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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Cool, I suppose. Do you have any powers, and the others? You never can tell if the stories are true."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

"Aside from being immune from the blight, we're... immortal, in a sense? All of us, excluding Rika and Reaver, of course, have been around for a long time. Long enough to loose count of the years. Because of who we are, our strength and endurance are far higher than most."

"After you, babe." Graham opened the door.

Reaver, despite the circumstances, made his way out of the room with a smile. One of his ears having lowered in the process. "Alright. Rika first."
Ma'Jindarr nodded knowingly. "I thought so. That's what I expected. Matches the stories. I'd hate to be immortal. If you look at Buh'roham long enough, his eyes look so lonely. I suppose it's easier when all your friends are immortal too."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
"Aside from being immune from the blight, we're... immortal, in a sense? All of us, excluding Rika and Reaver, of course, have been around for a long time. Long enough to loose count of the years. Because of who we are, our strength and endurance are far higher than most."

Reaver, despite the circumstances, made his way out of the room with a smile. One of his ears having lowered in the process. "Alright. Rika first."

Graham quickly went over to where they saw them last, in the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart." He kneel, petting Rika's head. "Wanna go on a quest with us? We're going to Reaver's past, and could use support if need be."
Ma'Jindarr nodded knowingly. "I thought so. That's what I expected. Matches the stories. I'd hate to be immortal. If you look at Buh'roham long enough, his eyes look so lonely. I suppose it's easier when all your friends are immortal too."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

War gave a nod of agreement, closing his eyes with a gentle sigh. "Even with friends, it's still hard. Especially after witnessing the deaths of loved ones time and time again. Hell, it's like we can't even have mates. A lot of us just gave up on the idea - especially after Death lost his."

Graham quickly went over to where they saw them last, in the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart." He kneel, petting Rika's head. "Wanna go on a quest with us? We're going to Reaver's past, and could use support if need be."

Reaver watched him, quickly following as his gaze traveled down to Rika.

Rika looked up upon the arrival, sitting up as she looked over to them. And, after closing her eyes from the pat, she'd nod and let out a bark of agreement.
Ma'Jindarr nodded sadly. "Well that's a sobering thought. Barred from love by the blessing of immortality. I think I would gone mad by now, all the repetition in the world. Oddly enough the pattern seems to go Famine, War, Conquest, Death. Not always that particular pattern. Throw in a plague or two, natural disasters... Each can easily lead to another." Ma'Jindarr sighed heavily. "How did you all come about your names? Aside from Rika, I've heard that story."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
War gave a nod of agreement, closing his eyes with a gentle sigh. "Even with friends, it's still hard. Especially after witnessing the deaths of loved ones time and time again. Hell, it's like we can't even have mates. A lot of us just gave up on the idea - especially after Death lost his."

Reaver watched him, quickly following as his gaze traveled down to Rika.

Rika looked up upon the arrival, sitting up as she looked over to them. And, after closing her eyes from the pat, she'd nod and let out a bark of agreement.

"Welp, that's one down. Now for the twins." Graham began to move.
Ma'Jindarr nodded sadly. "Well that's a sobering thought. Barred from love by the blessing of immortality. I think I would gone mad by now, all the repetition in the world. Oddly enough the pattern seems to go Famine, War, Conquest, Death. Not always that particular pattern. Throw in a plague or two, natural disasters... Each can easily lead to another." Ma'Jindarr sighed heavily. "How did you all come about your names? Aside from Rika, I've heard that story."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

War gave a nod, watching Ma'Jindarr as he'd blink. "Each of us have a bit of a lengthy past... which would you like to hear first?"

"Welp, that's one down. Now for the twins." Graham began to move.

Reaver, once more, would quickly follow. Rika not too far behind.

Dei-Loki huffed, rocking on his feet just outside of the library. Peeking in, he lowered an ear. "Are y' almost done, Malvo? You've been looking fer that book fer an hour..."

"It hasn't been an hour, you and Masaru are just impatient." Malvo huffed, heading to the next shelf.
Ma'Jindarr thought for a second. "Well, you're here so let's start with you."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

War gave a nod, looking to the sky. "I was the runt of the litter, if you could believe it. Born with the name 'Mikkel'... I was an aggressive pup from the start, picking fights with anyone." He chuckled. "In fact, my mother and father used t' call me a hothead. Though, my anger prevented me from having any friends. I'm lucky my brothers and parents put up with me... Anyway, I, like my other brothers, didn't earn my name until many years after - back during the first war. The war that drove the Shadow Dragon, and his Dragon-Bonded Shadow Wardens out of power before they could attack the Light Kingdom with the Shadow Octahedron Scรกth - the Shadow Dragon - had created. Our territory was right in the middle of the war zone, and because of this, our mother and father were killed. I... lost it, after that. I ended up tearing throats out of each and every Dragon-Bonded and Non-Bonded that I could. The General for the Non-Bonded was impressed with my work, and he cut us a deal. He told us that, although we couldn't have our parents revived, we'd be granted an audience with the Maker. But only if we helped throw Scรกth from power. And, after we did and the war was won, the Maker 'graced' me with my powers, as well as the name War, after my aggressive nature, and my love for war."
Ma'Jindarr's eyes grew wide in wonder, like a pup in the nursery. "You've met the Lio- I mean the Maker!?" He corrected himself. "What's he like?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

"He's... alright. Reminds me a bit of my father, in a way. Though, the Maker is... well... more 'human god' looking than wolf, mind you." War glanced to Ma'Jindarr. "He's overly caring, something you wouldn't expect from the creator of such a dimension, with all the problems it faces."
Ma'Jindarr smiled a small smile. "Well perhaps the perils show the Makers benevolence. Most problems are caused by people and their free will. When he created the world, I suppose he wanted his creations to love him of their own volition, rather than be a puppet master." Ma'Jindarr chuckled sofltly. "What is hmm... Conquest's tale?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
War gave a nod, watching Ma'Jindarr as he'd blink. "Each of us have a bit of a lengthy past... which would you like to hear first?"

Reaver, once more, would quickly follow. Rika not too far behind.

Dei-Loki huffed, rocking on his feet just outside of the library. Peeking in, he lowered an ear. "Are y' almost done, Malvo? You've been looking fer that book fer an hour..."

"It hasn't been an hour, you and Masaru are just impatient." Malvo huffed, heading to the next shelf.

Masaru mocked Malvo's words in a high pitch tone. Yuki swat him on the back of his head and he hissed before then smirking. Graham came behind them all. "What are you looking for, Sweet potato?"
Ma'Jindarr smiled a small smile. "Well perhaps the perils show the Makers benevolence. Most problems are caused by people and their free will. When he created the world, I suppose he wanted his creations to love him of their own volition, rather than be a puppet master." Ma'Jindarr chuckled sofltly. "What is hmm... Conquest's tale?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

"I suppose that's true." War agreed, soon sighing. "As for Conquest, his birth name was Sijur. He was obsessed with winning the war and taking the land back that we lost. But, as time went on... he wanted more, claiming it was for "grievance pay" for all the pain we went though. When, in reality... it was all greed driven. And this earned him the name "Conquest", after the war was finished."

Masaru mocked Malvo's words in a high pitch tone. Yuki swat him on the back of his head and he hissed before then smirking. Graham came behind them all. "What are you looking for, Sweet potato?"

Dei-Loki snickered from the mocking, blinking as he soon glanced up to Graham.

Malvo perked at her uncle's voice, pivoting to face him. "Y' remember that old spell book Dei and I used t' study? I can't find it and APPARENTLY I'm being rushed by an impatient wolf, and an impatient fox."
"I suppose that's true." War agreed, soon sighing. "As for Conquest, his birth name was Sijur. He was obsessed with winning the war and taking the land back that we lost. But, as time went on... he wanted more, claiming it was for "grievance pay" for all the pain we went though. When, in reality... it was all greed driven. And this earned him the name "Conquest", after the war was finished."

Dei-Loki snickered from the mocking, blinking as he soon glanced up to Graham.

Malvo perked at her uncle's voice, pivoting to face him. "Y' remember that old spell book Dei and I used t' study? I can't find it and APPARENTLY I'm being rushed by an impatient wolf, and an impatient fox."

"She's daaaaaaamn right." Masaru snickered, the tip of one of his tail's tickled Malvo's nose before wrapping around him so that she couldn't hurt that tail. Graham watched with curiosity before smiling and then looking to Malvo. He hummed to himself before looking back to Reaver. "Do you remember where that book was last?"
Ma'Jindarr's eyes narrowed in slight suspicion. Greed driven? That doesn't sound heroic at all. "Well then how about Famine. How does one earn the name Famine on the battlefield?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

"Yes, the drives of war brings us to do crazy things," War let out another sigh. "Which brings us to Famine. His original name was Leif. Always a pain in my ass... pardon my Activian. Famine got his name because, during the war, he'd sneak out to enemy camps and steal their food, eventually having starved them. Not the most interesting, but... that was his tactic and that's how he got his name."

"She's daaaaaaamn right." Masaru snickered, the tip of one of his tail's tickled Malvo's nose before wrapping around him so that she couldn't hurt that tail. Graham watched with curiosity before smiling and then looking to Malvo. He hummed to himself before looking back to Reaver. "Do you remember where that book was last?"

Malvo wiggled her nose in response, scratching it with a huff. Dei-Loki snickering once more.

Reaver blinked, clicking his tongue in thought before having then grinned, heading over to the third bookshelf in on the left. "If I remember correctly, it should be right overrrrr... here." Reaver paused, reaching up before taking the book down.
"Yes, the drives of war brings us to do crazy things," War let out another sigh. "Which brings us to Famine. His original name was Leif. Always a pain in my ass... pardon my Activian. Famine got his name because, during the war, he'd sneak out to enemy camps and steal their food, eventually having starved them. Not the most interesting, but... that was his tactic and that's how he got his name."

Malvo wiggled her nose in response, scratching it with a huff. Dei-Loki snickering once more.

Reaver blinked, clicking his tongue in thought before having then grinned, heading over to the third bookshelf in on the left. "If I remember correctly, it should be right overrrrr... here." Reaver paused, reaching up before taking the book down.

Graham took the book before handing it to Malvo. "So umm, what's the book for anyways? I don't want my sweet potatoes doing any sort of dark magick."
Ma'Jindarr chuckled in surprise as his eyes widened. "Well that's one way to do it I suppose. Now for the kicker: how about Death?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

War drew a heavy sigh. Soon going to speak as he lowered his ears. "His is a bit more of a... painful story, actually. He--"

"Giving our backgrounds again, are we, War?" Death had sounded from atop a high perch. His firey, yet somehow cold, orange gaze locked on the two.

Graham took the book before handing it to Malvo. "So umm, what's the book for anyways? I don't want my sweet potatoes doing any sort of dark magick."

Malvo took it happily, a smile growing on her face. "Just for nostalgic purposes."

Dei-Loki then playfully pouted, lowering an ear. "Awwwww, but dark magick is the best kind of magick!"
Ma'Jindarr gaze snapped to Death and his eyes showed the slightest amount of terror. "We were just telling tales! Tall tales! About you and the others' heroics on the field of battle! Amazing stories, really!" Ma'Jindarr felt like a scared pup starring into the eyes of Death. He remembered the legends told by the Elders: how Death had the power to kill with a glare in your direction. Ma'Jindarr was never sure before, but with Death glaring at him he wasn't so sure. "Do you have a story to share?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
War drew a heavy sigh. Soon going to speak as he lowered his ears. "His is a bit more of a... painful story, actually. He--"

"Giving our backgrounds again, are we, War?" Death had sounded from atop a high perch. His firey, yet somehow cold, orange gaze locked on the two.

Malvo took it happily, a smile growing on her face. "Just for nostalgic purposes."

Dei-Loki then playfully pouted, lowering an ear. "Awwwww, but dark magick is the best kind of magick!"

"No. And before we get off topic, would you guys like to go on a quest with us to Reaver's old 'home'?"
Ma'Jindarr gaze snapped to Death and his eyes showed the slightest amount of terror. "We were just telling tales! Tall tales! About you and the others' heroics on the field of battle! Amazing stories, really!" Ma'Jindarr felt like a scared pup starring into the eyes of Death. He remembered the legends told by the Elders: how Death had the power to kill with a glare in your direction. Ma'Jindarr was never sure before, but with Death glaring at him he wasn't so sure. "Do you have a story to share?"
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

Death had closed his eyes as he hopped down. "I have plenty of stories, none of which desired to be heard."

"You don't always need to be so grumpy, you know. Why not tell him your side of how you got your name?"

"No. And before we get off topic, would you guys like to go on a quest with us to Reaver's old 'home'?"


"Oooooo, a quest?.. Why are we heading t' uncle Reaver's old home?" Malvo blinked, cocking her head to the side as she hugged the spell book to her chest.
Ma'Jindarr smiled nervously. "You've got a willing audience. I would love a story."
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil

Death would stop beside War, glancing between the two. "You've already heard the tales. Why should I--"

"Oh, stop beating around the bush and tell him."

Death growled, letting out a heavy sigh. "... My name came from exactly what you'd think it would come from. Death. So many have died by just being acquainted with me. Back when I had my given name; Grim. Sometimes I think my parents knew... Everyone sees my name and power as a blessing, and I see it for what it truly is. A curse. In a sense, I guess you could, at one point, claim me to be a bad luck charm, as I led the killers directly to my mate. I couldn't stop them, I didn't even know they were coming... Only thing my energy did help me with is fighting in the war. That's what won it, as I was planted as a double agent in the Dragon-Bonded's ranks. After the war was won I was given the name Death, same time my brothers were named and granted powers. But I ended up gaining something more. My bad luck was supposedly removed, but, alas, I still bring death... And there you have it. Happy now, War? Now that I've contributed."

"G'job!" War grinned, closing his eyes. Death having stared at him with an annoyed 'really?' expression. "Y' faced your fears and brought up some of your past."

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