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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"I promise you, we'll get you home and find out what your Mother wants." Graham said.

Head remaining on Graham's shoulder, Reaver softly exhaled. A small, almost ghostly smile having been on his face.ย "'s gonna be weird, going back there... I'm just glad I'll have y' by my side when we do..."
Head remaining on Graham's shoulder, Reaver softly exhaled. A small, almost ghostly smile having been on his face.ย "'s gonna be weird, going back there... I'm just glad I'll have y' by my side when we do..."

"You'll always have me. Even if i never knew your feelings for me, i still would've been by your side. Even if i'm overseas, fighting a gruesome fight, i'll still come back home to you, just for you. Like that one time when you broke your whole body after trying to fly with your mechanical wing suit. I rushed here as quickly as i could when i got the message. Ah, why do you do crazy things when i'm far away?"
"You'll always have me. Even if i never knew your feelings for me, i still would've been by your side. Even if i'm overseas, fighting a gruesome fight, i'll still come back home to you, just for you. Like that one time when you broke your whole body after trying to fly with your mechanical wing suit. I rushed here as quickly as i could when i got the message. Ah, why do you do crazy things when i'm far away?"

"I do crazy things when yer here, too."ย Reaver snickered gently.ย "'s just yer not here t' keep me from needing t' wear a full-body cast after "nearly killing myself", as Adrian puts it."
"I do crazy things when yer here, too."ย Reaver snickered gently.ย "'s just yer not here t' keep me from needing t' wear a full-body cast after "nearly killing myself", as Adrian puts it."

"Well next time, save the "nearly killing myself" stunts when i'm here. That way i can catch you when you decide to jump off of something."
"Well next time, save the "nearly killing myself" stunts when i'm here. That way i can catch you when you decide to jump off of something."

Reaver huffed, but nodded. Flicking an ear gently.ย "Fiiiine, I'll only try t' fly if yer here."ย he'd agree before glancing to him.ย "... I love y', Graham."
Reaver huffed, but nodded. Flicking an ear gently.ย "Fiiiine, I'll only try t' fly if yer here."ย he'd agree before glancing to him.ย "... I love y', Graham."

"I love you too. Now try to rest. Your body heals faster in sleep." He pecked Reaver's head before he continued circling Rea's inner wrist.
"I love you too. Now try to rest. Your body heals faster in sleep." He pecked Reaver's head before he continued circling Rea's inner wrist.

Reaver had smiled at this, kissing his cheek before he'd nestle against him. His eyes closing as he'd fall asleep.
Buh'roham eventually fell into a fitful sleep, propped up against his creation, dreaming of everything he had done, from his inventions, to all the people he had slain. And all he could think of was his brother. And all the ways to kill an Am Brodian.

Reglius slept on his shoddy cot in a shoddy tent of his own making, no dreams, nothing to disturb him as he slept.ย 

Harlinduil and Lileli were curled up inย each other's arms, dreaming of a life together, after this war nonsense, in the woods.ย 

Ma'Jindarr was curled up in nest away from the others, alone, dreaming of the stories of these hero wolves he had met, stories of war, victory, and general heroism.ย 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving


All set for time skip.
(ALRIGHT, since the update is apparently tomorrow, I'll do the time skip now. I'm gonna stay optimistic and hope that it really WILL only be down for 2-4 days (preferably 2), and if it isn't, I'll see you guys when it does come back!

Gonna push this actual time skip a few days ahead, though, if you're all okay with it. Speed up the healing process just a tad.)

Reaver groaned during his slow awakening, somehow having managed to yank the covers overhead hours prior to this current point in time.

Rika slept soundlessly beside the bed, the other wolves having been, once more, spread about the room. Almost as if the hospital room had been their current den. Thankfully, these rooms were fairly large.

"Y' suuuuure you've got it?"ย Malvo had asked Dei-Loki with a teasing grin on her face. The both of them in the kitchen, Dei-Loki having grinned as he lifted the large tray full of plates of food, and glasses of, well... drinks.

"Yes, I'm sure, Malvo. I'm not five. I can hold heavy things like this."ย Dei-Loki commented, shooting his sister a playful glare before then lowering his ears and glancing to the second tray.ย "But... If y' can grab the other large tray... I'd appreciate it."

@Daniel reaving

@Forever J


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Buh'roham was setting a new cache of materials in his Portable Factoryย heย had finished a couple days earlier. The machine had created laser firearmsย and Brodikanium weapons for the Clan, an upgrade to simple human steel, for those who wanted it. Mostlyย the young ones who hadn't built an emotional attachment to their weapons. He was now working on laser and Brodikanium weapons for the King's troops.ย 

Reglius had mostly lazed around, carrying things and helping where he could, which isn't much in an army of extremely fit Warriors. Today he decided to climb to the top of the palace, for the Shadowheim of it. Back in the crime ridden city he grew up in he learned that he would have to find an advantage where ever he could. One advantage was climbing and jumping about the rooftops. You could get any where viaย the rooftops in a fraction of the time it would take to use the streets. So Reglius found himself climbing buildings for the fun of it. And the view was incredible.ย 

Ma'Jindarr and Harlinduil were practicing withย those claw gauntlets in the palace courtyard, after gaining permission againย because "he wasn't a complete savage". Lileli had pretty much fed the whole Clan with her skills as aย hunter.ย 

Techal had overseen training, construction, strategy and morning prayer.ย 

This was life for LionClan.ย 

Everything was going as it should be.ย 

Who knows how long it will last!ย 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

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Reaver, keeping the covers over his head, huffed and sprawled out a small bit. A single, sock-wearing foot sticking out from under the blankets. Other than that, he'd been completely covered.

@Forever J

Valerie stepped out of the palace, inhaling the fresh air before turning her attention to Chloe as she'd follow her out.ย "Heading t' the ship?"

Chloe paused and blinked, looking to Valerie as she both smirked and nodded before moving ahead.ย "Yeah, come on. I could use yer help with something."ย And, after the reply, Valerie nodded before following Chloe to the docks.

War slipped out of the room to go outside. His eyes slowly scanning the walls.


Malvo laughed, but soon nodded as she lifted the other tray.ย "Alright, c'mon, little Loki. Let's distribute breakfast before it all gets cold, yeah?"

"Aaaaafter you, little Dorchadas."ย Dei-Loki grinned, letting Malvo walk out before having quickly followed after her.
Reaver, keeping the covers over his head, huffed and sprawled out a small bit. A single, sock-wearing foot sticking out from under the blankets. Other than that, he'd been completely covered.

Graham yawned, before falling over the edge of the bed after he tried to give Reaver as much room as possible. He landed with a thud and a groan. "I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate hospital beds. Owwwwwwww."ย 
Graham yawned, before falling over the edge of the bed after he tried to give Reaver as much room as possible. He landed with a thud and a groan. "I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate hospital beds. Owwwwwwww."ย 

Reaver shot awake immediately after the thud. The blanket still resting atop his head as he looked around and then down to Graham. And, with his ears low, he watched him with a bit of worry in his eyes.ย "Y' alright?"
Reaver shot awake immediately after the thud. The blanket still resting atop his head as he looked around and then down to Graham. And, with his ears low, he watched him with a bit of worry in his eyes.ย "Y' alright?"

Graham sat up with a smile, waving off Reaver's worry. "Don't worry. Just bruised my tailbone, that's all. How did you sleep? Any more Mama dreams?"
Graham sat up with a smile, waving off Reaver's worry. "Don't worry. Just bruised my tailbone, that's all. How did you sleep? Any more Mama dreams?"

Reaver huffed, kissing Graham's cheek after he'd sit up before then sitting up as well. The soft sound of a hiss slipping through his teeth due to the movement of his injury. "Yeah. This last one ended... differently, though."

(We're back, guys! Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving , TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior , zenreaper zenreaper )
While the machine continued working, Buh'roham was crafting communication devices for his Warriors. It took the form of a gauntlet with an interface, worn on the forearm.

Reglius continued to follow the girls on the way to the ship.

Harlinduil and Ma'Jindarr continued training, not noticing War (I think, it's been a while) standing by.

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Reglius continued to follow the girls on the way to the ship.

Harlinduil and Ma'Jindarr continued training, not noticing War (I think, it's been a while) standing by.

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

"Whaddya need?" Valerie asked, looking from Chloe to the ship.

"The ropes. I need t' do a routine check, and I could use the help." Chloe would answer, boarding the large pirate ship as she hadn't noticed the two being followed.

War watched as the two would train, silently sitting as he made sure to keep quiet in his actions.
"Excellent! You have more or less mastered those claw contraptions. There is not much else I can teach you." Ma'Jindarr sat down. Harlinduil was pacing like an animal. "That's it? There must be more! How can I be the best if there isn't more to learn?" "I believe you are the best! You can best any of the Clan and no bandit has ever stood a chance against you." "Yes, but I know nothing of fighting with a mace... Ah! Techal can teach me, his weapon of choice is the mace! Later brother! I'm off to learn!" Harlinduil sprinted off as Ma'Jindarr sighed. "That boy's going to get himself killed."

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
(What do you think the bad guys are up to?)
"Excellent! You have more or less mastered those claw contraptions. There is not much else I can teach you." Ma'Jindarr sat down. Harlinduil was pacing like an animal. "That's it? There must be more! How can I be the best if there isn't more to learn?" "I believe you are the best! You can best any of the Clan and no bandit has ever stood a chance against you." "Yes, but I know nothing of fighting with a mace... Ah! Techal can teach me, his weapon of choice is the mace! Later brother! I'm off to learn!" Harlinduil sprinted off as Ma'Jindarr sighed. "That boy's going to get himself killed."

Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
(What do you think the bad guys are up to?)

War listened to the banter until Harlinduil eventually left. A small smirk on his face as he'd blink, and then look to Ma'Jindarr. "Someone's determined."

(Plotting? Lol.
I know I'm gonna be introducing a new villain at some point, maybe they're talking about that?)

"Wanna talk about it? I'm all ears, Rea."

Reaver gave a nod, looking down to his lap while trying to recall all he could. "I'm getting the feeling she's trying t' warn me about something, about someone from the past. She still hasn't spoken, but I followed her through the woods - to the place that was once our home. But... someone else was there, examining the ashes." Reaver lowered his ears. "I didn't catch his name, but I oddly remembered his face, and he kept bringing up my father's name... I just wish I could remember why I get a bad feeling from him..."
Ma'Jindarr looked back at War as he showed himself. "He's trying to learn every weapon's ins and outs in an attempt to better himself. Honestly if anyone can do it, it's probably him. How goes life for you and your posse?
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil
War listened to the banter until Harlinduil eventually left. A small smirk on his face as he'd blink, and then look to Ma'Jindarr. "Someone's determined."

(Plotting? Lol.
I know I'm gonna be introducing a new villain at some point, maybe they're talking about that?)

Reaver gave a nod, looking down to his lap while trying to recall all he could. "I'm getting the feeling she's trying t' warn me about something, about someone from the past. She still hasn't spoken, but I followed her through the woods - to the place that was once our home. But... someone else was there, examining the ashes." Reaver lowered his ears. "I didn't catch his name, but I oddly remembered his face, and he kept bringing up my father's name... I just wish I could remember why I get a bad feeling from him..."

"Maybe he did something terrible to you? Whoever it is, you never brought him up, so . . . who knows. We'll fine out soon when we head out."

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