The war that changed us forever.

Lite stopped quickly and rose his hand again with open palm. "And why should we?!" he laughed as Wrath stood right above here ready to just chomp her head.

Lite grinned. "You are the one who attacked first! So why should I stop defending myself?!"
((Huh? did you not read the whole post? he already knows Echo. she was raised with him.))

Echo raised an eyebrow "It sure didn't look like nothing."
I know lol I reread it

He smiled a bit. "I swear, it was nothing..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

She looked at him. "Because I know where your wife is..."
Lite eyes opened wide and his grin dropped. Lite signaled to Wrath to hold his spot. "Where is she?!" Lite extended his arm and it transmuted into a large blade.
"Hey I didn't touch her! just follow me.." she signaled him to follow and walked deep into the woods. "You know.. you've been kind of arrogant so I don't know if I should really be nice to you.."
Lite reluctantly followed. Wrath stayed close behind but out of sight. "You attacked me!" Lite argued, "Take me to my wife or I'll kill you!" Lite yelled. As he stayed with in a good distance from her.
Lite was shocked at the girl's bravery...or more likely her stupidity! "I'm threatening to kill you unless you take me to my wife!" Lite rubbed his head. "Do you not understand our situation?!" Lite shook his head. "Whatever! Lets go! I'll just shut up!" Lite continued to follow. Wrath sniffed the air.
She nodded. "Besides, if you killed me you'd never find your wife." She smiled back at him. She continued walking.
"Risk I'm willing to take..." He murmured under his breath. Lite peered back and forth keeping an eye out for anything that might be suspicious. Incase he was being led into a trap. Wrath continued to follow close behind
"Youd being willing to give up your wife and unborn child?" She smiled, She wanted to tell him in a more surprise way, but this was how it came out.
Lite turned to her with a snarl "What?! Hell no! I was kidding you stupid..." Lite point onward "Take me to my wife!" Lite commanded.
Lite was about to burst "Well! I stopped talking yet you provoked me!" Lite shook his head. "Jut lead the way and I'll follow!"
(Cheyenne would be nice)

Lite followed shivering slightly, he hadn't seen her for so long. As well there was a child on the way! Lite sped up, a smile finding its way onto his face.
She smiled and led him there.

Cheyenne was sitting under a tree, her stomach was pretty big. She looked up at Lite and gasped.
Echo rolled her eyes “I'm gonna tell Mom that you were with her. I mean she's f*cking next in line for the throne. And, let's face it, Dimitri isn't doing too good. He should die soon.“
Lite was speechless for a moment. He then rushed forward and went to his knees in front of her and embraced her in his arms. "I love you!" He yelled and held her in his arms.

Wrath showed himself and stood himself next to the vampire that led the way.

Lite looked at her and gently brushed her face with his palm "I've been looking for you ever since the attack!" Lite and Cheyenne lived near the outer rim of the city, when the war got heated they're house was attacked and they had split up. "I'm never letting go of you!"
Cheyenne hugged him tight and muzzled her head into his neck starting to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again! I thought I'd never be able to tell you about our baby."

Marleina looked at Wrath and smiled. "That's so cute."
Echo punched him, which was surprisingly hard for a girl of her size. “That's horrible, Caleb.“ She paused as they reached the edge of the village they lived in “I'm soooo telling Mom. Be ready for the beating of your life.“ She giggled as she parted the ferns and entered the village.
Echo shrugged "I just find it funny that I've already gotten laid and you haven't...." She wnked as they walked into the largest house in the small village. She grinned "Mother!" she called. Their mother came in from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron, "Mother, Caleb was with-" Her voice was cut off by Caleb's hand covering her hand. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at him.

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