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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Buh'roham grinned as the male was thrown, then looked behind him as the serpent rose from the crack. His breath caught in his throat. "Am Dien Mu!" He said under his breath, reverting back to his native tongue in a panic. He started firing wildly at the Magma Serpent. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Alduin quirked his brows once the explosion was tossed, his position changing as he'd been knocked from the tree. His smirk, for a second, had vanished. His body taking several hits. However, he used a couple of the hits he'd taken to knock him into the perfect position to catch himself as he landed. "You've all got good aim, I'll give ya that." The demonic male spoke. However, now standing in everyone's way, had been creatures that resembled wolves to a point, but their bodies were thin, their tails long their claws and teeth sharp, and they'd held patterns in their fur that would glow like the lava below.

"That the best ya got!?" Dei-Loki would laugh as he'd taunt. His blades giving off a glow as he drew them and ran forward to take out several of the beasts. And, as this was occurring, the serpent's clicking would continue - soon emerging from the large hole in the ground as it released a mighty roar. Magma flying from the beast's mouth.

Masaru helped Dei with the wolves, using his katana to throw his weight into the wolves. He had three down before going to help Buh'roham with the snake. He grabbed a few of the dead wolves' claws, throwing them at the snake with precise precision.
Buh'roham grinned as the male was thrown, then looked behind him as the serpent rose from the crack. His breath caught in his throat. "Am Dien Mu!" He said under his breath, reverting back to his native tongue in a panic. He started firing wildly at the Magma Serpent. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru helped Dei with the wolves, using his katana to throw his weight into the wolves. He had three down before going to help Buh'roham with the snake. He grabbed a few of the dead wolves' claws, throwing them at the snake with precise precision.

Dei-Loki would grin from the aid, using one of the wolves to protect himself from the magma saliva that would drip from the large serpent's mouth.

The serpent would roar, turning it's head to use it's thick scales to deflect the projectiles both shot and thrown at it. A large orb forming in it's mouth as the creature of magma had tossed it at them.
Dei-Loki would grin from the aid, using one of the wolves to protect himself from the magma saliva that would drip from the large serpent's mouth.

The serpent would roar, turning it's head to use it's thick scales to deflect the projectiles both shot and thrown at it. A large orb forming in it's mouth as the creature of magma had tossed it at them.

Masaru quickly found a shadow and teleported into it. From there, he began to fire shadow balls at the snake, hoping to get the attention of of Buh'roham so he could add more of his explosives into it.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham barely rolled to the side, feeling the heat on his fur. As it opened its mouth he tossed one of his explosives in there. He continued firing his laser.
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Masaru quickly found a shadow and teleported into it. From there, he began to fire shadow balls at the snake, hoping to get the attention of of Buh'roham so he could add more of his explosives into it.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

The serpent would roar in pain following the near ingestion of said explosion. Tossing it's head back from the impact before quickly diving in the direction the shadow balls had been coming from.

As this was occurring, Dei-Loki would pick off the wolves. Each and every one that they had gone after having disintegrated into ash.

Reaver, watching the carnage unfold before him, would deeply inhale. No use using his baby against the wolves and serpent, that'd only make things worse. So, instead, he'd step towards Tibbot - removing the walking stick that was attached to the side of the saddle. And, in a quick motion, he'd remove the hidden blade - revealing his rapier. A smart move because, the moment he turned around, he needed to use said blade to block Alduin's own.

"Quicker than you were as a kid."
Alduin grinned before disappearing n and then reappearing beside him - kicking him in the side with such a force that sent flying a few feet. "But still. Not. Quick. Enough."
Buh'roham waited and threw an explosive so that it would hit at the same time as a Shadow Ball. Then as the Serpent lept he thrust his hands out and, using his Atomic Shift power (all Am Brodians have it) slowed the Serpent to a stop inches away from Masaru and started twisting the Serpent trying to snap its spine. Given the size of this creature Buh'roham could hold it up for only a few seconds before dropping it. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham waited and threw an explosive so that it would hit at the same time as a Shadow Ball. Then as the Serpent lept he thrust his hands out and, using his Atomic Shift power (all Am Brodians have it) slowed the Serpent to a stop inches away from Masaru and started twisting the Serpent trying to snap its spine. Given the size of this creature Buh'roham could hold it up for only a few seconds before dropping it. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

As the beast was in the air, Masaru quickly shoved his katana up the beast's belly and upwards before launching himself back when the beast fell.

Graham pulled out an military sniper that he infused with a Tommy gun, aiming for Alduin and unloading the clips of bullets into his back and head.

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
Buh'roham waited and threw an explosive so that it would hit at the same time as a Shadow Ball. Then as the Serpent lept he thrust his hands out and, using his Atomic Shift power (all Am Brodians have it) slowed the Serpent to a stop inches away from Masaru and started twisting the Serpent trying to snap its spine. Given the size of this creature Buh'roham could hold it up for only a few seconds before dropping it. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
As the beast was in the air, Masaru quickly shoved his katana up the beast's belly and upwards before launching himself back when the beast fell.

Graham pulled out an military sniper that he infused with a Tommy gun, aiming for Alduin and unloading the clips of bullets into his back and head.

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The beast released a painful "REEEEEEEE!"
To follow the surgical removal from existence. Collapsing the moment Buh'roham had released him. Though, from deep underground, another screech was heard deep underground as another head would surface.

Alduin would grin, his hand moving behind him as a wall of energy was temporarily placed inbetween the two. Grinning, he looked over his shoulder to Graham - waiting for his ammo to run out. "Are you quite finished? This whole song and dance is preventing me from what I seek."
Buh'roham let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. That trick always required a bit of concentration. He heard the screech from the pit into Shadowhiem and leaned over the edge. Making some quick calculations in his head (Sherlock style, words flying across the screen) he threw explosives at key points to seal the crack. Calculations are well and good, but luck may or may not be on his side. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
The beast released a painful "REEEEEEEE!"

To follow the surgical removal from existence. Collapsing the moment Buh'roham had released him. Though, from deep underground, another screech was heard deep underground as another head would surface.

Alduin would grin, his hand moving behind him as a wall of energy was temporarily placed inbetween the two. Grinning, he looked over his shoulder to Graham - waiting for his ammo to run out. "Are you quite finished? This whole song and dance is preventing me from what I seek."

Masaru sighed a relief, hoping that Buh'roham's technology would keep the beast away.

Graham gave an inhuman growl, dropping the guns. "I would advise you to get your damn. Ugly. Claws. Off. Of. My. Rea." With each paused between words, Graham would step closer, pass the beast and such. A weird aura seemed to make any remaining wolf or magma beast cower in fear as he walked closer. "No. ONE. HURTS. MY REA!" He grabbed his mother's necklace, ripping it off his neck. A wisp of dark purple swirled around his wrist before going to his head, after the necklace fell to his feet. The ball of dark purple grew, it began to resemble a flame. The flame grew until it was the size of Graham's head. It then dispersed into separate balls of flames. The flames seemed to have a mind of their own as they all flew into Alduin. One went to back of his neck, hitting a well known pressure point. The others lifting him off the ground into the air, and the last one pushing into his stomach, making him fall incredibly fast into the ground. The ground was dented in by the impact.

Graham stood there, the purple flames began to crawl up from his boots to hair, making him engulfed in the dark warmth. "I promise to the Gods that if someone took another one that i loved, that i would kill them without mercy. With only torture on mind. So, Alduin, choose your battles wisely, before you become like the others that i've killed in my childhood and in my own, personal war."

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. That trick always required a bit of concentration. He heard the screech from the pit into Shadowhiem and leaned over the edge. Making some quick calculations in his head (Sherlock style, words flying across the screen) he threw explosives at key points to seal the crack. Calculations are well and good, but luck may or may not be on his side. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru sighed a relief, hoping that Buh'roham's technology would keep the beast away.

Graham gave an inhuman growl, dropping the guns. "I would advise you to get your damn. Ugly. Claws. Off. Of. My. Rea." With each paused between words, Graham would step closer, pass the beast and such. A weird aura seemed to make any remaining wolf or magma beast cower in fear as he walked closer. "No. ONE. HURTS. MY REA!" He grabbed his mother's necklace, ripping it off his neck. A wisp of dark purple swirled around his wrist before going to his head, after the necklace fell to his feet. The ball of dark purple grew, it began to resemble a flame. The flame grew until it was the size of Graham's head. It then dispersed into separate balls of flames. The flames seemed to have a mind of their own as they all flew into Alduin. One went to back of his neck, hitting a well known pressure point. The others lifting him off the ground into the air, and the last one pushing into his stomach, making him fall incredibly fast into the ground. The ground was dented in by the impact.

Graham stood there, the purple flames began to crawl up from his boots to hair, making him engulfed in the dark warmth. "I promise to the Gods that if someone took another one that i loved, that i would kill them without mercy. With only torture on mind. So, Alduin, choose your battles wisely, before you become like the others that i've killed in my childhood and in my own, personal war."

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

The creature below would click, shrieking as a few of the explosions would seem to make contact. Just by the sound the beast would make.

It wasn't enough.

Shooting from the cracks of the underground had been something that proved to be more than just a serpent, but a fairly large dragon that took to the skies.

"Ahah! I was waiting fer that!" Dei-Loki would grin as he looked up to the mighty dragon, his ability to be able to watch due to the fear Graham had struck into the wolves. The dragon just trying to flee from the scene, as well. Dei-Loki would then glance to Malvo, determined to not let the dragon get away. "Dorchadas! Flying wolf!"

Malvo would grin, nodding as she'd cast a shadow just below Dei-Loki, teleporting him about a hundred feet above said shadow. And, as Dei-Loki fell, he'd link that shadow with the shadow the dragon had cast - causing a portal effect. The momentum shot Dei-Loki into the air, his drawn blades aimed upward as he tore into the wing of the dragon. The short lad traveling STRAIGHT through the skin before he'd do a flip - landing on the injured beasts back. Flipping his blades, he stuck them into the back of the dragon to hang on as he tore his glove off with his teeth. The corruption surging at his pitch black fingertips. "Dragon sรฉala!" He'd shout, slamming his palm into the back of the beast as a large surge of pitch black energy would erupt from the creature, the creature coming crashing to the Engranussian soil below, a large crater forming as a result of such a large beast's impact. A large cloud of dust clouding the area.

"DEI-LOKI!" Malvo would shout, quickly rushing over as she slid down into the crater. Coughing in the process as she looked around for her brother.

Meanwhile, just before the dragon had fallen, Reaver looked up and watched Graham and his power in awe. This wasn't something he'd ever expect to see, but... he liked it. And that's not just the pyromaniac side talking! He always had a feeling Graham was more than what he'd seemed. He was only snapped out of the fascination for a brief moment as he'd heard Malvo's yell - to which his gaze darted in that direction. Rika looking over as well before looking to Reaver. "Go help them find Dei-Loki while Alduin is being dealt with, I'm sure we'll be fine!" Rika would give a nod of agreement, rushing in the direction of the crater to aid with finding little Loki. As she ran off, Reaver looked back over to Graham and Alduin. That awe still there.

Alduin, moderately surprised, would release a yelp following the first hit, yelping from the others, as well. And, thanks to that first initial hit, he wasn't able to react in time. Before he knew it, he was knocked into the ground with such a force that he hadn't felt in a long while. In short, the wind was knocked out of him. His gaze to the sky as he'd try to bring forth enough energy to force out his words. "Wasn't... expecting... a warlock..."
The creature below would click, shrieking as a few of the explosions would seem to make contact. Just by the sound the beast would make.

It wasn't enough.
Meanwhile, just before the dragon had fallen, Reaver looked up and watched Graham and his power in awe. This wasn't something he'd ever expect to see, but... he liked it. And that's not just the pyromaniac side talking! He always had a feeling Graham was more than what he'd seemed. He was only snapped out of the fascination for a brief moment as he'd heard Malvo's yell - to which his gaze darted in that direction. Rika looking over as well before looking to Reaver. "Go help them find Dei-Loki while Alduin is being dealt with, I'm sure we'll be fine!" Rika would give a nod of agreement, rushing in the direction of the crater to aid with finding little Loki. As she ran off, Reaver looked back over to Graham and Alduin. That awe still there.

Alduin, moderately surprised, would release a yelp following the first hit, yelping from the others, as well. And, thanks to that first initial hit, he wasn't able to react in time. Before he knew it, he was knocked into the ground with such a force that he hadn't felt in a long while. In short, the wind was knocked out of him. His gaze to the sky as he'd try to bring forth enough energy to force out his words. "Wasn't... expecting... a warlock..."

"You didn't expect a lot of things, Alduin. Do you not listen to the old wives tales? Never. Underestimate your enemy." Graham stopped down onto the ground, the fire leaking off of his boot and towards Alduin. The crater that Alduin made began to grow with old scriptions circling around him. The ground shook before Alduin seem to glow a bright purple, then evaporating between dimensions. After a second, he popped out of the dimension that he was in and onto the ground floor near Lucifel and the others.

Masaru quickly went to the crater that had Dei in it. Looking for him with his heart skyrocketing into his throat. "Please let him be okay."

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
"You didn't expect a lot of things, Alduin. Do you not listen to the old wives tales? Never. Underestimate your enemy." Graham stopped down onto the ground, the fire leaking off of his boot and towards Alduin. The crater that Alduin made began to grow with old scriptions circling around him. The ground shook before Alduin seem to glow a bright purple, then evaporating between dimensions. After a second, he popped out of the dimension that he was in and onto the ground floor near Lucifel and the others.

Masaru quickly went to the crater that had Dei in it. Looking for him with his heart skyrocketing into his throat. "Please let him be okay."

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Alduin widened his eyes as he was removed from the scene. Stifling a groan as he looked to the sky.

Lucifel would blink, ceasing his travel as he looked down to the injured male. "... Well, don't you look broken."


Reaver, continuing to watch, would slowly stand as soon as Alduin was gone. Stumbling a bit as he'd looked to Graham.

Malvo continued to cough, clearing the dust and debris from the area with a spell - Rika quickly darting over to Dei-Loki as he coughed and stood up - dusting himself off.

"What a ride!" Dei-Loki huffed before he fell back into a sit. Truly exhausted, he glanced to Masaru and the others, Rika licking one of the scratches on his cheek. "Did... we win?"

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham watched in awe this magnificent display of power from the General. Buh'roham was never capable of such abilities and had always been slightly envious of those who had them. He had, however, an idea. If he could tech his way to that level of power... it would be beautiful.

Dar'vange looked at the random person that just kind of... appeared with a confused tilt of his head. "Who the eff is this?"
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Alduin widened his eyes as he was removed from the scene. Stifling a groan as he looked to the sky.
Reaver, continuing to watch, would slowly stand as soon as Alduin was gone. Stumbling a bit as he'd looked to Graham.

Malvo continued to cough, clearing the dust and debris from the area with a spell - Rika quickly darting over to Dei-Loki as he coughed and stood up - dusting himself off.

"What a ride!" Dei-Loki huffed before he fell back into a sit. Truly exhausted, he glanced to Masaru and the others, Rika licking one of the scratches on his cheek. "Did... we win?"

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Graham's fire continued to grew, an agonizing groan slipped from his lips as he began to turn, falling to his knees and began to crawl to his mother's necklace. "Too . . . much . . . power." He stopped, his voice hoarse and tired. Yuki came to his side, bringing the necklace around his neck and it snapped together as if it belonged on his neck. Soon the power became dim in himself again. He was able to breathe and gave a heavy sigh. "Thanks Yuki." She nodded, grabbing him so he leaned on her as they stood up. Graham's eyes went everywhere, but on Reaver's.

Masaru sighed, launching onto Dei's body, and began to nuzzle his cheek profusely. "Never ever do something so crazy like that. You had me worrying about you, Squish. Oh Gods, i wanna take you home and keep you safe, you dangerous, cute daredevil."
Buh'roham watched in awe this magnificent display of power from the General. Buh'roham was never capable of such abilities and had always been slightly envious of those who had them. He had, however, an idea. If he could tech his way to that level of power... it would be beautiful.

Dar'vange looked at the random person that just kind of... appeared with a confused tilt of his head. "Who the eff is this?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham's fire continued to grew, an agonizing groan slipped from his lips as he began to turn, falling to his knees and began to crawl to his mother's necklace. "Too . . . much . . . power." He stopped, his voice hoarse and tired. Yuki came to his side, bringing the necklace around his neck and it snapped together as if it belonged on his neck. Soon the power became dim in himself again. He was able to breathe and gave a heavy sigh. "Thanks Yuki." She nodded, grabbing him so he leaned on her as they stood up. Graham's eyes went everywhere, but on Reaver's.

Masaru sighed, launching onto Dei's body, and began to nuzzle his cheek profusely. "Never ever do something so crazy like that. You had me worrying about you, Squish. Oh Gods, i wanna take you home and keep you safe, you dangerous, cute daredevil."

"Beats the hell out of me." Lucifel blinked, cocking his head from Alduin's grumbling.

"They killed my dragon..." Alduin grumbled, sitting up with a wince.

Reaver would watch as Yuki helped Graham, slowly heading over to them both.

Dei-Look yelped as he'd been tackled. Laughing from both that and the nonstop nuzzling, he hugged him. "Sorry, but letting that dragon get away was something I wasn't about to let happen. Won't happen again."

Malvo smiled, happy Dei-Loki had been alright. However, she'd then perk her ears at the sound of a feint humming that had come from within the slowly disintegrating, winged lizard. This, of course, was followed by a soft glow. Heading over to check it out. Rika, of course, quickly having followed.
"Beats the hell out of me." Lucifel blinked, cocking his head from Alduin's grumbling.

"They killed my dragon..." Alduin grumbled, sitting up with a wince.

Reaver would watch as Yuki helped Graham, slowly heading over to them both.

Dei-Look yelped as he'd been tackled. Laughing from both that and the nonstop nuzzling, he hugged him. "Sorry, but letting that dragon get away was something I wasn't about to let happen. Won't happen again."

Malvo smiled, happy Dei-Loki had been alright. However, she'd then perk her ears at the sound of a feint humming that had come from within the slowly disintegrating, winged lizard. This, of course, was followed by a soft glow. Heading over to check it out. Rika, of course, quickly having followed.

Graham gulped, scratching the back of his neck as he looked to the ground. Yuki looked between the two before handing Graham off to Reaver. "I should go help the others." Yuki then quickly walk away to let the men talk. Graham couldn't help but keep his weight on Reaver. His body was already exhausted as it is, and if he tried to walk on his own, he might pass out. "Reaver. I'm- . . . i'm sorry i never told you. Maker's breath. You must be angry now. I'm such a hypocrite for telling you to tell me that you love me and . . . never telling you this. I . . . i'm sorry."

Masaru kissed Dei's temple. "It's okay. Besides. That was pretty badass, babe."
Dar'vange cast a small healing spell on the random person. "Who killed your dragon? Or is that an innuendo? In that case I know your pain bro."
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Buh'roham called out. "I have health crystals for those who need it."
Graham gulped, scratching the back of his neck as he looked to the ground. Yuki looked between the two before handing Graham off to Reaver. "I should go help the others." Yuki then quickly walk away to let the men talk. Graham couldn't help but keep his weight on Reaver. His body was already exhausted as it is, and if he tried to walk on his own, he might pass out. "Reaver. I'm- . . . i'm sorry i never told you. Maker's breath. You must be angry now. I'm such a hypocrite for telling you to tell me that you love me and . . . never telling you this. I . . . i'm sorry."

Masaru kissed Dei's temple. "It's okay. Besides. That was pretty badass, babe."

Alduin quirked his brow as a bit of the pain was relieved from his person closing his eyes as he sighed with a growl of displeasure. "One of the royal brats. Had a big confrontation with a lot of them because I was... looking for someone. Didn't turn out too well."

Reaver would support Graham's weight fairly well for someone that took a kick to his old wound. His gaze on the ground as he listened to Graham's words. "Shut up..."

Dei-Loki snickered, grinning as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Was it? Did I impress y'?" He'd then look in Buh'roham's direction, wincing as he raised his hand. "I could use one. I'm a bit sore from that landing."

Malvo would crouch, shifting through the ashes before having ooed, lifting the ring from the debris.
"You think this is what we came for, Rika?" Malvo asked, Rika gazing at the gem for a moment.

"It would seem so..." Rika assured in her native tongue, looking it over. Malvo giving a nod as she patted her and stood up.
Alduin quirked his brow as a bit of the pain was relieved from his person closing his eyes as he sighed with a growl of displeasure. "One of the royal brats. Had a big confrontation with a lot of them because I was... looking for someone. Didn't turn out too well."

Reaver would support Graham's weight fairly well for someone that took a kick to his old wound. His gaze on the ground as he listened to Graham's words. "Shut up..."

Dei-Loki snickered, grinning as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Was it? Did I impress y'?" He'd then look in Buh'roham's direction, wincing as he raised his hand. "I could use one. I'm a bit sore from that landing."

Malvo would crouch, shifting through the ashes before having ooed, lifting the ring from the debris.
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"You think this is what we came for, Rika?" Malvo asked, Rika gazing at the gem for a moment.

"It would seem so..." Rika assured in her native tongue, looking it over. Malvo giving a nod as she patted her and stood up.

Graham looked to Reaver. "Don't be mad at me, please Reaver. I was just too afraid of telling you. I thought you would be . . . afraid. A lot of people are afraid especially when it comes to dark magick." He placed his hand over his mother's locket, feeling the coldness of it before placing it under his shirt like before.

"Yeah ya did. You were practically flying. Did i ever tell you that kicking ass is another turn-on?"
Graham looked to Reaver. "Don't be mad at me, please Reaver. I was just too afraid of telling you. I thought you would be . . . afraid. A lot of people are afraid especially when it comes to dark magick." He placed his hand over his mother's locket, feeling the coldness of it before placing it under his shirt like before.

"Yeah ya did. You were practically flying. Did i ever tell you that kicking ass is another turn-on?"

"Graham. Shut up." Reaver would repeat, soon turning his position so he could tightly embrace Graham whilst still managing to support him. Silence briefly following this before having spoken yet again. "Do ya really think I'd ever be scared of y', ya big oaf? Really? Yer my best friend. Hell, now my proven soulmate. I could never be scared of you. Ever. No matter what y' are. I love you, sugar bear. I love the hell out of ya. And no amount of dark magick can ever scare me away." Pressing his forehead to Graham's, Reaver gave a warm smile. "... Besides... the way y' did a number on someone that caused my past so much trauma that I mentally buried it until now was pretty, entertaining, if I do say so myself. And the fire, aaah... fucking beautiful."

Dei-Loki quirked his brows at this, looking to Masaru again as he waited for Buh'roham's response. "Why didn't y' tell me that sooner? I would've stuck the landing better!"
Buh'roham rushed over. "Here you go. Am Brodian medicine! This'll sting." He pulled out a crystal in the shape of a syringe and stuck it gently into an artery in the wrist. It stung like hell as harmful bacteria were exterminated and tissue repaired. But the discomfort will stop, usually in like two minutes.

A grin crept across Dar'vange's fuzzy face. "A royal brat? This brat wouldn't happen to be associated with THE Royal family would they?"
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"Graham. Shut up." Reaver would repeat, soon turning his position so he could tightly embrace Graham whilst still managing to support him. Silence briefly following this before having spoken yet again. "Do ya really think I'd ever be scared of y', ya big oaf? Really? Yer my best friend. Hell, now my proven soulmate. I could never be scared of you. Ever. No matter what y' are. I love you, sugar bear. I love the hell out of ya. And no amount of dark magick can ever scare me away." Pressing his forehead to Graham's, Reaver gave a warm smile. "... Besides... the way y' did a number on someone that caused my past so much trauma that I mentally buried it until now was pretty, entertaining, if I do say so myself. And the fire, aaah... fucking beautiful."

Dei-Loki quirked his brows at this, looking to Masaru again as he waited for Buh'roham's response. "Why didn't y' tell me that sooner? I would've stuck the landing better!"

Graham's smile grew with a tiny blush. "Yeah? I mean, i did do a good number on that jerk, i guess. You really serious? You're not mad at all for me keeping my secret away from you for so long?"

Masaru smile turned into a frown when the syringe was lodged into his skin. Masaru nodded towards Buh'roham, "thanks, and how you feelin', Squishy?" Masaru said, turning back towards Dei.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham rushed over. "Here you go. Am Brodian medicine! This'll sting." He pulled out a crystal in the shape of a syringe and stuck it gently into an artery in the wrist. It stung like hell as harmful bacteria were exterminated and tissue repaired. But the discomfort will stop, usually in like two minutes.

A grin crept across Dar'vange's fuzzy face. "A royal brat? This brat wouldn't happen to be associated with THE Royal family would they?"
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Graham's smile grew with a tiny blush. "Yeah? I mean, i did do a good number on that jerk, i guess. You really serious? You're not mad at all for me keeping my secret away from you for so long?"

Masaru smile turned into a frown when the syringe was lodged into his skin. Masaru nodded towards Buh'roham, "thanks, and how you feelin', Squishy?" Masaru said, turning back towards Dei.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

"That's a pretty good guess. Yes. It's the King's youngest son that killed my dragon."

A wicked grin slid up Lucifel's face at this, arching a brow. "Excellent news! The two wardens have returned."

Reaver, shaking his head, would keep his smile. "I'm as serious as they come right now. Granted, I would've loved to know sooner, but I know now, so... no more secrets? Please? It's only fair, since you told me not t' keep any from you."

Dei-Loki grimaced from the sting, forcefully growling through the pain as he winced. A huff soon escaping him once the injection was through. And, panting, he spoke in reassurance. "I'll live. Thank you, Buh'roham."

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