The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Base on the entire turn of events Deven was kinda lost for words. He notice that the angle noticed that their being watched. "Todd where are you guys. The angle noticed that something is wrong." Todd responded. "Deven we're twenty feet away just hold on."
Mari held the cloak close and nodded "C'mon Mr Cat, let's go" she said with a nod before scampering off with the cat towards the weapon shop again. She assumed that she was going to be spending a lot of time there.
"Loki if you can hear me then listen well. You're in danger I sense others here in the park. Leave." Vatic tried tapping into his mind, but she wasn't too sure it was going to work. She feels more auras approaching. "That's enough." She exhaled. She summons a black cloud with her spells and curses Deven, sensing his aura to be closer. Her black cloud was toxic, if she touched him with that it would cause real damage or death.

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The finally three arrived to the scene. Deven looked at them "About time you guys got here." Todd looked at the angle then looked back. Sorry we hit traffic on the way here. All four looked at the angle. Dew then interrupted their thoughts. "Ready to take on another angle guys?" Todd then gave everyone the command. "Alright squad we all know what up against so let's do this carefully and make dam sure that this doesn't get out of the park. Got it?" The other three looked at Todd. "Sir yes sir!" The four then walked up to get closer to the angle until they were twenty feet away from the angle.
Loki watches the four men walk towards the angel and he growls, his face controrting into that of an insane person. His smile completes the look as he stands up and walks a bit towards them. He holds his sword and goes into a stance.
"Loki, no." Vatic said as the black cloud neared the men. Their auras were evil. She extended her arm in front of a Loki to protect him. But then she seemed something terrifying, "Oh shit." Vatic mumbled feeling his aura grow darker.

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The four looked around them and noticed the cloud. Around them. Chet yelled. "MOVE!!!!" And the four of them jumped out of the way and separated into two teams. Todd looked at the team. " Alright Chet you and Deven take Mr.Arket. Dex your with me and we got the angle." Chet and Deven pulled out their weapons and aimed at Mr.Arket. While Dex and Todd walked towards the angle. Todd looked at her. "Are you sure you want to do this angle." They didn't even pulled out their guns since they know it's pointless.
"You messed up fools. I am a lot faster then you, so put away the guns and walk away. Or else i take an arm." He licks his lips enjoying the rush of a good fight. "What's it going to be?"
Vatic muttered an incantation and Todd went flying backwards into his comrade Dex. "Just leave me alone. I don't want to harm you." Her arm extended and fingers flexed.

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Todd got up. "Don't worry we don't want hurt either we just thought that you going to attack us. You did became a person of interest. So we just thought for the worse." Mean while the other two were looking at Mr.Arket. Dex got up. "So if we can calm down and talk over this."
Loki bites his lip and clenches his fist causing blood to pour out as he forces himself calm. "Calm... yes.. hahah... calm.. We don't have to..." He stands up straight and sighs deeply. "We don't have to attack each other for no reason, losing battles arent worth fighting are they?" He smirks a bit and finishes relaxing.
Vatic puts down her arm but keeps her guard up. "You would've lost. But good to know you have common sense." She smirks sensing Loki's auras simmering. She begins to near him when something dark passes by. They were looking for a fight. She growls, "What do you want!" She knows those that come looking for an Angel try and take their wings for money, power or immortal health. "Tell me now!" She yelled forming a huge blade of ice above her head.
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"Good thing you guys stop. You woulda cause property damage here." Said Spectra.

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"Huh? Spectra!" She says feeling his presence, she drops the blade of ice and turns toward his direction.

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The four turned back around to see Spectra. Todd waved his hand. "Greetings Mr.Spectra." Mean while Dex looked back at the angle. "Sorry but we usually don't fight angles. We wouldn't don't cut off their wings. We give them a proper burial just as they were a human."
She felt the aura of the human named Dex, " Do you really believe you can kill a Fallen Angel?"

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Loki scoffs and walks towards the angel. "I'll see you around, angel." He laughs loudly and disappears around a corner.
Dex wanted to finish their talk. "Sorry to interrupt but I'm he did grant us a wish and he did fell down and he wasn't breathing afterward. Deven looked at Spectra. "Well Mr.Spectra we were trying find more people to help us with a problem of ours. And we ran into the angle over there and we had a big miss understanding."
Deven pulled out a file. "We are looking for this man. He was the owner of the company that made the weaponeers. Turn to find out he took the same power as you guys do. He went rogue a few months ago. Now we need help from the weaponeers with finding him. So are you interested sir?"
Spectra took the file and looked it over. He saw the man's face and his eyes widen. Spectra grabbed his head and started to feel pain. He goes on his knees still holding his head. Then he stops. "I'm sorry, I-I got to go." Spectra then ran off to a ally. "What was that, I never had that happen before." Said Spectra while sitting down in the ally.
Vatic quickly blasts the four men clear across the park and follows after Spectra.

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The four didn't expected to be thrown away. When they landed forty feet away. Deven got up. "I think we got another partner." Todd got up. "Yeah I think so too." Chet got up then he walked over. "Yeah but that angle didn't need to throw us."

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