The Weaponeers [Inactive]

"I was looking to see if he had my sword ready. I guess Ill wait. So who are you?" Said Spectra while finding a seat.
While Chet was doing his thing at the diner. Deven left to Chivalarys blacksmith shop. He entered and he found two people a few feet in. He walked up to talk to them. "Excuse me sorry interrupt but have you seen a man named Steam?"
Vatic senses Spectra's aura and storms through the Blacksmith's door. She "looked" around and sensed him. Immidiately she came up to him recognizing his aura which was stronger than anyone else for the moment. She removes her hood and her long purple hair shimmered stopping at her ankles. "Spectra." She said softly.
Deven moved out of the way of the woman. He heard what the woman said. "Excuse me mam but do you know this man?" Pointing at Spectra. He thought to himself. "That name seems very familiar. I need to ask the team to search that name."
Vatic sensed another aura coming towards her, it was male and he was interesting. She turned so he could see that she wore a blindfold. "You could say that. And I'm no mam, kid."

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Deven noticed the blindfold the woman was wearing. He thought to himself. "Oh it's another Fallen angle. Well this is getting more interesting." He stopped the thought when he heard her calling him a kid. "Excuse me angle did you just called me a kid?"
As he approaches the smithy Loki notices another man clad in armor. "Great there is more." He walks inside and passes by them walking up to Steam. "You must be Steam is Chiv in currently?"
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"Did you just call me an Angel?" She asked sharply. "What? You think just because I have this blindfold on that I'm an Angel? Huh, well that's rude."

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"Trust me me and my team had fought one of your kind before, so we know a fallen angle when I see one." Deven noticed the man that entered the building. He saw Nexus. "Oh nice to see you Mr.Arket."
Loki growls softly, trying desperately to control his anger so Vincent didn't come out. He mutters quitely to himself, "i am not Mr.Arket you fool."
" How quaint that you lived through that encounter." She says waving her hands away towards the boy.

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Mari seemed to have been left alone now. Well....nothing new there. Mari ran back out into the streets, Mr Cat at her heels. It didn't seem too dangerous out right now, so there was no problem, "Hey Mr.Cat, let's go find some fish!" she said as she turned to look at the cat happily. Her companion meowed. That sounded like an agreement! She continued to skip through the streets to look for some body of water. She got free food and there wasn't a single knife in her shoulder. That day seemed to be going pretty well.
He looked at him. "Well that's the file says, that's what I'm going with that name." He looked back at the fallen angle. "Oh trust me dear me and my friends are the best at what we do, but believe me he did gave a pretty tough fight though."
" Hmph." She ignored him after all no Fallen Angel can ever die, tis a true curse being immortal.

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Loki walked up to the fallen angel and looked at her. "Come with me, we need to talk." He walks past the guy and heads outside towards the park.
Vatic senses a clouded an aura. It was him. She follows him watching the heat given off his footprints and follows him to an open area. She sensed much nature, "A park." She determined, " What is it?" She asked, her guard up.

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"You said you could 'read' my aura or something like that. What is it telling you currently?" He turns around towards her and raises an eyebrow his temper slowly relaxing.
She could feel his temper simmer down. She concentrated and then slowly inhaled. She was sensing something she thought to be incorrect. After quite a long silence she whispered, "You are three in one, a red, a green and" She hesitated, "a gray." She shuddered slightly, "Why the sudden question?"

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"I was wondering what you felt, never had someone 'try' to pin an idea on me. And yes you are correct with the guess, i am three in one. I'm a husk of a person, empty but full..." He sighs deeply, and then walks up to her. "You've peaked my interest for some reason or another, if you need my help, or just need me." He leans in closer to her ear and whispers, "Let me know, i'll be glad to help." He walks away laughing insanely and goes to sit on against a tree and relax. At least it seemed that he was relaxing, in truth his personalities started to fight and argue, trying to get out. Causing his mind to shatter even more, but his face said nothing of the torment going on inside his mind.
Vatic's heart skipped as he whispered in her ear. Her head pounded as she heard what she thought were voices. She shakes her head and unleashes her wings pulsing upward into the sky.

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"What color am I?!" Mari asked as she hopped out from behind the angel lady. Mr Cat sat down at her heels, yowling at the interruption in their quest. Mari had been on her way to go find water at the park, but the scary lady was talking about colors. She liked colors. Especially bright ones! But then the lady disappeared into the sky..aww. Mari continued on her way then, back to trying to find water.
Deven watched the two people walked by and stood there for a second. He activated his communicator. "Todd I tried to talk to Steam but I found two people of interest Mr.Arket and another fallen angle. Did you get that?" The communicator buzzed in and Todd's voice came through. "Copied that Deven. Try to follow them but be careful We'll be there in five minutes. Got it Todd. He looked at Steam. "Sorry I'll be back in a few minutes." He left the shop and he saw those two in the park. "Todd I got visual on them I'm following them now." He heard Todd's voice. "Got that try to stay out of their, we don't want to fight another Angle in the middle of the park." He looked for some cover. "Got it Todd." He watched the two from behind a bush about fifty feet away. Then all the sudden another woman hopped over and joined the conversation. "Uh Todd we got another person of interest. Please hurry up a little." Todd responded. "Don't worry we'll be there in two minutes." Deven saw the angles wings came out. "Todd the angles wings are out repeat the wings are out."
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Vatic came back and found Mari. She held out a cloak for her, a bright cerulean cloak to keep her warm. "It's the same color as your aura." She smiled slightly. "Didn't mean to ignore you but I thought you'd like this. It's blessed with magic so whenever you put it on you'll be invisible." She patted her head.

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Mari took the cloak and smiled. A gift? From the scary pretty lady? Mari hugged it close and looked back up at her "Thank you! I love it!" the little girl exclaimed, "it's so pretty! Mr. Cat, look how pretty my aura is" Mari said as she held out the cloak to the cat. The cat scratched behind its ears in response. That meant it's pretty! Or at least...that's what Mari wanted the cat to say.
Vatic chuckles a little, "You're great little one." She senses some other aura. " Someone is watching." She said quickly. "Mari, get our of here. Get to Chiv, Craf-I mean Spectra should be there. You'll be safe. Just go."

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