The Weaponeers [Inactive]

"Thank yah. And it's Sojournea, or Acrobat. Either is fine~" Acrobat said shrugging, whacked the dummy another time. "I always seen people work with these, but I never get to mess with 'em!"
It's nice to see people enjoy his work. "Well since you're a first timer I'll give you a discount." Said Chivalry while polishing his sword.

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"Aii... This'll cost me a day without any cake or cookies... Oh well! I get to chop bad guys. Mwaha. Haha..." Acrobat chuckled a little darkly.

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Chivalry gave her the receipt and a coupon for one free weapon fix. "If your halberd breaks, just bring that coupon and the weapon and I'll fix it for you. The name is Chivalry, I hope to see you around Sojournea." Chivalry continues to pound the metal into a fine blade shape.

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Mari scrambled to her feet and hid behind Spectra, backing away ever so slowly. If Spectra helped people a lot then this should be no problem right? She hoped so...her attacker was scary...

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Spectra has been in these situations before where he was face to face with a maniac trying to get a innocent person, but this guy had a weird look. He looked like he was possessed by something else. "Look, it's not worth hurting her. Just walk away before anything happens." Spectra moved closer to Mari and whispered, "Hey, when I say run, you run. Go to the near by blacksmith, he's a block ahead. Don,t turn back no madder what you hear. Ready...RUN!"

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A man walks into the blacksmiths shop, he is dressed in old fashioned Japanese ronin garb. His purple hair shines in the sunlight as he closes the door. He walks around the shop and smirks at the weapons he looks at. "How interesting... some look effective, others look almost useless. I wonder what this one does." He picks up a longsword and starts studying the blade expertly.
"Uh no i don't was only looking at your era of weaponry. I still prefer mine, but yours has a lot of potential." He places the sword back. "I am so sorry for touching your point metal thing." He bows smartly and smirks at the man.
Chivalry looks at the man with a blank face. "So if you're just looking then why you walked in here? You seem more interested in Samurai swords then mid-evil swords." Chivalry begins sharpening one of his swords he just made.
"Never hurts too look ya know. But still i was only looking. Do you know any good places to eat around here?"
Spectra thought for a moment. "There's a Diner not too far from here and a bakery just three blocks down." Chivalry brings up a cardboard, summoned a Battle axe and trace the out line of the head.
"thank you, enjoy your smithing.... smithy." He looked confused for a moment but then shrugged, he walked out of the store only to turn around. "I am Loki, pleasure to make you acquaintance."
Chiv looked up and said, "The names Chivalry. Have a nice day." Chiv continued with making that battle axe replica.
"Indeed." He walks out and heads towards the diner, he orders his food and waits. "Always with the looks, makes me wonder why." He licks his lips and smiles evilly.
Steam is walking past the smith's, looking at the sign on the door, he takes the initiative to walk in. He walks up to the smith owner, "I saw you wanted help?" Steam was filled with curiosity while hastily looking around.
Chivalry looked up to see the boy. "You? If you're here for the job then you're going to have to pass a test." Chivalry gets up and walks to the back. "Come with me."
Steam looks at the smith and follows him to the back. "Should be easy enough." Steam kept the thought to himself. "What's this task you are asking me to complete?" Steam still filled with curiosity.
Chivalry points to the dummies across and then summons a great sword. "First, I want to see your strength." Chivalry throws the great sword in the air and then hits the handle, launching the great sword through the dummies. "If you can do something similar like that then you pass the first test." He then summon the great sword again and gave it to the boy.
Steam examines the weapon with haste. He then hands back the weapon to the smith and summons his own, the only exception, it's light, and has great strength. Steam then tosses the blade up in the air only to smack the hilt and handle launching it through the dummies.
"Impressive. So you were part of testing too, huh?" Chivalry walks over to the blade Steam built and picked it up. It was very light and Chivalry snapped the modified blade in half. "This has the same power just lighter but easily breakable. All right, next test."
"I was, the blade i created was supposed to be easily breakable. Not much durability. But much strength and less weight." Steam was ready for the next challenge. "Let's do this." Steam was hasty and wanted to prove him self worthy of serving a black smith.
Chivalry went to his forge and got his armor on. He then walks back with a shield in one hand and summon a giant mace. "Now I want to see if you can fight. This is just a test so don't worry about this mace. I wanted to test it out and give me all you got, I can take it with this armor. Stop when I say." Chivalry lifts the mace on his shoulder, got in a fighting stance and jumped up and swung his mace at the boy.
Steam smirks and summons a rifle. "Previously examining this rifle, it should be of use here in this situation." Steam got into a rogue like stance holding the rifle in one hand. "Let's go." Steam stood and waited for the first move to be made.
Mari ran, ran like she'd never ran before. She had an idea to where the blacksmith shop was, but she didn't know exactly. Though that didn't matter, she just needed to get out of there. Mari ran into a building, hoping it was the right one. She didn't even check before using the string she'd attached to the door when coming in to slam it shut. She turned to find two people in the room. THEY WERE GUNNA HURT HER TTTOOOOOOOOO. Mari closed her eyes and flung thirty fans at them, hoping they'd at least do something...maybe

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