The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Gatti got out of that and responded from behind the knightly figure "and I was here to make sure that guy I was with wasn't dead, and to find out about those guys that wrecked my shop,"
Chivalry was about to walk back to his shop when he stoped and turn to the angel and said. "Hey, I still need to get this one relic at the forest. Care to join me?"

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Vincent walks up to the group and smiles. "Greetings fellows what was that I heard about a relic?" He run his hand through his red hair. His new outfit hugs his body showing how fit he is.

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"I herd of a legendary relic that can enhance weapons greatly. It states that it is deep in the forest. Wanna come?" Chivalry started to pack some stuff.

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"Yes I do, sounds fun." He looks around and frowns when he sees the angel. "You're still around? That's really unfortunate." He leans in towards her and whispers in her ear. "If you help me get this relic, I'll give you a reward you'll surely enjoy."

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"Well then it's settle. Let go, I have someone waiting for me at the city's limits." Chiv got his gear and went off.
Vatic shuttered at the sound of his voice in her ear. She had no use for this relic. A Fallen Angel is one of the strongest beings and has no user for a relic. "Understood." She said

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Vincent follows after chivalry smirking behind him. "How far is it exactly, do you know it's location?."

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"Yes I do, I have been researching it for two weeks now." Chiv turned the corner and they were at the city's limits. He looked around for a bit. "Where is he?"

"About time you showed up. I was getting bored." Spectra jumped off the building behind them and landed next to Chiv. "You got the map?" "Yup. Now then, let's go."
Using the world card he found where they were and what their adventure was he decided to help... from afar. He got not far behind and then he used death to mask his aura from the angel though Gatti still held the third card curiously

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"Spectra!" She says smiling. "It's good to, well see you for lack of a better term." She was interested in this relic, but was glad that Spectra was there with them.

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"0h, Hello Vatic, nice of you to join us." Chivalry started to walk into the forest. "If we follow this map there should be a temple just 2 hours in the forest." Said Chivalry while following the map. "Oh, and before I forget, here Spectra." Chivalry gave Spectra a automatic power fist that can make a punch turn into a rocket. "I finally finish it, but be careful because it is still a prototype and knowing me I work with swords and maces. So it's not perfect." "Thanks." said Spectra while trying the gauntlet.
Vincent kept his eyes and ears peeled for any and all information he could need. "Any possibility of hostiles?"
Gatti caught up and jumped into the trees he thought

hmm they're fine so far.

He flips the third card

magician, ah so I can only help in combat, this may be a dilemma.
"Not really, just wild life and stuff. Maybe some traps inside the temple, but nothing too bad." The group came across a big temple and hand weird carvings and hieroglyph all over. "Well this must be the place. Now where is that entrance? We don't want to break in because of how old this must be." Chivalry walked towards the temple and looked at the markings.
Vincent mutters a few words and touches one of the glyphs and an entrance opens up. "Ancient languages, were always my favorite. Come on." He heads inside the temple.
"Wait!" Chivalry walked in front of Vincent and summoned a small dagger. He tosses it inside and a plate on the floor pushed into the ground and fire came through the walls on the sides. "I knew it. There has to be a pattern to walk through." Chivalry looked at the floor and saw the different patterns. "There are tiles that has a sword and spear going in a path. Maybe this is the path." Chiv slowly put his foot on the tile, hoping nothing will go off.
"Hmmm." Vincent reads the glyphs and follows after Chiv. "Sword and spear, and then at the end step on the symbol of the sun for peace, and the door will open."
Vatic chuckled a bit. She read the washed away blood prints on the tiles and stepped on each. She managed to get to the other side. No flying in here. She thought. She could sense the cielings were not so high. She called over her shoulder to the other three, "Vincent, Spectra, Chiv! Come on." She smiles and watches their auras hurry along the path she took. "There we go. Alright, where to next?"
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Gatti continued after though still attempting to keep hidden getting difficult plus death was fading he had to find a way to keep form being sensed soon. crap they're in a temple he thought as he stayed near the entrance yet still in cover.
Vatic senses someone near by but she doesn't say anything. "Chiv where to? Spectra you realize I can't see correct?" She chuckled turning her head towards Vincent. Using her mind She connects with Gatti. You can come out. We won't hurt you. She sent through their brain waves.

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