The war that changed us forever.

Raven was on the roof now. She glanced back down to where Caleb stood, waiting for her. She looked around for her bag. She found it and rummaged through it, grabbing out a piece of bread. She ate it quickly then started to head back to the fire escape.
"Yeah," she called down. She put her bag over her shoulder. She made her way back down, starting to feel rain drops on her skin.
Raven got to the bottom of the fire escape. It was sprinkling now and grey clouds filled the sky. "Lovely day for a walk, isn't it?" she said sarcastically.
Seth took off his black t-shirt. He jumped into the lake not making any noise. he came back up."Come on it the water is fine." he waved.
((Crap, this was the one I forgot, I have to drop this one D: Sorry. I'm trying to drop the least active ones with finals coming up so that I don't have a ridiculous number of RP's going on that I have to dig through the list to find))
Erabella sat in one of the bars that lay in town. She sipped a beer just waiting for her nights prey to come along. She had been waiting since 7 PM and it was 9. Yet no one was suitable to her.

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