[The Wedding Crashers] OOC Thread

I don't think it makes as big a difference for this game as it does for some of the others so either way is fine with me.
Yeah. We're all Dragon-Blooded, so the main rules change for us would be the combat/weapons stuff.
Ok, we'll stay at 2.0 for now, and if things come up that change our minds, we can reconsider the issue then.
Wow I really though between the two of us we would nail this investigation. :oops: Now Tesi is really going to look like an ass. :rolleyes:
wut, Utrelli really isn't an investigator... she just kinda wants to keep tabs on Hax and also non-Tepets. If we need to track something I'm totally there though. :-P
Well I figured with 3 dots in occult and lore I would have been able to come up with something!!! Curse my worthless excellency in awareness instead of investigation. All it is good for so far is being aware of how hard I am failing!
Hehe true, he isn't going to impress anyone with being able to perfectly quantify his level of fail and Tesi is all about impressing people while at the same time pretending he doesn't care. :cool:

Oh well at least this time he didn't fall on his butt this time. ;)

Edit: That elemental is getting a HUGE letter of recommendation from me when he goes back to Yu-Shan. I'm going to write to his manager and everything!
Are all parties at the Rax estate together, or are Thrain, Vash, and Rax Partha separate from Larissa and Amani?
There is a short distance between the two groups, but you can overhear conversations between each if you try.
Arynne: If she couldn't answer Larissa's question, I think we can safely begin leaping wildly to unsupported conclusions and insinuations of bodily heresy.
I had forgotten all about that. :oops: Unless there is anything you want to do at the prison, you pretty much have all the information you'll get. You can then return to the embassy, or make your way to join the others at the estate.
I was trying to get all interrogate-y on the prisoners, but if there's nothing to learn there we can get back to the embassy and report on the potential new/addtional threat.
Lafreeze: Especially how she's already lied to us a bunch of times. It must be my paranoia kicking in.

How long ago was this wedding arranged? Thrain could have learned that while Vash did the preliminary ground-work.
The wedding was in the works for almost a year as negotiations were going back and forth. The date got solidified a few months back, giving time for the wedding party to arrive and schmooze the locals before the actual ceremony.
Okay, so if the order was placed more than a year ago, before the wedding went into negotiation, either this assassin really likes being prepared or there's something shifty going on here.
The order for the firedust wasn't done that far back. It was only a few months ago.
Ah, my mistake. We will stick with what was posted in the Back at the Manse thread. I ahd forgetten I had posted that. :oops:

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