The war that changed us forever.

"Don't ever say that again, You know it's not your fault." He sighed.

"I don't think of you like that..." She grabbed his hands.
Seth looked down."Oh why didn't you say that in the first place." he said then he turned and started to walk into the forest.
"I was the one that was out there. I mean, yeah, I didn't know he was there... But..." She went quiet.
She looked at him. "I just don't think of you like that, But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you."

He looked at her. "Stop. I said stop."
Raven was quiet the rest of the way there. She didn't want to say anything, everything she said seemed to make him mad.
Raven kept nodding off, trying to stay awake since she was still nervous about being found again. Her bare feet dangled over the edge and she looked down past them to the ground.
Raven woke up a few hours later, her entire body in pain. She groaned a little bit then realized she was still in a tree. She looked down, momentarily forgetting how she got there but remembering when she saw Caleb.
Raven was quiet again. So it wasn't her fault, and it wasn't okay. What else was it "wasn't"...
Raven's stomach grumbled. She'd left her bag clear in town. She wondered if she should chance going out to get it. It was morning, and the sun was up so she would be in no danger if she went now. She looked at Caleb and asked about it.

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