The war that changed us forever.

Sorry didn't know how to do that I didn't see it on the first page so I thought it was jump in when you feel. Sorry. :(

Vlad smiled devilishly."Ive been watching you for quiet some time now" he said moving his hair out of his face.
((There is a page in the 'Character Sheets' Section :3 ))

Raven glared at him. What a creep. "And why is that?" She asked. Then, her expression dropped, leaving no emotion on her face. "Never mind, it's unimportant." She turned to leave, hoping that he wasn't going to follow her. Her heart raced.
Lmao Solar, little stalkerish-like... Oh, btw Stella's in the area where Caleb should be around.))

Stella was shivering, the cold chill of the night settling upon her small frame as she lay with legs burning upon the forest floor, emerald eyes closed as she held the base of her stomach. Hunger snarled at her from within, urging her to feed from what she had not for weeks upon time. She was thirsty, though she denied her body the permission to get up and seek food. For her family had kept secret the contents of the "wine" they forced her to drink every night. Of course, one can only keep such a secret for so long. And every one occasion that the thought crosses her mind, disgust rose from her throat, threatening to empty the contents of her stomach, which of course was stuffed with human food useless to her.
(( I figured i'd let everyone know a super random fact.. Corn just came out of my nose :D ))

Caleb walked out to see Stella. "What's wrong..?"
Vlad moved very quickly infront of her."Where do you think you're going." he said his fangs showed when he spoke.

Seth rubbed his face and followed her."Hey wait where are you going I didn't mean to piss you off." he said placing his hand on her shoulder.
Raven took a step back. "Home." she said. First he was practically stalking her, now he was just being a nuisance.

(( [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] D: That's so weird ))
o.e" Very disturbing. Btw... He knows she's a vampire right? OOOOOH! And her scent is different BTW... >.>" Stella smells of roses and lavender... Something that's so unlike most vampires who smell of blood.))

But no answer was from the lips of the small female. Violet hair was sprawled upon the ground, long and straight, covering much of her pale face from view. Her emerald eyes were shut, though movement was evident from under the lids. Her breath was evened, coming out in soft puffs of vapor as the chill began to set in, the night settling upon the edge of the forest, her chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of slumber.

The moonlight was upon her body, illuminating like a spotlight upon a star, though she was nothing of the sort. Instead, she looked like a child, eyes blind to the horrors of the world. And more so as she lay, half curled into herself with arms crossed over her abdomen, as if she still felt the pangs of hunger through her sleep.

>.>" U-Uhm... I'm really not one to dictate another person's creations... B-But... Where are we going with this? I feel like it's going to die without a plot or story line we can properly follow... I have NO idea what I'm doing with my characters. >.<"))
Vlad smirked."Oh come on don't go yet. I didn't even get to drink your blood." he said almost arrogently.

Seth frowned."I'm sorry." he apologized."Why are you mad at me?" he asked wondering what he did.
Raven backed away. "And I don't plan on having you do so." She said, the smallest hint of fear in her normally emotionless voice.
(( Well, then let's ALL come up with something fun(; and evil and stuff! ))

"You walk up when you see i'm just completely torn open and said hey what's up." She shook her head and walked away.
((Well at some point it will be dark, the weres and vamps will come attack. Eventually I would imagine the humans would start finding ways to fight back, starting a war :/ I mean we could just go with that and see where it goes.))
Vlad smiled even more now that she was showing fear."That's the point." he said darkly."I wasn't planing on you letting me." he said then he pushed Raven against the wall his hand around her throte.

Seth looked her over."I'm sorry I didnt see that you were torn up. I was busy looking at those beautiful eyes." he said walking along side her.
Raven wiped the expression of fear from her face, but couldn't stop feeling the emotion inside. She pushed back against him and tried to pull his hand away. ~Why me?~ she thought. ~It could be anyone else, and yet he decided to creep on me...~

--- Merged Double Post ---

((By the way [MENTION=1569]solarwing123[/MENTION] what does your character look like/ age/ all that so I at least have an idea of who I am talking to? Lol :) ))
((Vlad is 123 years old but looks about 19. Long black hair and crimson eyes.

Seth is about 100 years old looks 18. Long white hair and sky blue eyes.))

Vlad leaned in and scraped his fang across her neck.

Seth started to get mad."Will you stop hitting me. And stop what?" he said.
((Okay thanks :3 ))

She should have trusted the werewolf from earlier. He was right, she was in trouble now, and she had turned down the only act of kindness anyone had shown her since before her parents were killed. Raven cringed when he moved towards her neck, wondering whether he intended to turn her or just kill her off. "Stop!" She said, grabbing his arm with both hands and lifting herself off the ground to kick him in the stomach with both feet. Sure, vampires were strong, but a kick in the stomach still had to hurt

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