All of them are new, except Rika here." He patted Rika's side gently. "Though, Rika hasn't been here fer a while. They're all uncle Reaver's wolves."

Her brow quirked once they exchanged glances, softly inhaling before glancing back to the sky in a bit of a quick... somehow embarrassed and shy fashion. However, she'd grin once more as she spoke. "... As a matter of fact, I have. I was actually venturing around the northern part of Màkrum before I came back home for the holiday."

"Your Uncle has dire wolves as pets? That's really unheard of."
"Your Uncle has dire wolves as pets? That's really unheard of."

"Well... I wouldn't call 'em pets. They're more like... his soldiers, I suppose?" Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to Malvo for confirmation.

Malvo nodded. "Apparently uncle is the Dire Wolf King." Malvo shrugged, but smiled as she'd softly stroke Death's fur. "From the stories we were told as pups, it sounds as if uncle has had the ability t' call them whenever he was upset. It's usually always Rika that shows up first t' calm him down. And, based on the history that we know of regarding dire wolves, there was always someone of legend that could call forth these majestic, demonic guardians... How'd I do? Sound accurate?"

"Fairly decent." Death would finally make his voice known and, though still in his native tongue, he'd been understood. Main thanks going to the fact that everyone around him had been animalistic in some way or another.
"Well... I wouldn't call 'em pets. They're more like... his soldiers, I suppose?" Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to Malvo for confirmation.

Malvo nodded. "Apparently uncle is the Dire Wolf King." Malvo shrugged, but smiled as she'd softly stroke Death's fur. "From the stories we were told as pups, it sounds as if uncle has had the ability t' call them whenever he was upset. It's usually always Rika that shows up first t' calm him down. And, based on the history that we know of regarding dire wolves, there was always someone of legend that could call forth these majestic, demonic guardians... How'd I do? Sound accurate?"

"Fairly decent." Death would finally make his voice known and, though still in his native tongue, he'd been understood. Main thanks going to the fact that everyone around him had been animalistic in some way or another.

Masaru listened closely as he kept his eyes on the wolves. "So you decided to stay for your King, eh? May i ask what for?" He looked to Death.
Reglius looked back towards the sky. "Ah. Anything good? Bandits, ruins, random people asking for your help for no particular reason? That's been happening to me and the crew a lot lately." 


"You guys, too!? Aaah, it's like they can't handle certain tasks themselves..." Valerie huffed. "Let's see... the last adventure I went on, I'd been taking out a group of bandits that thought it was a good idea to claim the main road had a toll. Safe t' say, I was the last one they had stopped."

Masaru listened closely as he kept his eyes on the wolves. "So you decided to stay for your King, eh? May i ask what for?" He looked to Death.

"You'd think the war going on is as good of a reason as any, no?" Death closed his eyes. "But, truth be told, the true reason we are here is because our King has finally grown enough courage to step up to the plate as our leader."

Rika huffed. "Fairly certain it would've been sooner if you fools hadn't acted like you were going to kill Reaver and his family... I'm looking at you, Death."

Death growled and glanced to her, Conquest holding in a chuckle while looking away. "I was testing his dominance. We don't need a king that's scared of everything."

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