The war that changed us forever.

Marleina followed the scent, to see a boy with blood dripping in his trail. She appeared in front of him and looked at him. "Who are you?"

Caleb looked at her and stepped closer, continueing to circle her. "What's your name, dear?"
Raven swallowed nervously. He was getting closer, probably too close for her to even try to run. "...Raven..." she said quietly, not taking her eyes off the ground.
(Posted Stella, Ash.)

Scott allowed his lips to curl back into a snarl, canines gleaming menacingly in the light of the moon as he steadied himself. Despite his wounds, it seemed as though he was still functioning as if they were nonexistent, appearing to feel no pain. But it was there, and it was brutal. Pounding on his sides and chest, were the jagged claw marks that would soon develop into another scar, lining the pale skin of his torso. Another to add to his collection.


A soft sigh to escape rosy red lips as she allowed herself a moment's rest. She sat upon the edge of a nearby cliff, staring into the raging waters just bellow her feet, as if she planned to jump. Though no such thoughts occurred in the confines of her mind. No, Stella's thoughts were occupied with the many shouts, echoing about her head as if their sources were screaming at her at this very moment.

A soft whimper rose in her throat, not bothering to tuck away the stay strands of violet hair back from her face. Slowly, she dragged her feet from the edge, bringing them close to her chest as of she sought comfort, circling her arms around her knees.

She looked up at him, straight into his eyes, and said more than she had said in the entire past year. "Your kind come here every night and attack humans! Why wouldn't I be? I'm one of them!" Her fists were clenched, not menacingly but more out of anger. Her eyes widened at her sudden outburst. She immediately rid herself of the emotion. "Give me a reason not to be."
Caleb surveyed her. "Fine, I'll leave you here to die. Have fun." He began walking away.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Marleina looked at him. "Oh cut the crap."
Scott allowed for another snarl, afore the loud rip and tear of his skin and clothes took over the silence of their surroundings. With blurs of black and electric blue (his eyes in wolfie form!^^) the male shoved past the other wolf, throwing her off to the side with a mere brush of his canine shoulder before bounding off into the trees, his injuries almost invisible in his ebony fur if it were not for the illumination of the night.


Stella's eyes darted upwards in alarm, the whites of her eyes evident in her fear as the sudden scent of wolves flowed into her nostrils, invading her senses and driving them haywire. Violet tresses fluttered about as she abruptly scrambled to her feet, obscuring her vision for only a second's breath before she was off, destination unknown, weaving through the large trees that delayed her escape.
Raven stood there for a minute. "What are you talking about?" She said. She hadn't died yet. She had a spot to hide where no one even knew she was there. He wouldn't be 'leaving her to die'.
Caleb looked at her. "I was GOING to save you."

((She's a Vampire))

Marleina got up and ranafter him, biting hard into his shoulder.
Raven's eyes narrowed, still not knowing what he was talking about. "I don't..." She stopped and turned away. "I don't need saving..." she said quietly, almost sadly, and walked away.
Vlad heard the voice of what sounded like a wolf boy."I hate wolves." he muttered. Vlad's long dark hair blew in the wind. He caught the sent of a human girl."I smell a human." he said his mouth starting to water. He followed the sent to a roof top. Vlad glided to the roof landing silently.
Sorry. x.x" Cause i said he STEPPED into another wolf's territory. So i assumed that because she'd responded, she was a werewolf... Oh... And you could've let Scott just go... >.>" But okay.))

Scott threw his muzzle back in a howl of pain as he tumbled forward. His large body rolled afore skidding to a stop before a fallen tree. Upon his feet, he thrashed wildly in attempt to throw the vampire off his shoulders. But of course, her teeth had sunk deep into his skin. Though, this did not last long, for he twisted about his head, locking his jaws about her small torso and tugging with enough force to tear her fangs from his skin.

Blood splattered upon the forest floor as flesh was torn, dirt thrown upward in such sudden movement. More so as he threw the female onto the floor, allowing her to slam onto the ground. And without awaiting her response, he'd been off again, disappearing into the thick brush and vegetation.


Stella was, as usual, frightened, and she was sure her fear could have been detected even with the inferior nose of a human. And the noise she made as she crashed through the branches with movements uncertain and inexperienced, leaving behind broken twigs and torn pieces of her dress and the gnarled digits snatched at the skirt.
Vlad stepped To the human girl and taped her shoulder."Excuse me miss." he spoke softly. His crimson eyes glowed in the darkness of night.
Raven left the alley. She would circle around and hope he was gone, and climb back up to the roof before the sun set. She adjusted her back on her shoulder and turned the corner.
((No, she was down on the ground with Caleb, she just left him and is circling around the building so he will leave and she can go back to the roof))
((Lol, okay))

Raven was about halfway around the building. She didn't need protection. She didn't need anyone, especially one of THEM. She couldn't trust anyone. She was alone. She relied on herself. Forever. She took an apple out of her bag and ate it as she made her way back to where she started, peeking around the corner to make sure that the werewolf was gone.
Vlad watch from the roof. He was stalking Raven. He has been for a while. He dropped from the roof he was behind her now."Hello Raven." he said his eyes glowing.
Btw, Ash, you can continue RPing the vampire girl cause Scott wont be back to help her. >.<" As i said, he's a jerk...))

Stella crashed through the edge of the trees, right smack-dab in the middle of a clearing which was lined with the scent of a human and, to her utter dismay, a werewolf. Though, they appeared to have left. Which, of course was fortunate, for her legs burned with a release of effort as she tumbled onto the ground. Her knees had buckled from under her, relieving themselves of the weight of her body, sending her small frame pitching forward.
Raven looked around, hearing someone say her voice. Someone was standing there, and she assumed it was a vampire from the way he looked. "How do you know my name?" She asked, with little emotion as always.

((I would have been more descriptive on who she saw, but you didn't submit your character skeleton to the other page for approval, so I don't know what you look like))


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