[The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

I still sort of think she's lying, but without charms to force the truth, I don't see much way to find out. Otherwise, I guess that's it. Head back to the manse?
What a good question! :oops:

Miashara said:
Then, were she in it and ready, should the assassin strike, they could witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station -err warstrider.
*Slow clap* Well played Miashara, well played indeed.
Well we can definitely trust Vash and Asyk since their both Mmemon guys, I don't now about Ramera though.
So everyone's coming to interrogate Sasha Viet? I expected more of us to be following the warstrider.
I'll set up two different threads for everyone to choose from, so you guys just let me know.
sry I thought the go talk to her thing was before the other stuff and didn't want to split the party. :-P If not then of course Utrelli with stay with Ramera and the warstrider.
I'll have the new threads up sometime tomorrow. I was planning on doing it today, but I'm worn out and I feel like I won't do the scenes justice if I try to post them now. Just so you know I haven't forgotten about the game.
Take a few days off. I know I'm going to have to vanish for a day or two myself later this week to get a new comic done, we all understand how that goes.
I have two new threads up, one for the trap at the beach, and the second for the interrogation of Sasha Viet and Roderick. Post your characters in which ever thread you choose. If everyone wants to go with one thread, that's fine. You'll find out what happens in the second thread when you return to the manse.
Crossbows are nearly unheard of outside of Halta, the Mountain Folk, or Autocthonia. A regular bow is fine
Okay, regular bow it is.

But really? Just regular old crossbows, not the machine-gun kind, are rarer then firewands? I was under the impression they were not terribly uncommon given their listing in the 2E book, I guess I must have missed something. I guess it is a good thing I didn't take and specialties in crossbows like I originally planned.
Several ships with like 100 strong crew on each? That is an invasion!

Could I send some of my elementals to attack the ship's rudder so they can't steer. Maybe run them into rocks or at least slow them down or would that be futile?
You could do so, but you must assume that the ships have some way of attacking the elementals. It would delay them, but not signifigantly.
I'm not trying to monopolize this conversation, and Larissa has stronger Investigation than he. If you can think of any way to pry information out of Sasha, or even statements we can evaluate meaningfully as truth or lies, go for it.

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