The war that changed us forever.

She rolled her eyes ”It's not like I was gonna drain you. I've never done it before. Well, once but that was because he wanted to die and I hadn't eaten for two weeks.“ she shrugged, indifferently.
Erabella rolled her eyes again. She scanned the place and sighed. She would have to wait until tomorrow to get something to eat. She stood and walked out of the bar, heading back to. the woods.
Erabella turned around "What? Do I need another lecture about how inhumane I am? I've heard it too many times, Caleb." She had gone from being her shielded, fun party girl self to the bare, afraid girl from 1864.
Erabella hopped out of his arms and crossed hers. ”Yeah? The way you treat me you'd think I was.” She turned away and began walking.
He rolled his eyes. "Hey, I wasn't done talking to you!" He snapped a branch off of a tree as if he were snapping a twig. He realized he was letting his anger take over so he pushed past her and left.
Echo watched from her perch in the above trees and colapsed out of the tree as Caleb snapped the twig. She sprang back her feet and swiped her mess of purple bangs from her face. "Could've been a little more careful." she mumbled as she followed behind him.
A lone man walked through the forest, lonesome and quiet. He grinned under his hood as he smelled the bloodied creatures stalking him. The man stopped as two vampires showed themselves before him, both looking as if they had just fed. The man rose his hand. "Wrath!" He called and a large werewolf dashed past the man and pounced the two vampires tore them both in two. The man laughed as blood splattered. "I, Lite, will never be easy prey for weak creatures like you!" He scoffed at the blood suckers. Wrath howled and continued to tear flesh from bone.
(( [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] what Is Lite again? Vampire/Werewolf/Human? Cause he can't be 72 and look 23 ))
(( [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] Okay(: ))

Marleina heard a man yelling, so she followed the sound of the voice. He sounded pretty close. She looked through the trees to a man who was killing two vampires she knew well. She came out of the woods, fangs elongated. "How dare you!!!" She yelled.
(( Hey it's Ash Autopsy, I normally log in through facebook and the option isn't showing so I have to post here until further notice from the mods. ))
Lite laughed as a girl appeared before him with anger running through her veins. "Stand down child, it would be a shame to end your life so soon!" He laughed and lifted hand with flat palmed. Wrath showed himself, his snarling fangs dripped the blood of the two vampires he sought as prey. Lite grinned and Wrath howled.
"I'm sick and tired of all of this bull shit!!" She yelled. Her veins began to bulge from her skin as she clenched her fists tight. Before Lite hd even known, she ripped her fangs right through his neck.
Echo shifted and raced towards Caleb. Once she reached him she shifted, still in clothes, she crossed her arms over her dark purple hoodie and stood in front of him "What were you doing with her?" He was in a way her brother seeing as she was raised with him by his parents. Her parents had died in one of the many pack fights.

--- Merged Double Post ---


Wolf form for Echo
( I thought you posted Echo as a girl? )

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nevermind! xD

He looked to the small girl infront of him. "Nothing.."
Lite took the attack only slightly as a surprised. Even when pounced upon he grinned and stood tall proud and unmoving. His arm transmuted into a blade and as the vampiric girl came upon he thrust the blade through her chest. "You think just cause you a bit more speed then me you can kill me that quickly? You must be so hungry your brains starting to give out!" Lite clenched the girls head and pulled her away form his neck with ease. Wrath came form behind used his superior strength to rip the girl away from Lite and throw her into a near by tree.

Lite rubbed the spot where he was bitten. "Barely broke any skin." Lite chomped the air. "I bet my buddy here can bite harder!" Lite laughed, Wrath roared.
She tore the blade out of her chest and dropped it on the ground, spatting blood. "Ass." She wiped her mouth up and spit blood all over him.
Lite wiped his face. "Disgusting." He rose his palm again this time he clenched his fist. It was a command for Wrath.

Wrath dashed forward reared back his claw and whipped his massive powerful arm in an arc that would split the tree in two. Lite jumped over Wrath, both his hand transmuted into sharp bladed claws and he attacked the girl with a flurry of strikes.

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