The Weaponeers [Inactive]

"ahh I get it and you wee trying to help your friend which was one of the assailants," he sighs "alright you win I give up," he wasn't in the mood for a chase but soon his face perked up, "or better yet, I'm a gambler so, how about a game," he wouldn't cheat this time mainly because she would tell if he did due to angel status
Ricci arrives at the bank late at night,when most people aren't around.She enters the building,and a bank teller raises her head."Hello,young lady." She smiles.Ricci feels bad,wishing she wasn't doing this."Would you like to start a bank account?" The lady,whose name was Sharon (it said so on the name tag),asked her."Yes,please." Ricci smiled back.She wasn't going to hurt this nice old lady.
"Maybe later." She said to the card boy. She sensed an aura intent on a malicious deed. The bank. "Excuse me." She said extending her wings and pulling into the air. She lands on top of a building facing the bank and she waited for something bad to happen. There were barely any people there. But she sensed two females. The hurtful aura was diminishing. Vatic looked up to sky wondering what it looked like. If it still looked the same as always.
"aww," he uttered as she left "well guess I should go back home," he decided as he left the park walking out on the street shuffling his cards
"What are you doing up here vatic?" Said spectra while looking at the bank.

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Huh? How did I not sense him? "Hey Craf-Spectra. Heh. I just sensed a dark aura, but it looks like nothing bad will happen." She located him and then smiled.
"So, are you trying to find crime to solve or just out to look at the stars?" Spectra then sets up scope and watches for something.
"So, it's nighttime, is it." Oh the stars, if only I could remember them. "I'm not trying to solve crime, or o find it, or cause it. I just go where ever my wings take me." She senses him take out something. "What are you doing?"
"I set up a lookout at the bank because most crime takes place at banks. And with that bullet thieve on the loose, there could be trouble." Spectra began to wait and he had a bottle of tea with him. "You wants some tea?" He asked.
She smiles sweetly facing him, "Yes, thank you." She accepts. "Hey Spectra . . ." she began, imagine an Angel, nervous, "Does the name Crafter sound familiar to you at all?"
"Not really, that's the second time I herd that from a different person. The first time was when I first came to this city and there was a guy looking for this Crafter person."
Ricci set up her bank account with the woman,and left afterwards.She was walking towards a Springfield Apartments,and called the number on it."Hello,I would like to rent an apartment,please." She said into the phone,sitting on a bench.After she got that set up,she looked for a job.It didn't go well,but Rocci was happy she might be changing her life around.
After everything that the four saw most people would just go home and do nothing afterwards. But their not like everyone else. Todd looked at the two people that destroyed the statue. The little fight with someone with some pretty neat card tricks. And the two ran off afterwards. Todd looked at Deven and Dex. "You two go follow those two. Try to stay a good distance away from. Oh if you two need to. Kick some ass."

Deven and Dex nodded "Got Todd." They both started to climb up the building that they hit earlier. Then they started to run on the roof tops keeping a close distance away from their targets. They finally saw where the two stopped. A apartment complex. Deven looked down at the apartment complex. "So this is where Mr.Arket lives... Looks like shit." Dex chuckled a little. "Well it's places like this that most weaponeers live." Deven activated his communicator. "Todd we found their hideout. Want us to take of those two?" Todd responded after some static. "No leave Mr.Arket alone. For now focus on the girl. She's a new person of interest." Deven responded. "Roger that Todd. Precisely what are you and Chet doing." Todd responded after two seconds of silence. "Me and Chet are going talk to the person with the interesting card tricks." Chet's voice was heard in the comm. "Hey Todd the angle just left. I think now will be the perfect time to talk." Todd talked to Chet."Alright let's move in Chet. Alright you two be careful." Deven looked at Dex for a quick second. "Got it Todd." Then he ended the call. Dex looked at Deven. "So what are we doing?"

Deven walked up the edge of the roof. "Well Todd wants us to watch the girl that Mr.Arket is with." The two set down and took cover so that they won't be seen by either one of them. A few minutes gone by and they saw Mr.Arket leaving the building. Dex looked through his binoculars. "Well there goes Arket." Deven looked. "Now we wait for the girl. Another few minutes go by and they see the girl leaving the complex. Deven looked at Dex. "Alright let's move." The two followed the girl for a few blocks and they saw her stop at a bank. Dex looked at the building. "I wonder what she's doing here?" Deven looked at the building. "Well she's either starting a new account, taking some money out, or she is robbing the bank." The two saw Spectra walking on the on the street below. Dex pointed him out. "Well there's Spectra." Deven heard a swooshing sound coming from above. He looked up to see what made the noise. He saw a very familiar figure going down. "And here's the angle." The two jumped down to see what the two are up to and make sure that bank wasn't getting robbed. They heard the talking about something. Deven and Dex walked up until their five feet away. Dex butted in the talk. "So we meet again you two."

Meanwhile in the park

Todd and Chet saw Deven and Dex climbing up the building. Chet looked at Todd. "Let's go make some new friends." Todd nodded and the two started walking towards the two that are now on a park bench. Todd was getting something on his comm. He heard what Todd said about them finding the hideout. "No leave Mr.Arket alone. For now focus on the girl. She's a new person of interest." Deven asked through the static. "So what are you Chet are doing?" He looked down at the ground. "Well we are going to talk to the guy with the fancy card tricks." Chet interrupted the discussion. "Hey Todd the angle is leaving now. If we want talk to him now will be the time." Todd looked at the direction of the angle. "Alright let's move in Chet. Alright you two be careful." Todd responded back through the static. "Got it Todd." Todd ended the call. "Alright Chet let's move." The two follow him." Chet nodded and the two kept a distance of ten feet away from the card guy.
Ricci looks around the park,yawning slightly.She had no where to stay,since she forgot about a life of crime.She didn't want to kill people,she had just been griefing over her father.Ricci sat on a park bench,seeing the card guy and two others.She felt her eyelids slowly close,but snapped them open again.
Gatti started to notice people were following him he didn't say anything...yet. He continued walking but then he realized he had to use two more cards so he first got ten coins he used it to get ten coins to use later, but the other card was magician great what can I do with this now. He then saw the girl from earlier that shot him he didn't want to get shot so he decided not to drag attention to himself as he turned and walked away.
Ricci walked up to the card man slowly,not wanting to alarm him.When she finally reached him,she asked him a question."Is there any way you could help me? I know,I was horrible earlier,but..." She trailed off."I need to turn myself around." Ricci finished.
he froze as she spoke apparently she wasn't being violent, she in fact wanted help he turned around and put his deck back, "sure I can help, water under the bridge in fact I could use help running my shop if you would be so kind." Gatti was enjoying this turn of character.
Ricci nodded her head."I'd love to.What kind of shop do you have?" She asked."Oh,I didn't seem to catch your name either."
Vatic sensed their auras, she completely froze their feet to the ground after muttering an incantation. " Why are you following us?" She said nor turning around to face the two men. "Do you really want to die? "

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"the name's Gatti and my place is a more or less successful magic shop as well as psychic readings," he thought about the men following him, "and we might wanna go now because some people me might assume your still crooked," he walked past her leading the way but halfway he stopped and whispered, "look out to see if those two keep following us but don't let them know we've acknowledged them," then he said aloud "come on let's go," as he picked up the pace towards the shop.
At the bank

Dex looked at the angle. "Hey if we wanted to die we would've ask you to kill us already." Deven walked in the middle. "Hey we are here following the girl that just went into the bank. Besides we were here first. So I think you are following us... If that makes sense." Dex poked Deven's shoulder. "Well just so you know she just left." Deven looked back at the bank. "Oh well.. Let's go Dex." Then they started to follow her. They saw meeting her with the guy with the cards. Deven and Dex saw Todd and Chet. They caught up to them. Deven looked at Todd. "So what we do now." Todd thought to himself. "I think he's noticed us.. Be prepared if he runs especially if the girl intervenes." The four now kept following the card man and Mr.Arkets partner in crime.
Ricci kept calm,listening to Gatti's suggestions.She didn't give them any indication she knew that they were following her.She tucked some hair behind her ear,using her other hand to hold into the strap of her camo duffel bag.Ricci tried to stay calm,or as calm as she could,since she hated being watched.She repositioned her cloak,taking slow,calm breathes.
Todd could tell their thinking of something. He didn't need to say anything. He put his over his gun ready to shoot if neccesary. The other three did the same thing and they kept following them.
Ricci steadied her breathing and tried to clear her mind of any thoughts after she heard a gun being moved.She didn't turn around,but kept going to her destination.She kept her eyes in front of her,and her hands on the straps of her camo duffel bag.

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