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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham shot his glance backwards, watching the fear drain Reaver's face of color. "I told you, Reaver. Turn back, i'll finish this mission and bring back to you what your mother wanted for so long."
Buh'roham's grin faded immediately. He knew all this happy small talk would have to end at some point. He had to ask. "What do you feel? Who do you see?" He followed Reaver's gaze to see what he saw. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

"Y-You don't understand! We ALL need t' leave! It's--"

"Reeeeaaaaaaver~" A cold, sinister voice slowly rang throughout the forest, Reaver flinching following the call.
Buh'roham froze. "General. Turn the carriage around now." He pulled out Chrysilis in preparation. Theories flooded his mind. Who was this?! 1. Reaver's father 2. Reaver's father as a ghost 3. Reaver's father didn't die 4. Reaver's father. Who else could it be? He sat closer to the door, ready to engage any enemy. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Buh'roham froze. "General. Turn the carriage around now." He pulled out Chrysilis in preparation. Theories flooded his mind. Who was this?! 1. Reaver's father 2. Reaver's father as a ghost 3. Reaver's father didn't die 4. Reaver's father. Who else could it be? He sat closer to the door, ready to engage any enemy. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J

Masaru popped out when Graham stopped. "What's u- . . . oooooo a baddie baddie. Someone likes it rough." His killer smirk appeared on his face, stretching his lips over his teeth to show perfect white teeth. A mischievous glint caught his eyes as he licked his lips. "Come ouuuut to plaaaaa-aaaaaay." Yuki sighed when she got out, coming to her side. "Why do you always have to have the taste of blood in your mouth?" Masaru gave an innocent shrug. "It makes ya live a little when you bite into a screaming person's flesh and tear out their organs, what can i say?"
Buh'roham froze. "General. Turn the carriage around now." He pulled out Chrysilis in preparation. Theories flooded his mind. Who was this?! 1. Reaver's father 2. Reaver's father as a ghost 3. Reaver's father didn't die 4. Reaver's father. Who else could it be? He sat closer to the door, ready to engage any enemy. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru popped out when Graham stopped. "What's u- . . . oooooo a baddie baddie. Someone likes it rough." His killer smirk appeared on his face, stretching his lips over his teeth to show perfect white teeth. A mischievous glint caught his eyes as he licked his lips. "Come ouuuut to plaaaaa-aaaaaay." Yuki sighed when she got out, coming to her side. "Why do you always have to have the taste of blood in your mouth?" Masaru gave an innocent shrug. "It makes ya live a little when you bite into a screaming person's flesh and tear out their organs, what can i say?"

"An excellent point!" Dei-Loki had been heard agreeing, 'OOF'ing when Malvo elbowed him. The two soon exiting the carriage, as well.

Reaver, despite the cockiness of Masaru and the second demand to turn back, still found himself sticking around. Dismounting his horse in the process. Bit too late to run.

"What is this, a parade?" The voice continued, purposely ignoring the taunt.

With Rika now immediately at his side, Reaver drew a shaky breath. How could he have not known who this was before? It was so obvious! He hid his fear with a growl. "ALDUIN! Show yerself!"
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"An excellent point!" Dei-Loki had been heard agreeing, 'OOF'ing when Malvo elbowed him. The two soon exiting the carriage, as well.

Reaver, despite the cockiness of Masaru and the second demand to turn back, still found himself sticking around. Dismounting his horse in the process. Bit too late to run.

"What is this, a parade?" The voice continued, purposely ignoring the taunt.

With Rika now immediately at his side, Reaver drew a shaky breath. How could he have not known who this was before? It was so obvious! He hid his fear with a growl. "ALDUIN! Show yerself!"

"Alduin?" Yuki asked. Masaru tsked, "no Sis, Alvin. Like Alvin and the Lightening Rats. So Alvin, what brings you into town?" Masaru asked, going to the edge of the forest, staring directly where Alduin was at. "Y'know, you should learn how to control your aura. It's big and nasty, burning brighter than fire. It makes you sooooooooooooo noticeable."
Buh'roham stepped out of the carriage and looked around, waiting for this demon to show itself. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
"Alduin?" Yuki asked. Masaru tsked, "no Sis, Alvin. Like Alvin and the Lightening Rats. So Alvin, what brings you into town?" Masaru asked, going to the edge of the forest, staring directly where Alduin was at. "Y'know, you should learn how to control your aura. It's big and nasty, burning brighter than fire. It makes you sooooooooooooo noticeable."

Dei-Loki watched Masaru, a grin on his face as he'd follow for a couple of steps.

Alduin would stare, the act of making himself visible having released an unseen force that knocked back anyone, anything away that'd just so happen to be close by. "Only to you, it would seem." Alduin had grinned, slowly turning his attention to Reaver yet again, but he said nothing. At least, nothing that could be heard. Instead, he'd smirk. Reaver restraining himself as he'd watched. The threat answering Masaru's next question aloud. "I've been brought here in search of something, and I figured a bit of a friend reunion wouldn't hurt."
Dei-Loki watched Masaru, a grin on his face as he'd follow for a couple of steps.

Alduin would stare, the act of making himself visible having released an unseen force that knocked back anyone, anything away that'd just so happen to be close by. "Only to you, it would seem." Alduin had grinned, slowly turning his attention to Reaver yet again, but he said nothing. At least, nothing that could be heard. Instead, he'd smirk. Reaver restraining himself as he'd watched. The threat answering Masaru's next question aloud. "I've been brought here in search of something, and I figured a bit of a friend reunion wouldn't hurt."

Masaru was launched back a few feet, his tails kept him upright though. "Oh really? We're looking for something too. Let's go find it together, come on, friend." Masaru held out a hand.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
This was Reaver's battle, but Buh'roham would jump in if required.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru was launched back a few feet, his tails kept him upright though. "Oh really? We're looking for something too. Let's go find it together, come on, friend." Masaru held out a hand.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Alduin turned his attention down to Masaru's hand, staring for a few moments before an ominous smirk would climb his face. Casually sidestepping the fox. "Actually, I believe you've brought it straight to me." He'd speak low, walking in Reaver's direction. With every step, his energy grew even more sickening. Enough to make anyone's skin crawl. His golden irises locking on the male. "My my, Reavy, how you've grown."

Reaver grit his teeth, backing up as Rika would growl, protectively standing in between the both of them.
As the creature walked towards the prince Buh'roham could feel the dark energy. It felt wrong, evil in the purest, so strong Buh'roham felt his fur stand on end. He knew the only way this would end is with death, but he wouldn't make the first move that damned him and his allies, or this beast.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Alduin turned his attention down to Masaru's hand, staring for a few moments before an ominous smirk would climb his face. Casually sidestepping the fox. "Actually, I believe you've brought it straight to me." He'd speak low, walking in Reaver's direction. With every step, his energy grew even more sickening. Enough to make anyone's skin crawl. His golden irises locking on the male. "My my, Reavy, how you've grown."

Reaver grit his teeth, backing up as Rika would growl, protectively standing in between the both of them.

Graham stood between Reaver and Alduin with Rika. Masaru, on the other hand, sniffed as Alduin walked past him. "Ewwwww, you smell like shit. Did you shit your underwear or is this how you usually smell?" Masaru grabbed the hem of Alduin's underwear and moved it upwards, tight enough to cup Alduin's family jewels and choke em' out.
As the creature walked towards the prince Buh'roham could feel the dark energy. It felt wrong, evil in the purest, so strong Buh'roham felt his fur stand on end. He knew the only way this would end is with death, but he wouldn't make the first move that damned him and his allies, or this beast.
Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Graham stood between Reaver and Alduin with Rika. Masaru, on the other hand, sniffed as Alduin walked past him. "Ewwwww, you smell like shit. Did you shit your underwear or is this how you usually smell?" Masaru grabbed the hem of Alduin's underwear and moved it upwards, tight enough to cup Alduin's family jewels and choke em' out.

Alduin paused from the contact. And, in an instant, he'd disperse into nothing but a dark purple energy. The energy instantly slipping from Masaru's hold. This energy then, once moving behind him, would solidify back into Alduin. That unseen force from the beginning, once more, having pushed everyone back and away from him.

Reaver would shield his face to guard himself from the dirt the blow had sent in their direction. Rika turning her head for the same reason. Her claws digging into the dirt as she tried her damnedest to remain in place.

Malvo and Dei-Loki would also shield their faces, sliding back several feet.
Alduin paused from the contact. And, in an instant, he'd disperse into nothing but a dark purple energy. The energy instantly slipping from Masaru's hold. This energy then, once moving behind him, would solidify back into Alduin. That unseen force from the beginning, once more, having pushed everyone back and away from him.

Reaver would shield his face to guard himself from the dirt the blow had sent in their direction. Rika turning her head for the same reason. Her claws digging into the dirt as she tried her damnedest to remain in place.

Malvo and Dei-Loki would also shield their faces, sliding back several feet.
Masaru flew before stopping and teleporting into the shadow's behind Alduin, kicking him in the groin.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham was thrown backwards and he slid on the ground struggling to keep his battle position. He started firing at the humanoid beast as he drew closer to slash at him. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru flew before stopping and teleporting into the shadow's behind Alduin, kicking him in the groin.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Alduin would jolt his hands forward, freeing the blades of his weapons as he'd dodge the multiple blasts from Buh'roham's weapon, and flinched with a grimace to follow the kick. His body dispersing into energy once more as he'd appear in a tree above. "Enough of this!" He'd growl out of pain as he tried to recompose himself. And, with a snap of his fingers, a rumble had been heard, growing louder as the ground beneath them had begun to crack and give way.
Alduin would jolt his hands forward, freeing the blades of his weapons as he'd dodge the multiple blasts from Buh'roham's weapon, and flinched with a grimace to follow the kick. His body dispersing into energy once more as he'd appear in a tree above. "Enough of this!" He'd growl out of pain as he tried to recompose himself. And, with a snap of his fingers, a rumble had been heard, growing louder as the ground beneath them had begun to crack and give way.

Masaru's previous smile left him as he looked over to the cracks. His heart leaped into his throat when he noticed a crack going under Dei's feet. He launched himself, grabbing Dei into his arms and landing with a thud on the other side of the crack. "You should watch where you're going, cutie." He smiled, kissing Dei's cheek.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
The ground cracked beneath Buh'roham as he rolled out of the way, firing his weapon at his enemy. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru's previous smile left him as he looked over to the cracks. His heart leaped into his throat when he noticed a crack going under Dei's feet. He launched himself, grabbing Dei into his arms and landing with a thud on the other side of the crack. "You should watch where you're going, cutie." He smiled, kissing Dei's cheek.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Dei-Loki yelped in surprise from the sudden save. A huff escaping him several seconds after the landing. And, with a smirk, he kissed his cheek in the act of returning the gesture. "My hero~ He snickered.

Alduin, managing to just barely move his body in such a way that prevented him from getting hit, would soon laugh. The ground slowly splitting farther and farther apart until the magma from far below would give off a glow. A low growl, followed by a clicking raptor-like sound seeming to come from the now gaping hole just in front of the others.
Dei-Loki yelped in surprise from the sudden save. A huff escaping him several seconds after the landing. And, with a smirk, he kissed his cheek in the act of returning the gesture. "My hero~ He snickered.

Alduin, managing to just barely move his body in such a way that prevented him from getting hit, would soon laugh. The ground slowly splitting farther and farther apart until the magma from far below would give off a glow. A low growl, followed by a clicking raptor-like sound seeming to come from the now gaping hole just in front of the others.

"Hey Squish, wanna go psycho and fuck shit up, or fight this the boring way?"

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham was unfazed. This wasn't his first glimpse of Vith Praan: the Serpent's Rest. He kept firing, and crept closer, sword at the ready. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
"Hey Squish, wanna go psycho and fuck shit up, or fight this the boring way?"

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Alduin kept his attention fixated on Buh'roham, continuing to easily - barely - avoid the blasts. The delay in avoiding the attacks almost as if to provoke. The cocky smirk on his face further driving that point home.

Dei-Loki grinned at the thought, his brows lifting as he ground would begin to quake in sporadic yet violent bursts. The growls and clicking having continued. The growls proving there had been more than one beast on the way. "By the way that is sounding, we may have to."
Alduin kept his attention fixated on Buh'roham, continuing to easily - barely - avoid the blasts. The delay in avoiding the attacks almost as if to provoke. The cocky smirk on his face further driving that point home.

Dei-Loki grinned at the thought, his brows lifting as he ground would begin to quake in sporadic yet violent bursts. The growls and clicking having continued. The growls proving there had been more than one beast on the way. "By the way that is sounding, we may have to."

Masaru then nodded, before beginning to throw foxfire balls at Alduin.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Buh'roham switched up Jo's tactics, throwing a little trick of his: the clockwork explosive, at his enemy. Followed by more blasts of his favored weapon. Dire Wolf Devil Dire Wolf Devil Forever J Forever J
Masaru then nodded, before beginning to throw foxfire balls at Alduin.

TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

Alduin quirked his brows once the explosion was tossed, his position changing as he'd been knocked from the tree. His smirk, for a second, had vanished. His body taking several hits. However, he used a couple of the hits he'd taken to knock him into the perfect position to catch himself as he landed. "You've all got good aim, I'll give ya that." The demonic male spoke. However, now standing in everyone's way, had been creatures that resembled wolves to a point, but their bodies were thin, their tails long their claws and teeth sharp, and they'd held patterns in their fur that would glow like the lava below.

"That the best ya got!?" Dei-Loki would laugh as he'd taunt. His blades giving off a glow as he drew them and ran forward to take out several of the beasts. And, as this was occurring, the serpent's clicking would continue - soon emerging from the large hole in the ground as it released a mighty roar. Magma flying from the beast's mouth.

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