The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Mari looked at the scary blind lady again. She knew Spectra? Maybe she wasn't as bad as she thought...but she was still scary! They all were! Except for the icecream one....he was....okay. Okay-scary. She rubbed her newly patched shoulder and looked around again at the room. Yep...still scary.
Loki frowns and then sighs. "Hey Chiv i will come tomorrow, i really need to use your forge, but there are too many people here currently. Good night." He bows politely, and starts to head to the door. He stops and looks at Mari and smiles, "The offer is still open, i am usually around in unexpecting places. But it isnt all that hard too find me, goodnight." He bows politely at her, and leaves. He disappears around a corner and is gone.
"It is getting. Everyone out, it's closing time." Said Chivalry.

Spectra looked at Mari. "Do you want to be walked home?"

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Steam is still standing in the room with dummies. "Well damn." Steam walks out the door and hangs outside against a wall by the smiths store.
"Hey, when you leave. Tell the boy outside that he's got the job. He begins work tomarrow." Said Chiv while taking his armor off.

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Steam summons the rifle he was previously holding to examine it further and make sure it will actually work.
Mari looked at Spectra and shook her head, she could get home herself. She left the shop and passed by the person the armor mention, "Hey Mr" the little girle piped up, "the armor man says you have the job" she said with a nod before running along back to her home

Mari entered the abandoned apartment complex, plopping herself down in the bundle of soft things she'd collected over the years. Homelessness was one of those big issues with experimenting on children and then leaving them out in the world alone. But she didn't mind. Mr Cat jumped down into her lap and curled up into a ball. The little girl smiled and patted him "Nice kitty" she said softly
"Day 35, apparently spying on the weaponeer named Chivalry finally paid off it seems. I have now confirmed not just one but five more weaponeers that live in this city. I will soon have the recent pictures of them identified to understand the targets patterns and lifestyle for future observations. End log 35 now..."

The bounty hunter then turns off his cassette recorder as he watched the weaponeers leave the shop through his room's window . The man hasn't had a catch this good in a long time and lights a cigarette in celebration of the event. He then starts on taking pictures of his targets from the building across it, smoke surrounding him in the rented room he was in. Seems like things are about to get interesting soon...

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Loki stands in an alley holding onto his head. His mind switching back and forth between his personalities. He groans a bit and then smashes his head against the wall. "Their screams... i still hear their screams!" "Who cares about those who failed. We were the strongest, we ARE the strongest." "They were our family!" "We have no family, we never did." Loki smashes his head against the wall a few more times before turning around and sliding down it. His breathing heavy, and with blood running down his face he sighs deeply. "Dammit, god dammit.... Project Alpha huh? Clearly it didn't work, if the only one alive is insane."
She spots a mam hitting his head against the wall. She sighs indifferently and walks up to him,. She softly blots his temple. "You know you shouldn't do that too yourself, kid." She says calmly. "I'm sorry about what I said to that little girl in the shop about not trusting you. I misread your type of aura. We're you just talking to yourself?" She asks still taking care of him.

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Loki knocks her hand away letting the blood start to flow again. "I am not normal, and yes i was talking to myself. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to sleep." He closes his eyes and sighs slightly before opening them again. "Is there a reason why you are trying to help me? I clearly didn't ask for it, i only ant to be left alone."
She slaps him. "Don't be rude. You don't know my life story and you don't know me." She stands, "I read your aura wrong in the heat of danger and excitement. Now I'm trying to do the right thing by helping you. But you rather be alone. . .No one ever wants to be alone." She turns away from him, "I may not know what you're like, but I know you're heart." She whispers, "I apologize for earlier and for now. I didn't mean to slap you."
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"I am always alone, I prefer it. I don't want people to get hurt, I am a monster don't you understand. I don't want help or sympathy, I just want to live my life the way I want. I accept your apology, but it wasn't needed." He glares at the girl and growls, "no one knows my heart. Now leave me alone."

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She scoffs "a monster huh, try being an actual monster." She says slowly disappearing, "be warned, I'll come to your aid, even if you don't like it." Suddenly she turns around and places her hand on his chest where his heart is. "I can hear it. I can feel it." She smiles and then it disappears quickly. "I know it now and I know you."

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He knocks the girls hand away and stands up glaring. "Leave me be, or the next time i see you. Your head comes off your shoulders." He walks away towards the park in the middle of the town and sits on a bench. "Hmm i wonder what happened to that girl... who attacked her, and made her freak out that much. It wont end well if their is a hunter in town."
" Cursed Fool. To think I could ever die. . ." She says extending her wings and vanishing into the sky.

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A new day has come and Chivalry opened his blacksmith shop. "Well It's a new day. Time to try that new sword I wanted to make. Chiv got his hammer and started smithing.

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Loki knocks on the door, and walks inside. "Good Morning Chiv, i was wondering about using your tools too fix a sword of mine." He walk up to the counter and looks around. "I will pay too."
"Well if you know how to fix it then it will cost you this much to use the forge." Chiv said while warming the forge.

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"Fair enough." He lays the money on the counter and goes to the forge, and manifests one of his katana's and inspects the chips and knicks in the blade. He sighs loudly, and starts to sharpen it at first. "Dammit."
"Indeed, i arrived about 2 day ago. And so far this town is nice, but has some problems." He starts fixing his sword and smiles as he works. "How long have you been here?"
"Meow meow meow meow meow" Mari announced as she ran into the blacksmith shop, her cat in her arms. She didn't want to be running around with the crazy man still out there. And Spectra told her this place was safe. "Oh, it's you two" she said with a smile, "look, I found you" she didn't even know she was looking for them, but she found them

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