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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Don't worry, Reaver because my teasing will always come with an amazing gift." He wiggled his eyebrows. 

Reaver's cheeks would darken a bit more, rubbing his face once again.

"Ewwwwww." Adrian put on his best fake, teasing grimace as he looked between the two.
Reaver's cheeks would darken a bit more, rubbing his face once again.

"Ewwwwww." Adrian put on his best fake, teasing grimace as he looked between the two.

Graham stood up and squinted at Adrian, trying his best to hide a smile. "You wanna say somethin'? Ya wonna go?"
Graham stood up and squinted at Adrian, trying his best to hide a smile. "You wanna say somethin'? Ya wonna go?"

"Yeah, I wanna go. Where we goin'!?" Adrian joked, squinting in return.

"Zuzu, can I borrow yer pillow?.." Reaver whispered, Zuzana shaking her head, whispering in return;

"Y' could pull something. It isn't worth it. Trust me."
"Yeah, I wanna go. Where we goin'!?" Adrian joked, squinting in return.

"Zuzu, can I borrow yer pillow?.." Reaver whispered, Zuzana shaking her head, whispering in return;

"Y' could pull something. It isn't worth it. Trust me."

"We can go to the bar! Drink some of that fine shtuff and then tossle in the alleyway! Sound good with you!?" He gave a tight lipped smirk as he rolled up his sleeve. 
"We can go to the bar! Drink some of that fine shtuff and then tossle in the alleyway! Sound good with you!?" He gave a tight lipped smirk as he rolled up his sleeve. 

"Just fine by me! We can duke it out like real men, blood flowing with whiskey!" With his best attempt to keep the act going, he mentally bit back the urge to burst out into laughter while rolling up his own sleeve.
Buh'roham grinned. "May I introduce Brodikanium Soldier One and Two. One of my crowning achievements. Standing around 8 feet tall and made out of the strongest metal in existence. Units One and Two: Subject marked for Ally." 

"Affirmative. Information logged." 

"Now they won't kill you on sight." 

zen let out a small chuckle "well Its certainly good you were here when I showed up. I might have had to go for even more replacement limbs had I fought with these things." as he said this he knocked on the chest piece of one of the soldiers with his left had. the moment he did so a small black spot appeared where it had touched and spread a little in a sort of branching fashon. almost like an infection "oops?...I still haven't got used to this thing yet" he said holding the arm up and examining it.

"Just fine by me! We can duke it out like real men, blood flowing with whiskey!" With his best attempt to keep the act going, he mentally bit back the urge to burst out into laughter while rolling up his own sleeve.

"Wooo! And then we can sing songs at the Karaoke machine and sing until we're too drunk to remember why we're here in the first place?"
"Wooo! And then we can sing songs at the Karaoke machine and sing until we're too drunk to remember why we're here in the first place?"

Adrian then barked out a laugh, closing his eyes with a grin on his face. "Until the barkeep kicks our arses out!"
"well as long as its made of mostly inorganic material it should be fine...other wise..." zen shrugged "I haven't fully grasped what exactly this cursed hand is all about all I know is that it changes organic material into semi sentient violent...entities. speaking of which I have a favor to ask.."

"its nothing too strange. just a gauntlet of sorts. ya'know? to keep any...unwanted accidents from happening. I know that what happens when it touches plants and animals isn't pretty I definitely don't want to see what happens when I touch a person....yet"

Adrian, wiping a joyful tear from his eye, soon managed to calm his laughter before he reached over and clapped Graham on the back. "Just like the good ol' drinkin' days, eh?"

"When Dad hid his good stuff and we all tried to look for it. Yeaaaaaaaaaah."
"When Dad hid his good stuff and we all tried to look for it. Yeaaaaaaaaaah."

"And his angry face after he found out we not only found it, but we all drank a pretty decent amount of it - simply unforgettable." Adrian sighed, grinning in remembrance. "Though, it didn't help that someone drank all of the whiskey."

"Hey. HEY." Reaver would playfully glare. "I couldn't help it. He had a good taste in whiskey, what can I say?"
"And his angry face after he found out we not only found it, but we all drank a pretty decent amount of it - simply unforgettable." Adrian sighed, grinning in remembrance. "Though, it didn't help that someone drank all of the whiskey."

"Hey. HEY." Reaver would playfully glare. "I couldn't help it. He had a good taste in whiskey, what can I say?"

Graham laughed. "Ya damn right, he did. Although, you didn't help keep our secret hidden for long, Rea. You kept singing the most random songs and trying to strip out of your clothes. It didn't take Dad long enough to find out why you were acting that way."
"I believe I could." Buh'roham pulled a notepad out of his back pocket. "I'm going to need to ask a few questions. 

How long have you had this ability? 

Describe the effect the ability has on organic materials. 

How do you feel when you use the ability, accidental or otherwise?" 

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zen tilted his head a little at the questions, thinking "well I've had this ability for around....a month now. I got it after I killed something called...an empusa?..I think. on organic materials.." zen paused a slight shiver running up his spine remembering what happened when he leaned against a tree "at first, as you saw with the metal, there is only a small black spot, like the beginning of an infection but after around 5 minuets it begins to rapidly spread until it has completely engulfed what ever it came into contact with. around 2 minuets later it dissipates but all it leaves is a shell of what was previously there as if it completely drained the nutrients out of its host, at least on plants that is, with any form of animal it does the same thing up to engulfing them but then what ever the animal is begins to grow in size. once this process is finished the head is replaced with only teeth and the hands and feet to claws, afterwards the creature wakes again only it is extremely violent but it seems with this power I can somewhat control them." zen though about the last question for a bit "when I use it...ide have to say I feel as if I've done something that completely goes against the laws of this realm as if corrupting the very existence of what I touch."

Graham laughed. "Ya damn right, he did. Although, you didn't help keep our secret hidden for long, Rea. You kept singing the most random songs and trying to strip out of your clothes. It didn't take Dad long enough to find out why you were acting that way."

"I don't think I'll ever forget that day, despite how far gone I was." Reaver snickered, his voice flip flopping between his own, and an impersonation of Grant to reenact the conversation between the two. "Come here. You been drinking, Reavyboy?" "Yessir." "Who gave you the alcohol?" "Reeeeeeaveeerrr..." "Reaver?" "Is ea (yes)." "Why don't I believe you? Who did it?" "IT WAS MEEEEEE~"
"I don't think I'll ever forget that day, despite how far gone I was." Reaver snickered, his voice flip flopping between his own, and an impersonation of Grant to reenact the conversation between the two. "Come here. You been drinking, Reavyboy?" "Yessir." "Who gave you the alcohol?" "Reeeeeeaveeerrr..." "Reaver?" "Is ea (yes)." "Why don't I believe you? Who did it?" "IT WAS MEEEEEE~"

Graham chuckled and nodded. "The punishment was brutal though. I never thought i would want to drive a fork into my head at the parties with Dad. He truly knew how to hit our fears and make us never want to disobey him again." Graham shuddered. "I can still hear the opera lady sing. Oh, how i wanted to pass out so badly from pure boredom."
Graham chuckled and nodded. "The punishment was brutal though. I never thought i would want to drive a fork into my head at the parties with Dad. He truly knew how to hit our fears and make us never want to disobey him again." Graham shuddered. "I can still hear the opera lady sing. Oh, how i wanted to pass out so badly from pure boredom."

"Ah, hell..." Adrian huffed, whining as he rubbed his face. "He had me help him clean the dungeon, after that. Why the hell are their skulls down there!? Nothing else, just random skulls in a couple of cells! WHERE DID THE REST GO!? AEH!"

Reaver blinked and grinned. "Didn't find my fears so easy, that's fer sure."
"Ah, hell..." Adrian huffed, whining as he rubbed his face. "He had me help him clean the dungeon, after that. Why the hell are their skulls down there!? Nothing else, just random skulls in a couple of cells! WHERE DID THE REST GO!? AEH!"

Reaver blinked and grinned. "Didn't find my fears so easy, that's fer sure."

Graham stood up and quirked his eyebrow to Reaver. "Really? So that wasn't you whining for your baby when Dad took it away?" He tapped Reaver's forehead with a smile.

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