[The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

Oh would Mishara's character have to check his sword and armor? I'd assume that would only be polite what with the assassination attempts and everything but well this isn't the Blessed Isle so who know what barbaric customs they'll allow. ;)
The Dragon Blooded are not required to turn over their weapons for several reasons. First, with their Charms, they are never truly unarmed. Also, if a Dragon Blooded says 'no' to it, who is going to enforce it? Plus, they are the Princes of Creation, and who is going to actually dare say to some Dynast that 'you can't bring your daiklave to the party'?
In light of that would it be out of place for Utrelli as part of security to have her armor on as part of uniform? Or would that just be insulting? (or I can roll socialize and see what she thinks :-P)
As a part of the security force you would be fine wearing your armor
Edited my roll into the earlier post. 's what I get for taking an hour to make a post (it's like I'm expected to work at work or some such O.o ).
Is Vash still in charge of security or is it out of his hands now that we're out of the embassy and if so is he in the room or going about his security detail?

I ask because this will effect what Tesi does.
Vash is responsible for security at the embassy. Here in the ballroom, you are under the blanket of the Wavecrest officials. He is in the room, and is moving towards Ramera and Issac at full speed.
I'm sort of assuming Utrelli has wandered off to check on Ramera, but if we want to keep the party together let me know.
I'm assuming that Larissa is off somewhere conducting her own investigation? She isn't one of the newly arrived Exalts from the Realm, after all.
As a member of the Realm's Dragon Blooded, you would have been invited to join the conversation at the embassy.
Tesi will go to the prison while Vash and anyone else goes to talk to the old man, unless we all want to go together for safety in numbers.
Given the choice, Larissa will follow up her own sources regarding the possible clues she mentioned earlier.
Hmm, Ramera would like to go to the prison, but unless Tesi is the only one planning to go she would feel more obligated to investigate the attacks on Ramera.
Oh, hrm, I guess we just have 4 active players at present? Well, Ramera will go wherever Thrain doesn't, cause you know. Can't trust these non-Tepet types not have alternate agendas. ;-) Hopefully Miashara will come round soon and help figure things out.
My goodness. This forum is relatively quiet for a few days, I loose internet access, and by the time I'm back people think I'm gone. But nope, I'm back, and I've got my eyes on you Sackville Bagginses.
So what should we do for your elevinty first birthday?

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