The war that changed us forever.

(( [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION] hiya :) ))

Marleina looked at him and whacked him again, just because he told her not to. "Stop being a creep!"
Raven turned away from Vlad. She wasn't going to let him stop her. She started walking forward again.
Vlad grabbed her arm. "You're aren't going any where." he said his eyes were glowing even brighter. "You're in my territory and I cant let you leave." he said squeezing her arm.
Vlad smirked."That sounds like a good idea." he said. he turned around and started to walk away then stopped. "Don't worry you'll learn to love being a vampire." he said then he ran up a tree and sat on a branch watching Raven.
Raven glared up, knowing he was still watching her. She wandered back into town, eventually finding her was around all the misplaced roots and branches.
Vlad smirked."This will be fun.." he said climbing up the tree and jumping into a tree. In side there was a house or what looked like one.
Raven wandered over to the same tree she had been sitting under earlier in the day when Caleb found her. She knew it was very close to werewolf territory and honestly expected one to come chase her out eventually, but since it was werewolf territory she knew Vlad couldn't follow her here. She sat under the tree and hugged her knees to her chest. At least if she stayed here without going too far in, Vlad wouldn't be able to spy on her.
Vlad smirked. Seeing Raven under the tree. Vlad had the ability to control nature. The wind blew "Raven" it said in a ghostly voice.
Raven heard it, and in response lifted her arms over her ears. ~He really followed me into the werewolves' area of the woods?" she asked. Well he was brave, she would give him that. One vampire versus all the weres if they saw him here? He definitely had guts. But then again, she did too since she was only a human in werewolf territory. That was even more gutsy...
A twig snapped behind her and Caleb stepped out. He motioned her to come to him.

Marleina looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Whatever."
Raven jumped at the noise and looked around. She looked up into the trees, figuring she was still being watched. She stood up and walked toward Caleb quietly.
Once she was on his teritory, he held her tight in his arms and whispered into her ear. "Take off your clothes.."

She put on his shirt, glad she was at least covered now. "Now what?" she asked. Vlad would probably be able to track them either way.

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