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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham stood up and quirked his eyebrow to Reaver. "Really? So that wasn't you whining for your baby when Dad took it away?" He tapped Reaver's forehead with a smile.

Reaver blinked following the tap before having then pouted. A huff fleeing him from the thought. "Ah-- Well--... Okay, that was me. But it still took him a while t' find it!"
Buh'roham jotted this information down. "An Empusa? Haven't seen one of those in a while. I've never heard of this kind of power gifted for killing one. Then again most adventures are alive. This, no doubt, is the variable. But even while you're undead, how was the power transferred?

This power is most likely Necrotic in nature. Many believe the power of Necromancy to be chillingly unnatural, a power given to followers of evil. I'd keep your ability under wraps (pun intended) for now. I've been around for a long time and I've seen things worse than Necromancy, but the others most likely won't understand. 

Reaver blinked following the tap before having then pouted. A huff fleeing him from the thought. "Ah-- Well--... Okay, that was me. But it still took him a while t' find it!"

"True. You're were always a good hider and finder. I think it's the dire wolf in ya." Alison ruffled Reaver's hair with a smile.
"True. You're were always a good hider and finder. I think it's the dire wolf in ya." Alison ruffled Reaver's hair with a smile.

Reaver would then grin at this, his eyes remaining closed while his hair was ruffled. His ears would then soon perk once the comment managed to remind him of the wolves in the next room, and he'd quirk a brow after opening his eyes. "Oh! I, uh... found out more about all of that, too, apparently."
Reaver would then grin at this, his eyes remaining closed while his hair was ruffled. His ears would then soon perk once the comment managed to remind him of the wolves in the next room, and he'd quirk a brow after opening his eyes. "Oh! I, uh... found out more about all of that, too, apparently."

"Maker's breath. I really do miss a lot, don't I?" Graham nodded with a smile.
"Maker's breath. I really do miss a lot, don't I?" Graham nodded with a smile.

"Y' really should find a way to visit more often. Anyways," Reaver grinned, before huffing and wincing as he tried to stand. "I... am apparently the, eh... what did they call it? Dire Wolf King? Dire Wolf King. I concurred my fear of dire wolves and now... eh... my room is filled with them."
"that's understandable" zen agreed "ill make sure to keep it as much a secret as possible. But I think is time I went and made my presence made to the others where ever they are." zen was mildly excited to see Reaver and graham. he often wondered what they were doing while he was out and couldn't wait to find out.

"Y' really should find a way to visit more often. Anyways," Reaver grinned, before huffing and wincing as he tried to stand. "I... am apparently the, eh... what did they call it? Dire Wolf King? Dire Wolf King. I concurred my fear of dire wolves and now... eh... my room is filled with them."

Graham squinted up to Reaver. "You better sit down, Reaver Pearce Alaois." He tugged Reaver's clothing. "Your a . . . dire wolf king and have dire wolves . . . . in your room?" Alison blinked, unable to comprehend what was just thrown at her. 
Graham squinted up to Reaver. "You better sit down, Reaver Pearce Alaois." He tugged Reaver's clothing. "Your a . . . dire wolf king and have dire wolves . . . . in your room?" Alison blinked, unable to comprehend what was just thrown at her. 

Reaver's ears flattened, flinching from the use of his full name. The true indicator of how much trouble one was clearly in. Sitting back down, he huffed with a whine. "Okay, okay... and, yeah. Of course, you remember Rika. Well... there's more. Four more, t' be exact. These four are the ones that saved us the night our father and his men turned on us." Reaver pushed past the painful thought. It wasn't needed. Not now. It wasn't the point he was trying to make. "As already known, Rika is always the first t' show up, as she's normally able t' calm me down before the other wolves have the chance t' show up. Though, because of what happened yesterday... they ended up making and appearance. All of them. But, thanks to Graham and his assuring words, I was able t' find that they react t' fear and listen better to assertiveness. With that in mind, they actually helped in the battle. Though, repeatedly yesterday, the enemies seemed to refer t' me as the 'Dire Wolf King'. It's a nice name, nice ring to it... though, I really don't consider myself as a king... ANYWAYS, they stayed throughout the fight, and they're all still here. My room is filled with sassy fuzzies."
zen smiled a little "thank you" he said as he stepped out the door of the alchemy room and into the hallway "now...I wonder where they could be" he monologued to himself quietly as he walked. soon he began to hear voices some familiar some not so much. he was able to pick out Reavers voice the most though. he looked up to the sign over the door where the familiar voices were coming from "The clinic?" he was about to push open the door as he remembered "oh yeah I should wrap up my arm.." as he spoke he reached into his back pack pulling out some already blood soaked gauze and drained it the best he could. he carefully wrapped the blackened arm up to the staples on the fore arm. the gauze had already gone from blood red to a deep black and small sharp spines began to grow all over it, as blood is composed of organic material "well its better than nothing" he murmured pushing open the door to the clinic.


@Forever J
Reaver's ears flattened, flinching from the use of his full name. The true indicator of how much trouble one was clearly in. Sitting back down, he huffed with a whine. "Okay, okay... and, yeah. Of course, you remember Rika. Well... there's more. Four more, t' be exact. These four are the ones that saved us the night our father and his men turned on us." Reaver pushed past the painful thought. It wasn't needed. Not now. It wasn't the point he was trying to make. "As already known, Rika is always the first t' show up, as she's normally able t' calm me down before the other wolves have the chance t' show up. Though, because of what happened yesterday... they ended up making and appearance. All of them. But, thanks to Graham and his assuring words, I was able t' find that they react t' fear and listen better to assertiveness. With that in mind, they actually helped in the battle. Though, repeatedly yesterday, the enemies seemed to refer t' me as the 'Dire Wolf King'. It's a nice name, nice ring to it... though, I really don't consider myself as a king... ANYWAYS, they stayed throughout the fight, and they're all still here. My room is filled with sassy fuzzies."

"I want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" 
zen smiled a little "thank you" he said as he stepped out the door of the alchemy room and into the hallway "now...I wonder where they could be" he monologued to himself quietly as he walked. soon he began to hear voices some familiar some not so much. he was able to pick out Reavers voice the most though. he looked up to the sign over the door where the familiar voices were coming from "The clinic?" he was about to push open the door as he remembered "oh yeah I should wrap up my arm.." as he spoke he reached into his back pack pulling out some already blood soaked gauze and drained it the best he could. he carefully wrapped the blackened arm up to the staples on the fore arm. the gauze had already gone from blood red to a deep black and small sharp spines began to grow all over it, as blood is composed of organic material "well its better than nothing" he murmured pushing open the door to the clinic.


@Forever J

"I want to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" 

Reaver grinned at that, glancing to the wheelchair Chloe pushed in his direction before moving his position so he could sit in a more mobile seat. And, turning to face the door, he dramatically pointed to the ceiling as he leaned back - not having picked up on Zen's presence, at first. "To the sassy fuzzies!"
To Zens surprise the first thing he is greated with upon entering the room is 'to the sassy fuzzies' and a point in his general direction. While not knowing what exactly to make of this, all he could manage was a snicker which shortly turned into a laugh. "Wow OK...never though i would hear that combination of words" he chuckled looking over the room. Seeing reaver was in a wheel chair came as a bit of a shock to him but that wasent important to him at the moment. "Looks like you've been through a lot..Reaver" 

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Reaver grinned at that, glancing to the wheelchair Chloe pushed in his direction before moving his position so he could sit in a more mobile seat. And, turning to face the door, he dramatically pointed to the ceiling as he leaned back - not having picked up on Zen's presence, at first. "To the sassy fuzzies!"

To Zens surprise the first thing he is greated with upon entering the room is 'to the sassy fuzzies' and a point in his general direction. While not knowing what exactly to make of this, all he could manage was a snicker which shortly turned into a laugh. "Wow OK...never though i would hear that combination of words" he chuckled looking over the room. Seeing reaver was in a wheel chair came as a bit of a shock to him but that wasent important to him at the moment. "Looks like you've been through a lot..Reaver" 


Alison nodded, excited to see the furballs before stopping in front of Zen. "Hey Jester!" Graham said from behind the two.
Zen smiled upon hearing the mention of his nick name "graham! Its been a while!" he exclaimed with a smile before looking to the one whom he did not recognize standing before him. "Ah? And who might you be?" He said looking at her curiously 


@Forever J
To Zens surprise the first thing he is greated with upon entering the room is 'to the sassy fuzzies' and a point in his general direction. While not knowing what exactly to make of this, all he could manage was a snicker which shortly turned into a laugh. "Wow OK...never though i would hear that combination of words" he chuckled looking over the room. Seeing reaver was in a wheel chair came as a bit of a shock to him but that wasent important to him at the moment. "Looks like you've been through a lot..Reaver" 


Alison nodded, excited to see the furballs before stopping in front of Zen. "Hey Jester!" Graham said from behind the two.

Reaver blinked a few times following the familiar voice. A grin soon widening across his face. "Jester! Where did y' disappear to!?" in his excitement, he spread his arms - only to wince immediately following the terrible idea. His hand would then rest on the wound at his side. A sigh escaping him. "And, yeah... my body has seen far better days than this."

Chloe quirked a brow, glancing to Zen after noticing that everyone's attention had been in said direction. "Oooooo. See, Alison? They even make friends in our absence!" and, with a playful pout, she crossed her arms.
"Well I've been all over the place" zen smiled "we've got a lot of catching up to do but as of the moment I'm interested in these 'sassy fuzzies' you've mentioned too" he spoke putting air quotations around his words. " oh and for the the two that haven't met me I shall introduce my self. My name is zen but I go by jester" 


@Forever J
"Well I've been all over the place" zen smiled "we've got a lot of catching up to do but as of the moment I'm interested in these 'sassy fuzzies' you've mentioned too" he spoke putting air quotations around his words. " oh and for the the two that haven't met me I shall introduce my self. My name is zen but I go by jester" 


@Forever J

"Nice to meet you, Jester. I'm Alison, that's Chloe. We're Zuzu and Gram-Gram's sisters. And i can agree with you on that. I want to see these sassy fuzzies."
Zen smirked a little hearing the nick names that Reaver and graham had been given but managed not to laugh aloud" nice to meet you alison and chlo-" he bit his tounge for the first time in a while and it fell off although he managed to catch it this time. "Arf youfh serioph" 'are you serious' he sighed As he quickly and efficiently sew'd his tounge back on and proceeded to ignore it fell off in the first place ."now shall we go see what exactly these fuzzies are all about?"


@Forever J
"Nice to meet you, Jester. I'm Alison, that's Chloe. We're Zuzu and Gram-Gram's sisters. And i can agree with you on that. I want to see these sassy fuzzies."

Zen smirked a little hearing the nick names that Reaver and graham had been given but managed not to laugh aloud" nice to meet you alison and chlo-" he bit his tounge for the first time in a while and it fell off although he managed to catch it this time. "Arf youfh serioph" 'are you serious' he sighed As he quickly and efficiently sew'd his tounge back on and proceeded to ignore it fell off in the first place ."now shall we go see what exactly these fuzzies are all about?"


@Forever J

(Zuzu is the queen's nickname, just so you know. Lol.)

Chloe gave a single, long arched wave to Zen. A grin on her face as she'd shut her orange eyes. "Hiya!" and, she'd soon blink after watching as his tongue had fallen out. Her brow lifting in the process. Though, after just the fight alone that happened yesterday, mixed with what she would see in her travels it didn't surprise her too much.

"Still a problem, eh?" Reaver couldn't help but comment, his grin returning to his face as he pointed forward. "Then let us go! Pack one needs to meet pack two!" silence followed his words for a few seconds before he then lowered an ear. "... Someone push me, I'm lazy."

Chloe blinked and rolled her eyes before smirking and heading over to do just that. "To the fuzzies!"
(Zuzu is the queen's nickname, just so you know. Lol.)

Chloe gave a single, long arched wave to Zen. A grin on her face as she'd shut her orange eyes. "Hiya!" and, she'd soon blink after watching as his tongue had fallen out. Her brow lifting in the process. Though, after just the fight alone that happened yesterday, mixed with what she would see in her travels it didn't surprise her too much.

"Still a problem, eh?" Reaver couldn't help but comment, his grin returning to his face as he pointed forward. "Then let us go! Pack one needs to meet pack two!" silence followed his words for a few seconds before he then lowered an ear. "... Someone push me, I'm lazy."

Chloe blinked and rolled her eyes before smirking and heading over to do just that. "To the fuzzies!"

Zen smiled seeing that , although some injured, everyone was just as cheery as before. He took his position beside Reaver as they walked.a Delighted smile on his face.


@Forever J

"I guess i'll go with you guys." Graham said before leaning down to kiss Zuzana's forehead. "Rest well, Sis." He ruffled her hair before going with the group.
Zen smiled seeing that , although some injured, everyone was just as cheery as before. He took his position beside Reaver as they walked.a Delighted smile on his face.


@Forever J

"I guess i'll go with you guys." Graham said before leaning down to kiss Zuzana's forehead. "Rest well, Sis." He ruffled her hair before going with the group.

Zuzana gave a nod, a smile on her face as she'd watch them go. Adrian soon returning to the seat beside her.

Chloe pushed the wheelchair to the next room, soon moving forward and opening the door before Reaver could strain himself by trying to do it himself. To this, Reaver huffed. But his grin would soon return as on the other side of the door, five dire wolves had been scattered throughout the room. Rika laying on the bed as she watched them enter.

"Behold! The sassy fuzzies!" Reaver had snickered, reaching over to softly pat the black wolf as it would make it's way over. Each and every dire wolf, like before, seeming to hold a demonic aura - more so than your typical run-of-the-mill dire wolves you might find on a regular nature walk. Gesturing to each one, he gave their names.


"This is Death,"








"Then, of course, you have my main wolf Rika." And, of course, as he said that, Rika hopped off of the bed before quickly heading over and jumping onto Reaver, setting her somewhat massive weight onto his lap as she huffed and placed a paw on Reaver's shoulder on his uninjured side - watching the others as she'd wag her tail. Reaver let out a loud 'OOF!', followed by a groan belonging to a male that was nearly being crushed. "Oh, no, don't mind me... I'm just... here..."
Zuzana gave a nod, a smile on her face as she'd watch them go. Adrian soon returning to the seat beside her.

Chloe pushed the wheelchair to the next room, soon moving forward and opening the door before Reaver could strain himself by trying to do it himself. To this, Reaver huffed. But his grin would soon return as on the other side of the door, five dire wolves had been scattered throughout the room. Rika laying on the bed as she watched them enter.

"Behold! The sassy fuzzies!" Reaver had snickered, reaching over to softly pat the black wolf as it would make it's way over. Each and every dire wolf, like before, seeming to hold a demonic aura - more so than your typical run-of-the-mill dire wolves you might find on a regular nature walk. Gesturing to each one, he gave their names.

"This is Death,"




"Then, of course, you have my main wolf Rika." And, of course, as he said that, Rika hopped off of the bed before quickly heading over and jumping onto Reaver, setting her somewhat massive weight onto his lap as she huffed and placed a paw on Reaver's shoulder on his uninjured side - watching the others as she'd wag her tail. Reaver let out a loud 'OOF!', followed by a groan belonging to a male that was nearly being crushed. "Oh, no, don't mind me... I'm just... here..."

"Ayee! Get off the injured man." Graham picked up Rika and set her back down on the ground. "Don't even think about sassing me, Missy or i'll take away your doggie treat cake." He squinted, but then soon smiled, petting the spot between her ears. "Wooooooooooow, they're all so beautiful."

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