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Realistic or Modern The Wanted

Lysander slightly raised his chin, surprised to hear a response. "Lysander," he said simply in response to her introductions. "Or Lys. Pleasure." He joined Raven at the table. Although he figured his presence wasn't really all that exciting today, it might not hurt to at least make a few acquaintances, so he waved over the rest of the girls, inviting them to sit at the table. The school wasn't as awful as he'd expected, and he'd already started to get over his anger that morning. He straightened his back and crossed his arms on the table. "So, what are you in for?" he asked no one in particular, his voice regaining its confident tone.
"Too many things to name. Ranging from stealing a pencil from school to vandalism to graffiti to arson," Raven explained, not really going into much detail. "Only reason I'm not in prison is because I rarely get caught and I'm not stupid enough to do the same thing frequently. Makes it too easy for cops to find a pattern," she added laughing a bit at the thoughts of the things she's done. She smiled at Lys and asked," What about you?"
Isabel waved to Lys. He seemed... interesting. Isabel didn't think he was really all that weird. Just shy. But there was something about him that put Isabel on an edge. Maybe it was the way he acted. You could tell he was nervous, but he had a 'cool' to him. Isabel bit her lip, and stared at her pizza. "You soo bad Rav." Isabel teased, as she took a seat beside her. She glanced up at Lys and flashed a smile. "I'm in here for skipping and other things. Nothing too big, just missing too much school. Broke a couple of things. Blah." Isabel shrugged as if it wasn't a huge deal. Isabel was behind in school by a bunch, but she didn't want to seem stupid, so she didn't add that in.

Birdies? What did he do to them?

Images flashed through Amal's mind of thousands of pigeons being released at once, with Luke laughing maniacally under them. He didn't see why that was such a bad thing- an inconvenient thing, sure, because that would be a lot of poop to clean up, but nothing to warrant being sent to a terrifying Hell school. Granted, Amal himself hadn't done anything to warrant being sent to a terrifying Hell school either, but it wasn't likely anyone would believe that.

"I'm here for, uh," he started, and then mumbled the rest of the sentence (although a careful observer might pick out something about accidentally joining the Russian Mafia). "Why don't we all go inside, Mr Luke?" Amal continued brightly, eager to take the attention off of his misdeeds and maybe also meet a girl.
Kelly noticed more and more people trickling in, and quickly took a seat beside her friends. Friends. Gosh, it'd been long since she'd actually considered anyone loyal enough to be a friend. Most of her old ones ditched her the moment she got them in some sort of trouble, trouble they got themselves in when they were too slow and got caught. "Mostly pranks. I vandalized everyone's office. And I ditched class a couple of times to do it, but nothing big, I suppose," she said in reply to Lys's question. He seemed nice enough in her opinion, though an odd aura about him made her unsettled.

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