The Weaponeers [Inactive]

Loki sits sipping a coffee and watches people go by. "It seems calmer then it really is, not with our kind here." He pays for his coffee and leaves, he heads back towards the blacksmith hoping he could fix something or atleast get his opinion on it. "That is, if he isnt dead, ahahaha" Loki laughs hysterically as he nears the shop.
"All right here it- (Tink!) what the?" Chivalry looked down and sees a fan on the ground, he then looks at the front and sees several fans coming towards him. (Tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink, tink,) All the fans were just bouncing off Chiv's armor. "Is that all little girl? What are you doing here and why are you bleeding and why are you throwing fans at me?" Chivalry asked while dusting off his armor.
Mari's eyes opened wide. A living suit of armor!!! GAAHH!!! Mari threw one last fan, this time with a string attached to it. It flew past the freaking living suit of armor(!) and it the wall directly above an axe hanging up. She yanked down on the string, taking it off the wall, and the armor was in its path of travel. She flinched and curled up defensively against the front wall of the shop "Please don't hurt me" she whimpered. The poor girl was scared half to death, the knife still imbedded in her shoulder
Loki opens the door of the shop and smiles. "Hey Chiv i have a question...." His voice trails off as he watches a girl throw fans at the smithy and then curl up in front of the store. He looks at the girl and crouches next to her. "Hey you alright? I am Loki, i am a friend. Want me to get that knife out and at least try to patch it?"
Chivalry was confused why the girl was injured and why she's throwing a lot of fans. Not realizing that the axe was about to fall on him. "Look, i'm not going to hurt, please calm do- (CLANK!)." The axe hit Chiv's back, making him stagger and fall on the ground. He got up slowly, grabbed the axe and walked toward the girl. He stopped right above her and looked down. "Ok, what happen to you and why did you come in here all screaming like that." He then looks at Loki. "Is she with you?"
Mari slowly lifted her eyes to meet Loki's before letting out a squeak when she saw the man with the axe come up to her and then scrambling away from them into the corner "Please don't hurt me" she begged again. She was convinced that everyone wanted to hurt her, and why not, she was a weaponeer. And on top of that she just threw a bunch of fans at those people. It was probably a good idea to run while she could but the new scary person was blocking the doooooorrrrr. So Mari curled up into a tighter ball, hiding in the corner of the shop. Maybe if she was still for long enough...they'd go away.
Loki looks at Chivalry and frowns shaking his head. "Never met her." He crouches a few feet in front of the girl and puts on his kindest smile. "Listen i can tell you are a weaponeer, both I and this man in the suit of armor as weaponeer's as well. We aren't going to hurt you, we just want too find out what happened to you, so we can figure out why our kind is being hunted. We are friends, i promise you that. No matter what, me, Chivalry here, and the guy i can hear in the back wont let anyone hurt you as long as we are around. So please tell me what happened, i can also help with that knife and the pain. You just have to trust me."
"I wouldn't trust him if I were you." A girl in a black cloak said as she entered the location. "I heard the ruckus. Thought I'd drop by." The blindfolded young woman smirked taking her hood off.

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Seems like every one is coming into my shop and don't buy anything at all. Chivalry puts the axe back and asked the little girl on the ground. "Who did this to you?"
Zachary pulled out a cigarette and walked along. It's sad when times like this when people get away. Actually he has never experienced someone not dieing before him like that. Strange. Is this what another weaponeer take? This will be a lot harder to hunt them down now.
Spectra still looking at the guy trying to kill the little girl. "Why were you about to kill her? What purpose will that serve?"
There were even more people now! Noooooo!!!!! And the girl with the blindfold told her not to trust the only one who looked like she could trust right now. The little girl started to tear up before she spread her hands, creating a giant metal fan to conceal her in the corner and separate herself from the scary group.
"Oh I am sorry, this is none of your business. . ." Zachary acted like nothing ever happened.
"Come on." The young blindfolded woman said to the girl that had encased herself in a fan. Using a spell, she broke through it. "I'll help you." She asks extending her hand.

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Loki frowns and sits down in front of her. "Listen i don't rightly know why this lady said not to trust me. I am new here, so as i said please tell me. I want to help." He snaps his fingers and smiles. "How about this, how about you and me, go get something to eat. We can enjoy an ice cream or even a burger. My treat, and then once you've learned that i am trustworthy, you can tell me what happened."
Spectra tries to reason with the person. "Look, what ever she did to you was probably a misunderstanding. Please it's not worth killing a innocent little girl."
"Go awaaaaayyyy!!!!!!" Mari shouted with a panicked shake of her head. She tucked herself further into the corner, pressing the knife deeper into her shoulder. She shouted then held her hand over her mouth, her single good eye darting from person to person. There were too many, and so close, all of them, and that one broke her fan! Her only defense! "Go away go away go away go awaaayy!!!" she was going to die now. For sure. She was cornered. There was no way out. It was the end. cream sounded good...THEY WERE STILL SCARY!
"Innocent? HA." She is a freak of nature! Thats what was wrong with the girl. The Raven was created to kill the weaponeers. Maybe he can mistake as if the girl was attacking him with the fans, gain their trust. And kill them then! Zachary smirked. " I am sorry, I thought she tried attacking me."
Loki stood up and glared at the blind girl. "You are not helping, especially with that magic crap. Listen everyone back up and give her some room. I am capable of handling this, but if she wants to be left alone then let's leave her alone." Loki pulls out a little medicinal bag and places it in front of the girl. "This is for you, it will help with your injury, and it has some left over so you can use it for other injuries as well." He takes a step back and walks to Chivalry, "hey can i borrow your forge? I need to fix one of my swords, i am willing to pay."
Spectra with a concern looked put away his weapon. "Even though, don't you think putting a knife in her shoulde-. Oh Crap! I completely forgot that she's injured!" Spectra left the guy and ran to the blacksmith, he open the door and sees her in the corner and many people around her. "Are you all right, Mari?"
"magic Crap, huh" she smirks, "don't test me kid." she says to Loki. Hears the another person come in, "More people. . . awesome."
Mari slowly crawled forward to pick up the bag Loki left for her when Spectra came in through the door. Her eye lit up and with a smile she ran forward, taking the bag with her as she hid behind him, peaking out from behind him ever so slightly, "Spectra..there's a lot of people in here" she said quietly
"I can see business is good here, huh blacksmith. Don't worry, I talked to the guy and he said it was all a misunderstanding. You don't have to worry, now let me see your injury." Spectra crouch down and looked at the wound. "Didn't go in too deep. This should help." He bandaged it up and helped her up. "Better?"
Huh, Spectra. The blindfolded young woman turned to face the man that just entered. It cannot be. But his aura, it's the same. "Crafter." She said so quietly it was almost inaudible.

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