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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Both Zuzana and Adrian would widen their eyes as they witnessed the final crumble. The two looking to each other as Adrian would round the bed before crouching and tugging Graham into a firm embrace. All the while slowly pulling him towards the bed as this would allow Zuzana to join in on the hug as well without needing to struggle with getting across the room - neither having much to say in response, though they didn't agree with Graham's guilt reasoning.

Chloe rounded the corner and poked her head into the room with Valerie and even Reaver right behind her, both Chloe and Val having plates in their hands. Going to announce their presence, Chloe would then stop herself as her brows furrowed. It didn't take her long before she walked in, set the plates down, and joined in on the hug, as well. Both Valerie and Reaver wasting no time to do the same.

Alison walked in from just arriving on the boat. She heard her brother's shaky voice from the back door and immediately went to the clinic where she saw the family hug. "I don't know what just happened, but i'm really okay with this." She went up and hugged with the rest. Graham cried, hugging back. It felt good for him, oddly. To cry and to feel people hold him down from flying away into a void inside himself. 
Alison walked in from just arriving on the boat. She heard her brother's shaky voice from the back door and immediately went to the clinic where she saw the family hug. "I don't know what just happened, but i'm really okay with this." She went up and hugged with the rest. Graham cried, hugging back. It felt good for him, oddly. To cry and to feel people hold him down from flying away into a void inside himself. 

As the family would tighten the hug, Zuzana rubbed Graham's back. Her gaze briefly traveling to Alison as she nodded in a quiet greeting before glancing back to their brother.

"That's it, let it out. Free yourself and let it out." Adrian softly spoke. Those couple of sentences having been something he'd used to help soothe his kids when they were little, and even his siblings in complete breaks loosely similar to this.
As the family would tighten the hug, Zuzana rubbed Graham's back. Her gaze briefly traveling to Alison as she nodded in a quiet greeting before glancing back to their brother.

"That's it, let it out. Free yourself and let it out." Adrian softly spoke. Those couple of sentences having been something he'd used to help soothe his kids when they were little, and even his siblings in complete breaks loosely similar to this.

Graham sniffed and wiped his tears, finally done. "Thanks guys. You're such a good family." He gave a shaky sigh and a small sigh. Alison nodded back to Zuzu and smiled, petting her brother's head. 
Graham sniffed and wiped his tears, finally done. "Thanks guys. You're such a good family." He gave a shaky sigh and a small sigh. Alison nodded back to Zuzu and smiled, petting her brother's head. 

"It's what we're here for." Zuzana smiled, Chloe reaching for the tissue box on the nightstand before offering a few to Graham.
"It's what we're here for." Zuzana smiled, Chloe reaching for the tissue box on the nightstand before offering a few to Graham.

Graham took the tissues and blew his nose. He then took another and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry for freaking out like that. I just. . . i'v been holding that in for so long."
Graham took the tissues and blew his nose. He then took another and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry for freaking out like that. I just. . . i'v been holding that in for so long."

"No, don't be. You needed to let it out at some point. We're just glad you did so before it ate you up entirely." Zuzana would softly tell him, watching as she managed to, yet again, hold a soft smile.
"No, don't be. You needed to let it out at some point. We're just glad you did so before it ate you up entirely." Zuzana would softly tell him, watching as she managed to, yet again, hold a soft smile.

"Yeah. I'm glad about that too. It feels . . . good. So good. . .Alison? When did you get here!?" His eyes widen. "A few minutes ago." She smiled and patted her brother's hair. 
"Yeah. I'm glad about that too. It feels . . . good. So good. . .Alison? When did you get here!?" His eyes widen. "A few minutes ago." She smiled and patted her brother's hair. 

Chloe nodded, grinning slightly. "Yep. Just saw her get off the ship a short while ago while I was dishing up the food."
Chloe nodded, grinning slightly. "Yep. Just saw her get off the ship a short while ago while I was dishing up the food."

"Ahhhhh. I'm sorry that you had to come back to see this. I wanted to make this family whole again, but all i seem to do is cry and be a big baby." Alison giggled, petting the sides of his face. "Graham, none of this is your fault. I got the information from a little birdy. Ruvik's a good guy, great listener when he's not trying to kill us all. But anywaaaaaaaaaays, you're a good guy Gram-Gram. Dad didn't pick the wrong General, he picked the right one. You have saved so many lives and you have given people hope to fight against the war. Dad was right. He IS so very proud of you and so are we. We're so very proud of you, Graham because you're human. Because you're not a robot that works to stop the war. You care too much, and it's alright for that. You're heart is bigger than your whole body, and that's the best thing about you. So stop acting this way because you're human. And a human can't stop everything from being thrown their way, no one can do that. You're our Gram-Gram, and you make us so very proud. You make them, our parents, so very proud as well." She petted his cheek before the bear grabbed her into a hug. As they hugged, Alison looked up to Zuzana in the bed. She moved her hand to Zuzu's and laced their fingers together. "I missed you all." 
Zen had been out for a LONG time. His left arm was an entirely different skin color than the rest of his pale skin. You could clearly see the staples where it had been amaturly attached. His scythe was now accompanied by two rusted butchers knives hanging from his sides. His scythe its self had been remodeled. It had an old fashioned handle but the blade looked oldly new almost pristine. He wore an old beaten back pack. Out of the bottom dripped a strange sticky red liquid which could only be blood. Although so much had changed about him he still had the same casual smile on his face as he strolled into the familiar castle." Been a long time" his smile grew wider. He went where his feet carried him and ended up at a door which he fondly remembered.."the alchemy room?" He muttered as he slowly pushed open the door.



@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
"Ahhhhh. I'm sorry that you had to come back to see this. I wanted to make this family whole again, but all i seem to do is cry and be a big baby." Alison giggled, petting the sides of his face. "Graham, none of this is your fault. I got the information from a little birdy. Ruvik's a good guy, great listener when he's not trying to kill us all. But anywaaaaaaaaaays, you're a good guy Gram-Gram. Dad didn't pick the wrong General, he picked the right one. You have saved so many lives and you have given people hope to fight against the war. Dad was right. He IS so very proud of you and so are we. We're so very proud of you, Graham because you're human. Because you're not a robot that works to stop the war. You care too much, and it's alright for that. You're heart is bigger than your whole body, and that's the best thing about you. So stop acting this way because you're human. And a human can't stop everything from being thrown their way, no one can do that. You're our Gram-Gram, and you make us so very proud. You make them, our parents, so very proud as well." She petted his cheek before the bear grabbed her into a hug. As they hugged, Alison looked up to Zuzana in the bed. She moved her hand to Zuzu's and laced their fingers together. "I missed you all." 

"Y' talked to Ruvik?" Chloe had blinked, lifting a brow as she'd briefly peek out the window while Alison and Graham had hugged. "We've missed you, too. I actually wasn't even sure if you'd show up or not."

Zuzana, whom managed to keep a smile, spread her fingers for the lace before softly squeezing Alison's hand. As this occurred, Adrian had watched with a smile of his own. A small grasp at family peace would be pulled at today, that much had been certain.

(Welcome back, @zenreaper!)
"Y' talked to Ruvik?" Chloe had blinked, lifting a brow as she'd briefly peek out the window while Alison and Graham had hugged. "We've missed you, too. I actually wasn't even sure if you'd show up or not."

Zuzana, whom managed to keep a smile, spread her fingers for the lace before softly squeezing Alison's hand. As this occurred, Adrian had watched with a smile of his own. A small grasp at family peace would be pulled at today, that much had been certain.

(Welcome back, @zenreaper!)

"Yup. And i did. Something felt wrong in my gut when Graham sent a Raven Message over. And we all know Graham. It's best to listen to him and not have him pissed off, right, grizzly bear?" She petted his head and Graham nodded. 
"Yup. And i did. Something felt wrong in my gut when Graham sent a Raven Message over. And we all know Graham. It's best to listen to him and not have him pissed off, right, grizzly bear?" She petted his head and Graham nodded. 

"Certainly lives up t' both being a grizzly and a teddy bear." Reaver spoke quietly as he grinned and watched, patting Graham on the back before huffing when Adrian forced him to sit down in his chair.

"Should feel lucky you can move fast when injured." Adrian smirked, ruffling Reaver's hair before looking back to the others. Reaver having done the same.

"Well, I hope the travel over here wasn't too hectic." Chloe smiled, soon cocking a brow as her smile widened. "On a brighter note - because I feel like we need it - you have a lot to catch up on. One of the things being something that I'll, uh... wait on telling ya, for now. But, for now, exciting news! It's finally happened!" she tossed her fists into the air dramatically. "The General Pyro ship has set sail!"
"Certainly lives up t' both being a grizzly and a teddy bear." Reaver spoke quietly as he grinned and watched, patting Graham on the back before huffing when Adrian forced him to sit down in his chair.

"Should feel lucky you can move fast when injured." Adrian smirked, ruffling Reaver's hair before looking back to the others. Reaver having done the same.

"Well, I hope the travel over here wasn't too hectic." Chloe smiled, soon cocking a brow as her smile widened. "On a brighter note - because I feel like we need it - you have a lot to catch up on. One of the things being something that I'll, uh... wait on telling ya, for now. But, for now, exciting news! It's finally happened!" she tossed her fists into the air dramatically. "The General Pyro ship has set sail!"

"What!? Really!?" Graham nodded. "Yup. I found out that i'm in love with my best friend. Who should be back in his bed resting." He wiped the remaining trace of sadness from his face and looked over to Reaver with a smile. 
"What!? Really!?" Graham nodded. "Yup. I found out that i'm in love with my best friend. Who should be back in his bed resting." He wiped the remaining trace of sadness from his face and looked over to Reaver with a smile. 

"Hey, I came to the call of my soulmate in need." Reaver shrugged, smiling to Graham in return. "Besides, I'm sitting down." 

"Only because I made you do so." Adrian grinned.

Reaver huffed, waving his brother off as he smirked and closed his eyes. "I would've done it, anyway."

"Right.Adrian would scoff, soon glancing back over to the others. "And, it was about time, if you ask me. I was beginning to think they'd never get together."
"Hey, I came to the call of my soulmate in need." Reaver shrugged, smiling to Graham in return. "Besides, I'm sitting down." 

"Only because I made you do so." Adrian grinned.

Reaver huffed, waving his brother off as he smirked and closed his eyes. "I would've done it, anyway."

"Right.Adrian would scoff, soon glancing back over to the others. "And, it was about time, if you ask me. I was beginning to think they'd never get together."

"I still can't believe i was the last one to find out about anything." Alison rolled her eyes. "Hey! We gave you so many hints that apparently went over your head. But i am very happy for you two." Graham nodded, blushing and said thanks.
"I still can't believe i was the last one to find out about anything." Alison rolled her eyes. "Hey! We gave you so many hints that apparently went over your head. But i am very happy for you two." Graham nodded, blushing and said thanks.

"So, SOOOO many." Chloe snickered, leaning against the wall.

"Thank you." Reaver would also thank, leaning back against his chair with a grin on his face.
Buh'roham was working in his Workshop, though that really meant the Alchemy Room he had made his own. Unit One and Two were standing guard next to the door. As it opened they turned to look at the newcomer. 

"Detected: Undead. Engage!" 


Buh'roham spun around, and gasped. "UOne, UTwo! Stand down. Zen? Where have you been, man?" 

"So, SOOOO many." Chloe snickered, leaning against the wall.

"Thank you." Reaver would also thank, leaning back against his chair with a grin on his face.

"And there has been times where we got you to do things just for Reaver's benefit. Chloe, remember that one time where we told Graham to go clean the pools when it was veeeeeeeery hot outside. Ah, poor Reaver. Never thought i would see such a massive nosebleed from just seeing our brother in nothing but swimming shorts." She gave an evil smirk as Graham's eyes widen. "I was being nice! You took advantage of me!" Alison nodded. "But all for good fun. It gave your mate a sight to see, that's for surer, right Reaver?"
"And there has been times where we got you to do things just for Reaver's benefit. Chloe, remember that one time where we told Graham to go clean the pools when it was veeeeeeeery hot outside. Ah, poor Reaver. Never thought i would see such a massive nosebleed from just seeing our brother in nothing but swimming shorts." She gave an evil smirk as Graham's eyes widen. "I was being nice! You took advantage of me!" Alison nodded. "But all for good fun. It gave your mate a sight to see, that's for surer, right Reaver?"

"I remember that! Surprised he was still standing with that much blood coming out of him." Chloe laughed, Reaver having rubbed his face.

"I certainly enjoyed it." Reaver then widened his eyes in the sudden realisation of what he said - his cheeks having darkened. "N-Not that I knew that they did it for me! Th-They walked me t' the window because they wanted t' show me something!"

"There was also the time we all went camping and we convinced Graham t' share a tent with Reaver, if I recall correctly." Adrian grinned.

Zuzana would also grin, gently lifting her free hand for a brief moment. "My idea. You're welcome."
"I remember that! Surprised he was still standing with that much blood coming out of him." Chloe laughed, Reaver having rubbed his face.

"I certainly enjoyed it." Reaver then widened his eyes in the sudden realisation of what he said - his cheeks having darkened. "N-Not that I knew that they did it for me! Th-They walked me t' the window because they wanted t' show me something!"

"There was also the time we all went camping and we convinced Graham t' share a tent with Reaver, if I recall correctly." Adrian grinned.

Zuzana would also grin, gently lifting her free hand for a brief moment. "My idea. You're welcome."

"Is that way you got the big tent and we got the small tent instead of buying two big tents!?"
"Is that way you got the big tent and we got the small tent instead of buying two big tents!?"

"Mmmmmhm!" Zuzana grinned slightly. Reaver having squinted.

"I see what's happening here. Yer all evil masterminds."

"Oh, don't act like ya both didn't enjoy the warmth of being so close~" Adrian laughed, moving out of Reaver's reach.
"Mmmmmhm!" Zuzana grinned slightly. Reaver having squinted.

"I see what's happening here. Yer all evil masterminds."

"Oh, don't act like ya both didn't enjoy the warmth of being so close~" Adrian laughed, moving out of Reaver's reach.

"I guess you're right. I can see why you would all do it. It is fun to tease Reaver, after all." He looked back to Reaver and snickered.
"I guess you're right. I can see why you would all do it. It is fun to tease Reaver, after all." He looked back to Reaver and snickered.

Reaver whined, playfully having pouted as he lowered his ears - glancing to Graham. "Nooo! Not you, toooooo!"

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