The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Loki ignores the blind woman and frowns. "Only a few of us are actually considered dangerous. I want to talk to this hunter, i wonder where i could find him."
She senses the personality man's aura shift into a greenih grey. "Are you insulting me?" She asked him, "Oh what's the point in speaking to you." She nods to Chiv and smirks at Mari. Then turns to leave once more using a spell that spills their coffee on the table. She chuckles and leaves.
Steam starts to examine a few weapons and shields so he can conjure them up when he wants to. "I'll look back at them later to improve upon them." Steam went back to tending the shop.
"Dammit!" Loki growls and starts cleaning up his coffee, after a little bit the waitress comes back with another coffee and she also sets one in front of Chiv. "Sorry bout that ma'am and thank you."
"So what's your story little one? You got anyone else that you know out here?" Said Chivalry while drinking his coffee.

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A new day rised. But the had been awake before the sun went up. The four were on the roof tops. They've been tracking a few weaponeers for the past three days. They know that he owns a blacksmith shop, and that he goes to this little diner every morning. And this morning another weaponeer has entered the same diner and he sees them talking. Deven took care of his binoculars and looked back to the others. "Well boys we found two weaponeers and it's not even nine o clock yet." Todd looked over to Dex. "Dex do you know anything about those gentlemen?" Dex walked towards the window to see. He grabbed the binoculars. Dex looked at the two for five minutes and he saw the coffee accident. He pulled out his laptop and hacked into the city data base and looked for those two men.

Dex took about forty seconds to find them. "Now I do, one of them is named Loki no last name. The other one is named Chivalry Arch. Both of them are locals." He looked back to Todd. "What are we suppose to do with them?" Todd looked back to Dex. "Well at the moment we have Chet down there right now he's gonna go talk to them right now." Todd put his finger into his. "Chet your good to go." Chet was in a car across the street from the diner. He got his orders. "Roger that going in now." He got out of the car and crossed the street. He entered the diner. He looked until he found the two men. Chet walked up to their table. "Excuse are you guys Chivalry Arch and Nexus Arket?"
"Never heard of them, why do you ask?" Loki looks at the guy and raises his eyebrow, clearly interested in his response.
Steam walks aroud tge shop and checks out a few of the swords. Closely examining the ones he's previously examined.

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Chet moved his hand behind to pull out something. He pulled out two files. It was their files. Chet said calmly. "Now don't get that bullshit I know that these are files."
"So do i, they are a group of paper inside a folder. that's what a file is. Now exactly what do you want, i am trying to eat my breakfast with my friends." He yawns slightly and then sips his coffee.
Chet pulls up a chair. "Me and three others are in the city too find a few members of the company that did that to all of you. But we need your help first."
Loki's smile turn insane as he licks his lips. "You mean you are searching for the creators? To kill?"
"Well just one in a particular. The owner had taken the same drug as you did. And he went into the illegal life. So we your help."
"If it means some fun then maybe. How do i know you wont kill us after?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks
"You're welcome to try. It wont end well for you." Loki laughs and then gets up. "Chiv keep an eye on Mari, she needs you more then me." He looks at the man sitting down and smirks, "Show me where to go."
"Well if you people agreed we'll show the details tonight. At that apartment across the street." He points the apartment that the four were set up.
"I'll see you tonight then. Chiv, Mari i'll see you later. i have to check my apartment for things." He leaves money on the table enough to pay for the three of them and then he walks out of he diner and heads to his apartment in the upper district of town. Once there and unlocks the door and goes inside. He grabs a few things and sets them up on his dinner table and then lays on his bed.
"Well I guess I'm going back to my shop. You comeing along, little one?" Chiv said while getting up from the table.

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Steam put down the sword he was examining and went to the back of the shop to grab an apple from his bag. "This place is pretty dead" Steam thought to himself as he walked back to the front while eating an apple.
Chet looks at Chivalary and the woman. "Good day you two." Chet left the diner and walked across the street into the apartment. He walked into the room. "I believe we have three more partners."
Steam is still looking around, considering how empty the shop is, he continues to eat his apple waiting for someone to walk in. "Why is this place so empty today?" Steam thought this to himself hoping he didn't say anything out loud.
Spectra was on the rooftops looking over the city for any crime. "Doesn't seem like anything is happening. I think Ill go visit the blacksmith." Spectra said while jumping down. He then walks through the doors of the shop and looked around. "Hello? Is the blacksmith here?"
Steam walks to the front still eating his apple, "The smith is out eating breakfast. What can i help you with?" Steam wanted to help with eagerness and was ready for any task thrown at him. Steam smiled after taking a bite from his apple.
Loki wakes up on his bed, and yawns. "What the hell... ughh..." He groans loud and gets out of bed. He heads outside and walks towards the blacksmith shop hoping to see Chiv and talk to him about their new friends.

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