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Fantasy The Wasteland


Senior Member
After the most dangerous tornado hit, wiping out almost everything what was left no one cared about. Most people died and for the people who survived died of either hunger or dehidration, for the people who were smart enough to live most likely had supernatural gifts from the powerplants being wiped out, some humans still live but most dead. for the animals that have been affected are mutants. now it is your job to survive what is described as a wasteland.
Mahem crossed Alex's mind as she watched blood drip from the Mutants chest. Alex heard thunder rumble and then rain started to fall, but this was no ordinary rain, it had an Extremely sting to it. "Ahh" Alex Yelled as she ran for the wreckage of the building's "It Burns!" She shouted as she looked at her arms, the rain had sank through her skin, Alex's screams could be heard from a mile away. As soon as she got to a wreckage of a building's she bandaged herself "ahhh-Ow" she yelled as she poured the left-overs of the poroxide on her wounds to clean them. "Screw you Thunder!" she cursed at the sky as she stuck the finger up.
Jake and Axel felt the sting of the rain on their skin, they ran to one of the building wreckages and bandaged themselves "Hey Axel, do you think Mum and Dad are...alright?" Jake asked looking at Axel with a sort of worried look "Yes they're gonna be fine, like us" Axel, being the older child only by 12 minutes did not truely know if their family was going to be fine "We aren't alright look at us, we're "The supernatural" " Jake sighed as he looked at the rain and the fleeing animals trying to find shelter. at that moment Axel knew that they should not be talking about their abilities, Axel entered Jakes mind so they could speak in private but this was not the only drama going on, in the mean time their friend Melody was still stuck trying to find shelter


Melody was in pain trying to find shelter when she saw Axel and jake "Hey guys" she ran over to them and sat with them, she then entered jakes mind "Dude's what's up?" she asked as she looked at jake and axel "wait,let me guess" Melody did not actually want to guess but she wanted to get in on their conversation, her next method was small talk "Did you get hit by the rain, that hurt ey', aww well, i'll survive!" she said in and upbeat voice "well i'll leave you" she said before she exited Jakes mind "Man that hurts" she said quietly waiting for them.
vaan sat on top of the fuel stations roof. boxers of canned food around him. his scars shined in the moonlight. he sat down with a wince and lit a cigarette. the rain fell around him but as it splashed upon his bare skin he enjoyed the pain with a disturbing passion. as the moon came out from behind the clouds he took a drag and breathed out the smoke, loving the swirls and patterns it made in the celestial light.
Mizu walked the streets of the aftermath to which used to be a beautiful city. He found a clean-ish spot to sit and played with his powers. @anyone
Carly walked past Mizu and watched him in amazement "Wuuuh wow" Carly stared in amazement at his water works "How do you do that!" she said at the man who was misteriously making water out of nothing "That's amazing!" she said as she looked at the dirt. she wished deeply to learn the mans skills, he was amazing making water out of nothing! that was so cool that was what carly thought.

Locke's convoy stopped about two miles from the city he was stationed in. Something about the supernatural made the driver stop. The city looked like it got nuked and the plant life was barren. He got out his binoculars and looked around. Nothing too remarkable. Only a few roaming people. He didn't want to get too close in cause the people had a hostile nature. He got off the road, found a nearby boulder and hide there and kept watch for any suspicious behavior.
Vaan threw his cigarette butt off the side of the stations roof and grabbed his worn dragonov that was resting against the ridge around the edge of the roof. he took the covers off of the scope, checked the chamber and rester it upon the ridge. he took a big breath and looked through the scope. he saw a glimmer from next to a boulder outside the city border. he checked it out and saw a man looking through a pair of binoculars. Vaan pulled the bolt back on the gun and watched silently. he didn't want to kill the man but he knew that if there was more than one of them and if they were well armed they will just cause trouble in the city. the man behind the boulder didn't seem to notice Vaan and he was thankful that his scope had anti glimmer glass. from his position it was basically impossible to spot him. he watched with a careful eye. not wanting to kill if unnecessary but willing to pull the trigger if needed.
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Jordan was walking down some random road. Or well, you couldn't really call it a road anymore. She wasn't really sure where she was was or in what direction she was headed, but did it really matter anymore? It was the apocalypse. It couldn't get worse. That's when the rain started. She let out a river of swearwords when the rain stung her before running towards a building, hoping to protect herself from the rain, but there were multiple holes in the ceiling. At least there didn't seem to be any mutants or hostile people here. Jordan decided to explore the building for any possible food or something, and soon found herself before two guys.

-Who are you? she asked them.

Axel and Jake left the 'Mind Zone' and saw the girl and just heard her say "Who are you?" they smiled "Jake" "Axel" the said putting there hand out for a shake "Need help,food,water?" Jake asked looking at a small pile of food and water. Axel smiled at Melody and woke her from their 'Mind zone'.

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Ian doesn't know how long he's been walking, what time it is, or where he's even at.

He spits in disgust at how disorientated he is. He takes a swig from his water flask and continues through some god-forsaken city, not caring enough to even to stay alert. Exhausted, he plops down on the granite, marble, or whatever it's called, steps of what looks like to be a library, well technically what was left of it.. He props his quite beloved shotgun on his shoulder and pulls a granola bar from his pack, one of his last. He takes a bite of it, and then regretfully, replaces it.

"Oh, Sis. You'd be so proud of me," he says sarcastically, to himself, after all, whose was still alive to listen?

He shakes his head, and runs a hand through his grimy hair. And with one last look a the street, he disappears into the desecrated sanctuary of knowledge, just as the first drops of acidic rain pattered down behind him.

"Hello?! Anyone in here!?" he hollers, his voice echoing off the urban jungle before him. It wasn't as if he were really excepting an answer anyway.. He strolls down the aisles of mildewing books and selects some of the survival guides, and sticks them in his backpack along with some of his childhood favorites. He takes one last look around the library and slips into the bathroom, even though the lights and electricity had long gone out, he could still see do to the skylight. In his opinion, that was a bit odd. He heads to one of the stalls and kneels before the toilet bowl. Though his younger self would've thought it would be disgusting, he opens his flask and dips it into the clean water and fills it full. He clasps it shut and dries it off. Without another thought, he slips into the library and pulls out a chair. Once seated, he pulls out the survival guides and begins reading.

* @Bannana @SdrawcabDaer @Welsh if you wanna get this rollin'*

(Well.... I guess I'm gonna stop before I write a novella.... just trying to keep it open for other peeps to come interact.)
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-I...I don't need help. I mean... Jordan sighed. She didn't like to ask people for ehlp at a´ll. She prefered being independent, so that she wouldn't owe anyone anything, so that she could make her own choices. However, the circumstances had changed. Were she going to survive in this wasteland, she would have to take all the help she could find.

-Do you have any bandages? There's some sort of acid rain outside, she said. I'm Jordan by the way.

However, she had barely said that as she heard a voce eko in the building. More people? she wondered to herself.

The book was quite a dry read, though it contained some useful information. With a sigh Ian closes the worn tome and gently tosses it aside, causing it to clatter down some steps he'd missed earlier.

He was incredibly tempted to find a corner and cover himself with his jacket, to him, the weather has never been colder. But he continues down the stairs and slowly makes his way down, making sure his presence is known. He could almost sense someone.... Hmm...

"Is someone there?"
he calls out to the gloom.

@SdrawcabDaer @Bannana

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Locke went back behind the rock. There was nothing of use to him at this location all he could do was wait until he heard or saw something happen at the city. He looked at another rock 40 meters away. It wasn't worth it though, no additional view point. So he sat there and waited until some super or another solider came that could protect him from the supers that were inside of that town because a revolver wasn't going to do much.
Ian took another step on the stairs and unfortunately, fell through. The rotted wood quickly swallowed him and Ian quickly found himself stuck.

"Good job, what another fine mess you've gotten yourself into," he mutters. He pulls out and holds onto to his flask. He uses his powers and focuses on the metal in his flask. Altering the magnetic field, he slowly floats up and out of his prison. In his relief, he looses his focus and collapses on the floor.

"That was rough." He picks himself up and dusts off, restashing his flask, all thoughts of anyone else gone. With his clothes worse-for-wear, he finds a doorway to the street and slips out soundlessly. He raids a grocery store for some canned goods and continues out toward the city limits.

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xXMiaXx said:
Carly walked past Mizu and watched him in amazement "Wuuuh wow" Carly stared in amazement at his water works "How do you do that!" she said at the man who was misteriously making water out of nothing "That's amazing!" she said as she looked at the dirt. she wished deeply to learn the mans skills, he was amazing making water out of nothing! that was so cool that was what carly thought.
Mizu Smiled, and looked at the girl. "The oxygen in the air is water vapor, gas created by heating up water. I have the power to reverse that, making the water hot or cold at will. I could teach you, but it would take a very long time."
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Ian heard it again, voices. Perhaps he was truly losing his mind. He crept forward and what met his gaze ushered a gasp from him. People.

"Are you real?" he calls out to the two humans, his heartbeat rising in his throat. I motion my hands to focus my powers and peel back the metal chain link fence between us.

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Mizu looked over at the man and waved. "Of course we are! Haven't you come intact with another supernatural yet?" He called out.
Ian was surprised, no elated.

"You are the first people I've met in several weeks. To be honest, I was sure I was the only one left," He says with a small chuckle.

"Though a word of warning, do not head north... things have gone... sour,' he says darkly, but brightens up. "So where are you guys headed? "

SolisNighsun said:
Ian was surprised, no elated.
"You are the first people I've met in several weeks. To be honest, I was sure I was the only one left," He says with a small chuckle.

"Though a word of warning, do not head north... things have gone... sour,' he says darkly, but brightens up. "So where are you guys headed? "

"Well, I was just going to sit around here for a while, I love to fight those grotesque mutant creatures. Once I clear out this section, I'll move on to the next." He said willingly and bravely.
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Ian shook his head, "They aren't mutants up north, they're....they are monsters. Most of them have fallen into anarchy and... they are eating each other."

He closes his eyes at the painful memory. "They are just humans, they aren't of the gifted, or supernaturals."

"Are either of you hungry?" he says changing the subject, "I have a couple granola bars if you want."


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SolisNighsun said:
Ian shook his head, "They aren't mutants up north, they're....they are monsters. Most of them have fallen into anarchy and... they are eating each other."
He closes his eyes at the painful memory. "They are just humans, they aren't of the gifted, or supernaturals."

"Are either of you hungry?" he says changing the subject, "I have a couple granola bars if you want."


"I don't really care about that... That's why I can do _this"_ He then turned into a small puddle of water, then back into a human.

Note, I cannot do very detailed rps, just so you know
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Drako909 said:
"I don't really care about that... That's why I can do _this"_ He then turned into a small puddle of water, then back into a human.
Note, I cannot do very detailed rps, just so you know
(Me no care :D *purposely uneducated remark* )

Ian watches him with mild interest," That is most peculiar, you sorta saw what I can do, here I'll show you again."

He turns around and focuses on the dumpster beside them. With a small grunt, and a shriek of metal, the whole dumpster flattens out, like a pancake.

"Heh, never gets old. Wanna go on a magical carpet ride?" he asks mischievously as the flattened metal starts to rise off the ground.

"I can assure you it is completely safe," he adds with a small smile, relishing the humanity of it.

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SolisNighsun said:
(Me no care :D *purposely uneducated remark* )
Ian watches him with mild interest," That is most peculiar, you sorta saw what I can do, here I'll show you again."

He turns around and focuses on the dumpster beside them. With a small grunt, and a shriek of metal, the whole dumpster flattens out, like a pancake.

"Heh, never gets old. Wanna go on a magical carpet ride?" he asks mischievously as the flattened metal starts to rise off the ground.

"I can assure you it is completely safe," he adds with a small smile, relishing the humanity of it.

"N-no thanks, I don't like heights..."
"Aww, your no fun," the metal gently hits the ground as he lowers it with his hand," What is your name by the way, I never caught it."

"My name's Ian, at your service!" he grins.

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