The Weaponeers [Inactive]

"Crafter!" She said loudly. She felt his warmth in an ally way. "Craft-oh right, I mean Spectra. Are you alright?"
Loki sits on top of a building smoking a cigarette. "What a strange set of circumstances..." "How so Loki? It seems that we got what we wanted, a chance to kill one of the f-ck holes that did this too us!" "Indeed but i still don't trust those four soldiers, they are asking for trouble. And i do not want Nexus too destroy this town, i actually enjoy it truth be told." "Fair enough, and i suppose you are right about Nexus, but let us see what happens." Loki smirks and enjoys his cigarette as he watches people scuttle about their lives.
Spectra looked over. "I'm sorry that I startled you. I had a major headache out of nowhere. So are you Vatic?" Said Spectra while rubbing his head.
"well this is a sight," he was walking down the street when he saw a guy rushing into an alley, he later witnessed another girl follow they felt different in different ways if that made any sense; he soon decided it didn't and that it didn't matter the guy looked like he was in pain so he summoned his tarot cards, pulled the priestess card and ran after "HEY WAAIT YOU OKAY," he yelled towards him hoping he'd stop for a sec. He had come from a slow day at the shop and it seemed this day just got interesting
"Yes I am Vatic. Dos that mean you know who I am-huh?" She turned sensing another elaborate presence.

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"Not really, when I had that headache I remembered a fallen angle named Vatic that I use to know. I'm fine, just a little tired." said Spectra while looking at the guy.
eventually he catches up with them, "you okay," he says while sending back his cards. The man looked fine maybe he ran this way for nothing well as long as I'm here he thought to himself might as well make small talk so he asked, "who are you," he had ways of figuring out truth whether or not is was told
he appeared to be telling the truth so he felt he was probably trust worthy so he responded "my name's Gatti, wanna see a trick," he summoned his normal deck behind his back and showed them to him
he does the original pick a card trick by shuffling the cards he then says "pick a card," though there's a 'special' trick involved due to his card telepathy he is aware of all his cards so he always knows of course what card is taken still fun to see people confused. 
he starts shuffling the cards and after he's done he holds them out, "you know what to do pick them out and study it carefully," he had a plan for this it works every time mainly because he is aware of all of his cards and where they are. Cheating yes but it paid the rent when done for profit.
Spectra picks a card and looks at it. "Let me guess, now I put it back." Said Spectra.

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Vatic chuckles lightly knowing where this was going. She can see the print of his warmth on the card even though she cannot see the real card.

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"indeed," he took the card back when given. Then Gatti shuffled but before he did he had one back up trick in case he might get noticed or otherwise mess up, what he did is, in a split second he made the card disappear as soon as it went into the deck and instantly after started shuffling so it went unnoticed then as he finished he casually and stealthily slipped it on the top "now is this your card," he then took the card he placed and showed it to him
Ricci walks into 'GUNMART',and walks up to the counter."Hello,I'd like...5 rounds of everything,please." She smiled innocently.The man at the counter just raised his eyes,but then grabbed everything she needed.He entered it into a cashier."That will be-" Ricci cut him off,summoning a gun.She twirled it around her finger."On the house?" She smirked,raising it towards his head.Ricci took one of the rounds,putting it into the gun,and she shot the cameras.She raised it back to his head."Y-yes..." Ricci knocked him in the side of the head with her gun,knocking him out.She ran to the back room,shooting the computer and monitor.She took another round,given she used one,and stuffed them all into her double camo duffel bag.Ricci walked out of the store,flipping the "OPEN" sign to "CLOSED".
Loki laughs loudly as he watches a girl Rob a store. "You know the print money for a reason." He hops off the roof he was just smoking on top of and lands next to Ricci. "Names Loki, what's yours?"

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"Why, yes that is my card." Said Spectra. Spectra got his head together and was feeling much better. Spectra then had a call on his phone. "Hello, Spectra speaking, what is your emergency? What... You were robbed? What did she looked like?.. ok I see if I can find her. In the mean time, you get some rest and get your head checked out. Spectra, out. Sorry guys, I gotta go. Duty calls, or called." Spectra then ran out of the ally and started climbing up on the rooftops.

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"My name's Ricci." She said,holding out her hand for a shake.She then noticed she still had the gun in hand,and it dissapeared into Ricci's hand.
He shakes her hand and then smiles licking his lips. "You look fun, you always cause trouble where you go?" H laughs lightly and smirks, clearly enjoying himself.

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Ricci smirks,letting her hands grab onto the straps her duffle bag."Maybe." She tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.
"I like you, you ever thought of doing something bigger? Like knocking over this town's famous statue. Or even robbing the big bank downtown. Or and this is a big or, hunt down people who try to kill us." He raises an eyebrow and clicks his tongue behind his teeth, while smiling wide.

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"wait for me," he summons his tarot cards and pulls the chariot "summon vehicle," Gatti says as he threw the card in the ground and it turned into a motorcycle he started it and then pulled world "worldly sight, give me vision" he threw it in the ground and he was able to see spectra's destination, "crap i gotta use one more ," so before he rode off he pulled the Hierophant card "send fate," he says and as he threw that card in the ground he gave spectra knowledge of his future destination as he rode off with the destination in mind.
"By hanging out with me, come my dear lets go look at this statue first. It's the first stop on our adventure of chaos." He laughs evily and smiles. Leading the way towards the park.

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Ricci pulls out her black cloak rom her duffel bag,putting it over herself.She walks beside the man,Loki,and makes the duffel bag dissapear into her hand."Lets do this." She whispers,smirking.

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