The war that changed us forever.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I was with Erebella. But it's not like I was with her." He pushed past her and walked out.
Their Mother sighed as she followed behind him "You know I'm going to have to tell your father." she said. Echo had gone to her room and was playing with her iPod, well, it wasn't really hers she had found it in the woods. She listened through the thin walls to the conversation going on between their mother and Caleb as she played chess.
Lite started to cry "Don't worry! I'll never let you go again!" he weeped.

Wrath laid himself down and relaxed some.
"You shut the hell up!" He pointed his finger at her. "I'm done with all of this bull shit." He walked out of the house and slammed the door so it broke.

She grinned and hugged him tighter, whispering into his ear. "Lite.. I know what you tried to do.. to her(Marleina). It scares me for our baby. What if you hurt it?"
Echo felt her chin quiver, he had never yelled at her before. It had always been like she was the younger one not him. She raced out after him "Caleb! Please!" she yelled as she ran after her younger brother. Erabella stepped out in front of Caleb and smiled "Hey." she said. Echo shot at the vampire "You! You did something to him!" she screamed. "Qehat did you do?!"
He took Erebella's hand and looked at Echo. "Don't point a finger at her. I'm done listening to all of you critisize me!" He looked at Erebella. He'd known her for what seemed like forever.
Erabella raised an eyebrow "I did nothing to your brother." Echo felt hot tears run down her face and she held her face in her hands. She looked up after a few moments "If this is what you want then I qon't object. Just know that I love you and always will love you."
He sighed and pulled Echo into his chest. He kissed her on the forhead. "I love you too.. I just. I need some time to sort things out with my life.."

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(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] ))
Echo nodded and pulled back "Be safe." She turned and headed back to the village leaving her brother and Erabella alone.

Erabella turned to Caleb "Well, that was an overly emotional goodbye. How do you stand her?"
He looked at her. "Hey, I don't need bull shit from you either.." He looked down at her, still holding her hand.
Lite turned his head to look at the vampire, and rose his hand. Wrath instantly reacted, setting itself right over the girl and preparing to crush her under his weight. Lite looked at his wife "These things attacked and destroyed our homes! What has this one done to you?" He asked fearing that perhaps she had been turned.
She grabbed his hand and put it down. "They took care of me for 6 months while you didn't!" She pushed away from him and got up crying. "I don't want you like this.. You scare me when you do that and I don't want you around my child, acting this way."

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(( [MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] ))

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(( [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] Didn't see your post xD ))

He looked at her and smiled slightly.
Erabella frowned as she saw the sun begin to peek up above the horizon. "Shit," she muttered under her breath. She changed their direction heading for the large Midevil castle that pretty much all the vampires lived in. She paused as she saw one her better known vampire friends, a human woman, and a human man. She raised an eyebrow "We should all be heading back. Dawn is upon us." She turned to the woman "Cheyenne. How have you been feeling?"
Lite gasped "No, I've just been worried about you... The stress has gotten to me!" Lite pulled her back over "I will change! I swear it! Just give me time!" Lite took her hands. "I love you!"

When the others entered, Wrath turned on a more aggressive stance. He got between the line of sight of the humans and the other creatures "Away!" The moon would weaken him but he would still be a wild-man. That's how Lite and Wrath supported each other. Lite protects Wrath until the full moon then Wrath rips everything apart.

Lite looked to the vamps "Why exactly do they know you?" Lite asked Cheyenne curiously.
She pulled her hands away from him, ignoring his question. She was more furious at the fact of what he was doing. She pointed to Wrath. "Change that." She yelled, in tears once again. "You're so focused on killing every being! What happened to the man before this mess? The man that I loved."
Lite was hurt. Hes changed? He hadn't noticed... Has he changed? Lite shook his head. "No! I've not changed one bit!" He put both arms at her sides and held to look at him "I've not changed you have! You loved my protectiveness of you! You may have never wanted to see my killing but you knew I had to do it to support you!" Lite told her. ten glanced at the vamps "These creatures have done something to your mind! I love you and you know it! You always wanted our son to be exactly like me!"
She looked at him. "I do love you.. I love you so much. I'm just scared. For our baby. I want a son like you. I just don't like how vicious you've become.." She held his hands tight and hugged him tight. She cared for him so much, but the way he'd acted scared her for the life of their baby.
Lite took a moment to think. "I will teach our child strength to defend us when we're old and the city when we're gone." Lite nodded. "My viciousness is passive, You know how I am... I'm only kind to you and you alone. I hate everyone else, like we use to say: 'Just you and me!'." Lite said then shushed her before she spoke again. "Tell me why you know these vampires and where you've been." Lite was much more serious gaining control of his emotion and falling into his stoic ways.
She looked at him and grabbed his hand. "Lite, They didn't kill me. They took care of me.. All that time.." Suddenly, she bent over and held her stomach, squeezing his forearm tight.
Lite had his doubts, but he surrendered to her. "I will let them live only for them showing kindness to you." Then when he felt her cringe and her tightening hand on his arm he stressed. "Are you alright?!" Lite swept her up and carried her in his arms "She needs to stay in a hospital!" Lite looked to Wrath "Lets move!"
She leaned her head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. It was soft and calming. She closed her eyes with her hand on her stomach. She didn't say anything, just waited.
Lite jumped onto Wrath's back and Wrath began to carry them to the safety of the city and as close as he could get to the hospital without being seen.

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