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Fantasy The War of Races

They were heading to battle, most were tired from the long journey to the battle field. They had to cross a lot of different terrain to get there. At the moment, the army was trudging through a large forest, if you could call it that.

Due to the pollution the humans had caused, the trees were no bigger then a shrub, and the grass was yellow, and wilted. Itzuki let out a sigh as he looked at the poorly taken care of forest. I wish I didn't have to battle humans, I wish they would just understand what they have done to this planet. I wonder if this is what happened to their so called 'Earth,' He thought to himself.

It wouldn't take long for them to get to the battlefield, where the humans were already waiting for them. Once they got there, Itzuki called everyone to attention, a small smile on his worn, dirt covered face.

"We, the shapeshifters, are ready for battle!" he declared, "I do not want to see my men dying for a stupid mistake of our groups. I do not want to see our men lose this battle. This is the first battle, that will mark this war's beginning, don't screw it up!" he ordered, his face back to its normal serious expression. Every person in the army in front of him, gave a loud 'yes sir' before readying their weapons.

"Now the general will speak, head his words wisely, as he will only speak once," Itzuki warned.


For millions of years, Elorica had been in a state of peace between the shape shifters and the humans. There was no war, or weapons for destruction, only for hunting.

Both sides remained in a state of Monarchy, with a King or Queen who took care of and maintained their people. Traditionally, it was a family line, but in rare cases it could be marriage based.

That all changed when humans started using technology, and electricity, among other things. They were slowly hurting the planet worse and worse. The air was becoming more polluted, and the water was undrinkable without a filter. The very ground was no longer green.

The Shapeshifters were tired of the humans destroying their planet, and hurting their people. They couldn't live like this anymore.

So, on the tenth day of the twelveth month they declared war on the humans, saying that they would no longer stand to watch as the world was killed by its very occupants.

That was twenty years ago, and we're still at war.


Human- They are just like any normal humans, no powers and actually quite weak. They tend to have a liking to a man ruling their governments, though women are slowly getting more power as time goes on. They also tend to fight against each other, Shapeshifters find them rather pitiful.

Shapeshifters- Shapeshifters are very in tuned with the world. They don't use a lot of electronics, and are prune to using swords and knives, along with bows. They have 5 main animal forms, and they first shift between the ages of 11-15, most are rather kind in nature, and they prefer to have a women rule though they don't mind either way.

Half-breeds are very rare, but do happen. Most are by accident, or a result of crime, but some are on purpose. Most half-breeds are killed on the spot by humans and shapeshifters alike, and they aren't usually accepted in society, though there are exceptions.


General: This person is in charge of not only the army, but the whole race itself. There are only two, the Human and the shapeshifter.

2nd in command: These people are usually the ones who are in charge when the general gets injured or is on a mission. They are also next in line to be general. There are only two, human and shapeshifter.

Healers are unlimited and heal people on their side.

Solders fight the enemy, and follow the orders of the general.


(I do not own any of these pictures, I got them from Google)


Shapeshifter base in the forest, there is an underground area as well as an area up in the trees, its fairly large and spans around 3 miles.


The humans have bases all around their areas, and they are purely underground, each base spans around 2-3 miles depending.


1) No god modeling, (as in no immortals, or special powers that can make you invisible ect.)

2) no Mary sue/Gary stus please those get rather annoying.

3) Please get along~ your characters can hate each other, but that's just for the storyline. If you have a disagreement, talk it out, with nice words. If you read the rules disregard the password at the bottom and put Fantasy is awesome somewhere in your post.

4) Please PLEASE be literate I can not stress this enough, I cannot stand illiterate posts. And no chat speak, at all.

5) Please follow RpN rules, as well as my own

6) Cursing is allowed, just replace vowels with *s please.

If you read the rules put Ice cream is yummy at the bottom of your post.
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Vanessa Drake marched alongside the shapeshifter army. She glanced around at the polluted landscape. She remembered how her mother died. Having the air in your lungs replaced with pollution-caused fumes and having your life choked out, it had been painful for her to watch. She hoped the air was clean enough to avoid that kind of death.

She stopped when the 2nd in command and her superior, Itzuki, began to speak. "Yes sir," she replied with a frown. She didn't plan on dying and if it were up to her, none of her comrades would fall either. She gripped her swords and waited for the general to dish out orders. She gazed out toward the battleground. She was probably the only one looking forward to what would occur there.
Miho took a deep breath to keep her cool. She had to focus and stay calm no matter what. If not, the battle could have a drastic change, maybe in a bad way. Miho kept a good grip on her katana, remembering her brothers last words before he died, and the following of that day. Everything was destroyed for her that day, even one of her greatest powers. But she were now ready to return to the battle field. Helping her fellow shapeshifters in this battle she hoped soon would come to an end.

She looked up at Itzuki, listening to his words and prepared herself for what the general would say. It was now everything would happen.
Zayd watched his army's prepartions from afar. Although they seemed fatigued from the long, difficult trek to the battlefield, he was confident they'd be strong enough to defeat the humans. They would have to be. Of course, Zayd was slightly comforted knowing that the training of his legions was left in the very capable hands of Itzuki. The man was disciplined and serious about the war against the humans, despite some reluctance as to the reasons behind the war, which is exactly the qualities that encouraged Zayd to groom Itzuki for the throne. Rising from his chair, Zayd stepped up to the podium, his imposing height and figure not betraying the fact that he was still a teenager. No, at that moment, he was the King and General of the Shapeshifters, the man that his loyal subjects revered as the "Absolute King", and the legend his enemies feared as the "Smiling Monster".

He raised his hands to silence the crowds, before launching into a short speech. "Greetings, my Shapeshifter Army. I seee that you have all progressed splendidly. I am glad for it. I foress that this battle will be a decisive point in this war, and it is absolutely imperative that we win. I have acquired some... leverage over the humans. However, the rest is up to you. Remember how vile the humans are, remember the atrocities that they committed, remember the loved ones that were ripped from us prematurely by their avarice... Take the battlefield and show them your wrath! Do not fail your King!" he ended triumphantly, both his arms raised in the air as his army began to cheer. With a dismissive flick off his hand, he sent them off the battle, watching from his high throne positioned not too far from the battle itself. Should the need arise, in dire circumstances, he'd entery the fray himself.

Elsewhere, in a dark room, there sat a man, seated in a hunched manner. Everything about his posture screamed depression and loss. However, withing moments, the man straightened and stood up. Now, his stature seemed fit for a general, which indeed he was. Xavier, the General of the Humans, turned around, any traces of tears gone from his hardened face. His daughter had been everything to him after his beloved wife had died due to those godforsaken shapeshifters. Now, they'd taken his daughter, but they if they thought he'd just let them keep her... they had another thing coming. He swore that he would personally find their king and rip his filthy head of his shoulders. With a rigid gate, he walked out of the room to command his forces in the upcoming battle, leaving it in darkness and silence.
A grin spread across William's face as he watched the shapeshifter army leave their base, one by one, until only a few remaining guards were left. It was as if they wished to make it easy for him. Carefully ascending down, William let a couple of guards take a deep sleep by spreading sleeping powder across on the floor, before he knocked out a couple of others with his blunt arrows, both hitting the guards straight in the head.

"Maybe they left the whimps back here for a reason?" William chuckled to himself, hearing his voice echo across the empty hallway.

William made his way down to the lower levels of the base, finding his way to the archives. It was guarded by two guards, but they were both half asleep on the job, complaining over how they were stuck with the guard duty. How lucky that William was there to relieve them off their post. His grin became slighter wider, when they talked about Itzuki, how he missed playing around with him. But he was out there, spilling some guts of the poor humans. Oh well, he could always come back another day to play. "Hey! Who said you were allowed to sleep on guard duty?!" William yelled, making the two guards jump and unsheathe their swords.

Quickly jumping out of the shadows, William grabbed one of the sheaths and hit the guard's head with it. Knocking him out cold, as he turned around and dodged the other blade that was swung in his direction. He kicked it out of the man's hands, sticking the sword to the roof and knocking the other guard unconscious too. "Man, Zuki always told me how to be serious about a job, and here you two are. Sleeping! I believe he will be very angry with the two of you... You'll need a good scolding when he comes back," William said to them, before he found the key to the archives, and began looking around.

Papers, articles, old strategies, new strategies, letters, codes all sort of things were in here. It was surprisingly unorganized too. Oh well, William took his time before he managed to find the blueprints for the entire base. He smiled, happy over what he had accomplished. Quickly leaving the archive, he found that one of the guards he had knocked out earlier had disappeared. He was probably on his way to tell Itzuki what had happened, how fun! Too bad William would have to leave before Itzuki came. He spread his eagle wings on his back, and flew out of the base quickly disappearing before anything happened, leaving a small note behind on the main entrance for the first one to read.
Itzuki attacked a few of the front line humans as they began to attack, making swift moves that the human's eyes could barely detect. He let a small smirk slip across his lips as he fought, he always loved battle, not that he enjoyed killing things.

He was quickly aproached by a man, who he thought was guarding the achives, he furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion, "What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice authoritive, and showing no signs of confusion.

The man had a paniced look on his face, "The archives have been broken into!" He muttered, "The boy was a halfbred, and it seems like he knows you," he pointed out.

Itzuki simply sighed, 'William,' was all he thought. He moved away from the battle, and walked over to Zayd, "Sir, I have to go back to the base..."
Miho sprinted into battle. She quickly shifted into her moneky form when she noticed a human pointing a gun towards her. As a monkey she became faster, launching herself at the man, grabbed a hangun in his pocket and pointed it as his head and pulled the trigger.

More men approached her, so she shifted back to her human form, now using her katana to protect herself.
Vanessa rushed into the heat of battle with a roguish smirk on her face. She cut down the low ranked human soldiers that happened to cross her path. She soon found herself in Miho's neck of the battlefield. She took one look at the humans approaching one of her allies and pounced at them in her panther form. She started to maim a few humans before changing back to her human form and wielding her two blood-soaked katanas. "When will the more competent soldiers show up?" Vanessa asked with a sigh. "At this rate we'd be victorious in no time."
South knew that there was a battle today, people seemed more restless than usual and she could hear many talking about it. About people they knew who were going into battle, and believed would come back. But as South walked through the human city she knew that most of them would not make it back. On both sides many people wouldn't walk away, and that was perfectly fine with her. The more the humans and shape shifters destroyed each other, the less chance they would have to focus on destroying her kind, the half breeds.

One thing that was not so great about a battle going on was that there was no work for her at the moment. With most people concerned with the battle, no one really needed her skill set. At least not yet, in a few days maybe, once things started to slow down a bit, but not now. Which meant South was stuck walking around with nothing better to do. She normally stuck to the human cities, it was easier for her to blend in there. So, in the spirit of blending in, she walked around, acting like she had some place to be.
Alathail had been watching the battle from a not too dead tree in the forest. Everybody was to concentrated on the war that nobody had noticed her. She had even seen a man that had succesfully broken in to the shifters base and fly out as an eagle. She was impressed but also corious, what was he doing in there?

She was wearing her battlesuit. Just in case she would overcome her fear and join in the fight. She had spotted Itzuki and the General, "The absoulute king". She recognised them from when she and her parents were and talked about if she could start training a little bit earlier when she was younger, but now she imagined to impale their throats with her sword.

She had also noticed the human General, who she recognised from when she had spied...watched them in order to mabey become one of them one day. He had been looking quite scared in the beginning when they were almost about to lose, but now when Itzuki had disappeard the shifters were more unstable and the humans were slaying.

Now's the time. She could just run down to the battlefield, kill every shifter in her way and ask the humans if she could fight with them. But they would never accept her, she looks to much like a shapeshifter, they would feel her shifterblood and kill her on the spot. No, I have to. She jumped down from her tree and started running towards the human general. She drow her sword and killed a shifter in fox form and soon she were a couple of steps from him. She threw herself on a puma who was about to attack and killed it quickly, then she faced the General, muted the warning voice inside and said; "May I fight on your side?"
"Hm, I don't know Vanessa. We should be glad as long as the battle ends up in our favor." Miho answered before grabbing a man by his head and smashed it into someone else.

She jumped high up in the air trying to spot if there was any wounded soliders that needed help. She noticed a soldier that needed help close by and rushed over to him. Quickly she pulled him to a more safer spot, and began healing his wounds.
Thea approached the rest of the shapeshifters lining up neatly for the fight. She remembered when she was but a child when everything was green and full of life. Everyone smiled, and interactions between the shifters and humans were common. Thea frowned as she looked up at the grey skies and pale grass beneath her feet. It saddened her heart that her home was destroyed. As a young shifter, the idea of something like this was acatalepsy, but now she understood that she had to stand up for what she believed in. When she had been asked to become a medic in the battle, she felt it necessary to acquiesce.

She drew her longbow and fixed an arrow on the string. She would start with the rest in the war, but as more shifters became injured she would retreat and heal them so they could get back to the fight. The shifters would do better with all their soldiers in peak condition, so she had to go through all of them prior to today to ensure that they were ready to give it their all.

Giving a grim twitch of her mouth, she pulled back her bowstring, ready to let the arrow fly.
The wait was agonizing but already sounds of battle were drawing near to where Cyrus stood with his battalion, gun already drawn though a use had yet to present itself, waiting until it was his turn to take a go at the shapeshifters. The click of guns going off and clang of metal weapons did nothing to deter his ache for battle; after all the training it had took to get to this point he was more than ready to fight, and fight with a passion for that matter. A flash of dark feathers in the sky caught Cyrus's eye and without a second thought he had sighted his target and then fired, his aim true. Forced a half step backward from the recoil of the weapon his eyes tracked the shapeshifter's quick decent downward until the last flash of talons was swallowed by the men ahead of him. And just like that the battle had found him and shapeshifters, in one form or another, began to filter into sight and then they were upon his rank in full force. A gun fired from the man beside Cyrus and just like that the fight had engulfed the soldiers and it was every man for himself. A sleek gray wolf charged at Cyrus who quickly adjusted his aim and fired, his aim off but still managing to graze the shifter's neck and draw blood which stained the fur a darker shade. Even injured the shifter moved quickly, with a grace well befitted to it's form, and Cyrus was forced to feign a step back before he could fire again, this time his shot penetrating the wolf's forehead and causing the shifter to yelp in pain as it's legs gave out. He hardly minded the death; already he was moving to intercept another shifter before it got to a soldier already preoccupied with a shifter who loomed over him in a bear's massive form.
Vanessa ran deeper into the woods. She started fighting the human forces as she went. Before she could notice, a nearby human that wasn't involved in a fight with her drew his gun and fired at her. She didn't stand much of a chance against ranged weapons, especially one fired by someone she wasn't focusing on. "D*** cheep shot," she growled before her body went limp.

Cleopatra, with the help of her son Alex, quickly set up a medic tent to tend to the wounded. The battle ranged on, but it still seemed distant from their location. Cleo started to prepare for the inevitability of wounded shapeshifters. She paused what she was doing to look at her son, who was preoccupied staring in the battle's direction. After this battle...will they know?" she thought as she stared at Alex. She shook the thought out of her head and started to focus on the task at hand.

Maxwell marched through the woods with a small group of humans. He heard gun shots nearby and ran toward the sound till he reached Cyrus' position. He opened fire on the shifters in the area. "You look like you could use an extra pair of hands," he said to Cyrus as he joined the fray.
"I'm not really in the position to refuse help." Cyrus replied, his eyes flicking over to the speaker just long enough to see which soldier had joined the fray. Maxwell; a talented gunman, a good asset to have close by and watching his back. Still though, if he couldn't fend for himself now then he wasn't cut out to be in the ranks at all. Sighting the shifter in the form of a bear he quickly fired taking the shifter down but finding no pleasure in the dull thud it made as it hit the ground. His eyes swept over the battlefield for any other obvious targets and briefly he caught sight of a shapeshifter charging towards Maxwell. "Shifter on your left." he called out to Maxwell, his own sights distracted by a shifter who had turned to face him.
"I see him," Maxwell said as he noticed the shapeshifter charging toward him. He fired at the shifter, but it quickly turned into a snake and the bullet missed. The shifter quickly slithered over to him. Maxwell pulled out his combat knife and managed to slice the shifter's head off before he could bite. "Forward men!" he shouted.

"Alex, get the beds for the wounded set up," Cleopatra ordered. "We should have patients any minute now with a battle like this." "Yes mom," her son replied. He quickly began to lay blankets and piles of leaves inside the tent.
Miho carried with her two wounded soilders, taking them over to the tent that Cleopatra was in charge of. "Here are two more. I've gone through the most seriouse wounds they got, but they are still unconscious. I don't think they'll be able to return into the battle."

Miho sighed and carefully put the two men down. "Things have been turning in our favour through this battle, but we're starting to have some trouble at the moment." She informed while stretching her arms that had almost fallen asleep while carrying the wounded.
Thea let go of the arrow and watched. It landed in the eye of a young human soldier. She gave a small grin and then turned her back. Pulling out her medical bag and pitching the tent in the trees, she began to hustle injured shifters out to the shelter. Shifter by shifter she carried the bloody and wounded out of the fight. Soon after her hands and arms were covered in other's blood, the blood they had sacrificed the save their race. Thea took a minute to watch them fire their guns and ruthlessly kill her own people. Her nostrils flared with rage as she had one distinct thought in mind: kill the humans. For their greed, their ruthlessness, every fault they have. Now in her mind, the humans had no hint of good in them. And Thea began to heal.

She blinked tears out of her eyes as she watched her family and friends breathe heavily, shot by bullets she could not remove without human technology. They would have a chance at surviving to kill a couple more, but all who were shot would die at least after the battle from pain or infection. If any of these people were going to live, she would need an inside friend. One who could send her human medicine. But Thea wished she had considered that sooner.
William looked to where Thea was standing, healing some of the shapeshifters in the tent. Itzuki was nowhere to be seen, and he thought it would be great to drop in. Joking around more as he was already taking a favor to the humans, and that was no fair. This was suppose to be a fair game after all! He flew down to Thea, landing in front of her smiling his sly grin, but made sure to hide the blueprint in his small pouch, he could not risk being seen stealing something already after all. "Why good day M'Lady! I am the saint from the sky!" William introduced himself, still grinning as he gave her a polite bow, and ignored her tears.

"Today we are here to represent you something you want..." William said as he looked around at the wounded soldiers scattered around, moaning in pain and agony. It was great to know he wasn't among them, that could be very scary after a while. The last thing he wished for was turning into a Swiss cheese by the humans, or into strips of bacon by the shapeshifters. "Would you request some human medicine and equipment perhaps? We have those on sale at the moment, freshly stolen from the humans themselves! Oh, but let's not call it stealing darling. Let us call it... 'borrowing' we are simply not giving it back or anything in return!" William said amused, as he looked at Thea and pulled out a large box of human medicine and medical equipment from one of his pouches. He leaned in to Thea, drying away her tears with his glove still smiling to her, but making sure his mask was tightly on.

"Do not cry, the amazing black saint is here!" William said, as he stood up again. Holding the box of human medicine and equipment in front of Thea, grinning an invisible grin hidden behind the mask, but his left crimson red eye and his right crystal blue, were clearly smiling at Thea. Hoping to sell of his wares, as he was a merchant looking for work.
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With Alex's help, Cleo placed the wounded on their own medical bed. "If only things went according to plan," she said once she heard the news about the battle. "Thank you. When you find more wounded, you know where to find me." She started to look the wounded shifters over. Their bullet wounds were patched up but they were still unconscious. "Alex, bring me some ice and rags." "Yes mom." Alex did what he was told. When he walked up to the wounded he touched one of their foreheads with his free hand. "They have a fever," he announced, but he was sure his mom already knew that. Cleo wrapped a rag around some ice and placed it on one of the patients forehead; Alex did the same for the other patient. "And now we wait...," Cleo sighed.
Miho nodded before shapeshifting into her wolf form. Quickly, she headed back to the battlefield in full speed, hoping and praying for every soilders good.

Once she had reached the battlefield, she launched at a small group of humans that was trying to sneak into the forest. The first man died in a moment as she used her teeth to rip his throat out. She then looked over at the rest of them, almost giving them a warning before she leaped into fight.
Thea narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw. She hated this man, a human. He took part in killing these people. But she needed the medicine. Badly. With a sigh, Thea reached into her bag.

"How much?"
"Oh! A business girl are we?! How fun! You must tell Zuki that he needs to learn from you!" William said, as he saw her look, and grinned from one ear to the other. "Oh! Don't compare me to those humans, I am spilling guts like you 'noble' people. I am an informant, everything for money and that fun stuff~!" William said as he looked at the equipment he had stolen from the humans, judged it by its weight and held it in the air, trying to measure its price. "Well... How much does the woman have to offer this great gentleman of a hero?" William asked her, as he was interested to see how this situation would develop itself.

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