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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Two thousand years..." Ma'Jindarr breathed out. How old is Reaver then? He seems so young!"

A man dressed in ornate heavy armor walked up to them and bowed respectfully. "Welcome to LionClan! I am Techal Jarho, and I can take you to the Grandmaster. Follow me." He led them towards the center of camp, marked by a great bonfire, currently unlit. They were surrounded by tents of various conditions and types. Techal led them to a medium sized tent, from which clanging can be heard. Entering the tent Techal spoke. "Father, some visitors for you!"

"Thank you Techal." Buh'roham looked up from his work, set his tools down and turned to them, worry narrowing his gaze. "You looked troubled Lord Reaver. Is something wrong?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

"Ah, he's still young. Y' figure his niece and nephew are over a hundred, so he and his mate are older than that." War huffed, but smiled, nonetheless.

Graham looked to Reaver, since Reaver was asked the question and he didn't feel like butting in.

Reaver exhaled, not truly surprised that his discontent had been recognised. "... For the past few nights, my mother has been visiting my dreams. I have a feeling she's trying to warn me of something, or just lead me home for other reasons. We're going to go investigate. Would you like t' tag along?"
Buh'roham's eyes sparkled with interest. "I would love to! Only if you mind putting up with some questions? Excuse me while I grab some things." He turned around and grabbed a pack filled with necessary items for travel. He grabbed his sword, his breastplate to protect from arrows, bolts, and bullets, his cape with the Lion's Crest on it, extra Magicka Crystals for Chrysilis, and Chrysilis itself. "Let's do this!" As they started walking Buh'roham walked next to Reaver. "About your deceased parentel. You, of course, hear tales of ancestors instructing their descendants to go on quests but that's just stories! This is happening! Tell me, what did she ask of you?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham's eyes sparkled with interest. "I would love to! Only if you mind putting up with some questions? Excuse me while I grab some things." He turned around and grabbed a pack filled with necessary items for travel. He grabbed his sword, his breastplate to protect from arrows, bolts, and bullets, his cape with the Lion's Crest on it, extra Magicka Crystals for Chrysilis, and Chrysilis itself. "Let's do this!" As they started walking Buh'roham walked next to Reaver. "About your deceased parentel. You, of course, hear tales of ancestors instructing their descendants to go on quests but that's just stories! This is happening! Tell me, what did she ask of you?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

Reaver had watched Buh'roham, sticking close to Graham as he'd nod in agreement to the question which would open the door for... questioning. With an arched brow, Reaver tucked his hands into his pockets. "As for words, she's said none. But this last dream I had of her she led me to the remains of our old home, and there was a male. I don't remember his name, but something about him gives me a bad feeling, like I do know him."

Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham thought for a while. "Well if the male figure gave you a feeling of familiarity and a 'bad feeling' simultaneously, it's either someone you knew, or someone you know. Either way it's bad new for us. Do you know or remember anyone from your past who would wish to do you harm?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham thought for a while. "Well if the male figure gave you a feeling of familiarity and a 'bad feeling' simultaneously, it's either someone you knew, or someone you know. Either way it's bad new for us. Do you know or remember anyone from your past who would wish to do you harm?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

Reaver shook his head, his gaze slightly narrowed, and directed downward at the thought. "I don't believe so. The only one whom I know would truly want my head is my father, but he's dead and I think I would've recognised him, anyways. Ahh, this is gonna bug me until I find out."

Forever J Forever J
Reaver shook his head, his gaze slightly narrowed, and directed downward at the thought. "I don't believe so. The only one whom I know would truly want my head is my father, but he's dead and I think I would've recognised him, anyways. Ahh, this is gonna bug me until I find out."

Forever J Forever J

"We'll find out shortly. I never heard of this man from your past, so hopefully he wasn't truly an important piece to remember, because otherwise, my Dad would've told me." Graham said as he continued to walk. He opened the door of the carriage, "everyone get in." He patted the door before hopping onto his horse. The mechanical, demonic horse snorted. Graham snickered, reaching down just a slight, and petting the horse's cheek.
"We'll find out shortly. I never heard of this man from your past, so hopefully he wasn't truly an important piece to remember, because otherwise, my Dad would've told me." Graham said as he continued to walk. He opened the door of the carriage, "everyone get in." He patted the door before hopping onto his horse. The mechanical, demonic horse snorted. Graham snickered, reaching down just a slight, and petting the horse's cheek.

Reaver allowed the others to get into the carriage first, currently debating between on whether to call forth Tibbot, or travel in the carriage. Both of which were acceptable, but he couldn't help but like the idea of Tibbot more. Something about a unicorn made this trip sound a bit easier. So, letting out a whistle, he then waited before the pitch black, majestic beast had run to his side. Reaching up, Reaver softly patted the horse. "Time fer a quest, old friend." He'd say before climbing on.

Dei-Loki took the side closes my to the window, leaning back as he stretched with a sigh. Malvo taking the seat opposite of him and Rika had taken a seat on the floor, as to not take up too much room.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
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Reaver allowed the others to get into the carriage first, currently debating between on whether to call forth Tibbot, or travel in the carriage. Both of which were acceptable, but he couldn't help but like the idea of Tibbot more. Something about a unicorn made this trip sound a bit easier. So, letting out a whistle, he then waited before the pitch black, majestic beast had run to his side. Reaching up, Reaver softly patted the horse. "Time fer a quest, old friend." He'd say before climbing on.

Dei-Loki took the side closes my to the window, leaning back as he stretched with a sigh. Malvo taking the seat opposite of him and Rika had taken a seat on the floor, as to not take up too much room.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Graham leaned over, petting Tibbot. Arion snorted again, and Graham patted a mechanical plate on his neck. "Do you want to equip Tibbot and help him pull the cart?" He asked, looking to Arion before Arion shook his head, his mane flying. "It's okay to ask for help! Jeesh, i wonder where you get it from?" He laughed, holding the reins tightly in his hand.
Buh'roham had to be snapped out of a stupor caused by the beautiful creatures in front of him. "This adventure has certainly gotten more interesting."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham leaned over, petting Tibbot. Arion snorted again, and Graham patted a mechanical plate on his neck. "Do you want to equip Tibbot and help him pull the cart?" He asked, looking to Arion before Arion shook his head, his mane flying. "It's okay to ask for help! Jeesh, i wonder where you get it from?" He laughed, holding the reins tightly in his hand.

Tibbot huffed from the patting, and Reaver chuckled from Buh'roham's comment, before glancing over to Graham and Arion. A grin forming on his face. "Ah, the famous stubbornness. If he doesn't need help, I won't force it." He would comment, Tibbot releasing another huff.
Buh'roham looked at the scenery as they drove on, all the while wondering what could await them at this place of ill repute. Reaver had said his father was dead, but many dead things had come back lately. "So what sort of childhood did you have? If you don't mind me asking."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham looked at the scenery as they drove on, all the while wondering what could await them at this place of ill repute. Reaver had said his father was dead, but many dead things had come back lately. "So what sort of childhood did you have? If you don't mind me asking."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Tibbot huffed from the patting, and Reaver chuckled from Buh'roham's comment, before glancing over to Graham and Arion. A grin forming on his face. "Ah, the famous stubbornness. If he doesn't need help, I won't force it." He would comment, Tibbot releasing another huff.

Graham turned back for a short second, still driving the carriage through the forest. The need to keep Reaver safe and happy increasing at the mention of his childhood.
Buh'roham looked at the scenery as they drove on, all the while wondering what could await them at this place of ill repute. Reaver had said his father was dead, but many dead things had come back lately. "So what sort of childhood did you have? If you don't mind me asking."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham turned back for a short second, still driving the carriage through the forest. The need to keep Reaver safe and happy increasing at the mention of his childhood.

Reaver's grin fell the instant the question had been brought up. His gaze falling to the reins in his hands. "Ah, it... wasn't a good one. Not fer the first eight years, anyhow..." With a shaky sigh, he'd grip the reins. "It was the kind of living situation that would make Hell look like a highly rated and praised INN. My father ended up killing my mother a very short while after I was born, which left us t' grow up with a narcissistic bastard with a hatred for me in particular. Why? He thought our mother cheated on him and that I was the love child of the affair. Any way he could, he'd hurt me. Most nights in ways that would be enough to make the most emotionless creature feel the need to break down into a crying mess..." He shakily sighed, his ears having lowered as the topic clearly seemed to set something off in him. His words dripping with pain, anger, fear, disbelief... all negative. "... The final night we were there, he'd decided to turn his men on us. Us. His own children. And for what reason? He got mad because I'd been hiding Rika from him, and he found out due to the bite Rika had given me, and the gift that came with it. He wanted t' kill her, I protected her - as did Adrian and Valerie. And, in our act of protection, I had burned down that palace and my rage called forth the wolves, and the wolves wasted no time - tearing apart each and every one of them..."
Reaver's grin fell the instant the question had been brought up. His gaze falling to the reins in his hands. "Ah, it... wasn't a good one. Not fer the first eight years, anyhow..." With a shaky sigh, he'd grip the reins. "It was the kind of living situation that would make Hell look like a highly rated and praised INN. My father ended up killing my mother a very short while after I was born, which left us t' grow up with a narcissistic bastard with a hatred for me in particular. Why? He thought our mother cheated on him and that I was the love child of the affair. Any way he could, he'd hurt me. Most nights in ways that would be enough to make the most emotionless creature feel the need to break down into a crying mess..." He shakily sighed, his ears having lowered as the topic clearly seemed to set something off in him. His words dripping with pain, anger, fear, disbelief... all negative. "... The final night we were there, he'd decided to turn his men on us. Us. His own children. And for what reason? He got mad because I'd been hiding Rika from him, and he found out due to the bite Rika had given me, and the gift that came with it. He wanted t' kill her, I protected her - as did Adrian and Valerie. And, in our act of protection, I had burned down that palace and my rage called forth the wolves, and the wolves wasted no time - tearing apart each and every one of them..."

Graham continued to control his horse, staring in front of him as he steered, but his tone was clear. "Reaver, that's enough. Buh'roham, i would like for you to watch your questions carefully for now on."
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham could smell the various negative emotions emanating from the prince. And he understood all he said, though he didn't care for the General's tone. "He didn't have to answer. I would've understood if he said he didn't want to talk about it. I've been on this planet for over a millennia and I've seen all sorts of despicable creatures that call themselves human. I know what horrendous things people are capable of. I understand." The car grew silent for a solid minute. In an attempt to break the ice: "Where'd you get the unicorn?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham continued to control his horse, staring in front of him as he steered, but his tone was clear. "Reaver, that's enough. Buh'roham, i would like for you to watch your questions carefully for now on."
TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham could smell the various negative emotions emanating from the prince. And he understood all he said, though he didn't care for the General's tone. "He didn't have to answer. I would've understood if he said he didn't want to talk about it. I've been on this planet for over a millennia and I've seen all sorts of despicable creatures that call themselves human. I know what horrendous things people are capable of. I understand." The car grew silent for a solid minute. In an attempt to break the ice: "Where'd you get the unicorn?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

Reaver hushed himself come Graham's words, finding himself now fiddling with the reins as Tibbot would continue to carry him. The long silence seeming to feed into his negativity, and that process was thankfully broken by the time the next question came up. "Oh! Now that's a bit of a lighter tale. Graham and I came across Tibbot when he was only a foal. Couldn't find his mother, so we took him back with us before the mythical creature hunters could even catch wind of him being around. I'm a bit surprised he took to us, in all honesty."
Buh'roham couldn't help smile. After images of the most disturbing things he'd ever seen in his life time, it was nice to speak of happy stories. "I have Am even more important question! Can he use magic?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham stayed out of the conversation, but kept his ears open. Listening to Reaver's tone, the sounds he made and didn't make. A strong urge to protect his mate made him feel tense and crazy.

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Reaver perked his ears in response to the question, a grin on his face as he laughed. "Of course he can use magic! Wouldn't be much of a unicorn if he couldn't!"
Buh'roham grinned. "Charging into battle with a unicorn must be so cool! Now what's the story with Robo Horse over there?" Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

"He was my Father's horse first. Found him in the forest near the palace, burning the area down. Poor thing had a permanent curse on him from something, most likely a witch. He was a normal horse until the curse turned him demonic and gruesome. He began to decay, My father was a good man though, he always found a way to make things okay. He brought the horse out of that zone slightly, mixing this majestic beast with mechanical engineering to preserve his body. Once my Dad died, i was given to the horse, and named him Arion after my first dog." He scratched the back of the ear that was still fleshy and healthy. Arion snorted, kicking up the speed a little faster.
"You know, I've never had a mount. No horse or anything. Odd how I've never noticed. Well there was that dragon, but that was mutually beneficial at the time. Haven't seen her since. Ah the stories I could tell! Usually involving killing bad guys. The usual, you know." He watched the scenery as they traveled.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Reaver listened to the two, his grin remaining as he'd turn his gaze forward. Everything around him seeming to grow with familiarity. However, he held his positive exterior look. He needed to know, anyways. And uncovering the mystery, even with the extreme possibility of it being something bad, seemed to drive him forward. Advancing farther and farther... then his grin vanished, and what replaced that once positive look on his face had been an expression of pure terror, as well as realisation. He didn't want to go further, he knew who had been ahead of them. "No... No, no, no, no. We have t' go back. Now."

Forever J Forever J , TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Reaver listened to the two, his grin remaining as he'd turn his gaze forward. Everything around him seeming to grow with familiarity. However, he held his positive exterior look. He needed to know, anyways. And uncovering the mystery, even with the extreme possibility of it being something bad, seemed to drive him forward. Advancing farther and farther... then his grin vanished, and what replaced that once positive look on his face had been an expression of pure terror, as well as realisation. He didn't want to go further, he knew who had been ahead of them. "No... No, no, no, no. We have t' go back. Now."

Forever J Forever J , TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Graham shot his glance backwards, watching the fear drain Reaver's face of color. "I told you, Reaver. Turn back, i'll finish this mission and bring back to you what your mother wanted for so long."

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