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Realistic or Modern The Wanted

Kelly smiled as more people came. The school was coming alive minute by minute, person by person. Another girl came to join them, clutching a notebook and introduced herself. "I'm Kelly. Kelly Fox," the pink haired girl replied, shaking her hand. It was then that she realized she knew practically no one's name. All well, she would learn them sooner or later. She nodded as someone else questioned the dead school. "The best kind of dead." Her voice had that odd, unique tone it took when she was incorporating mockery, humor, and sarcasm. Maybe she did belong here.
Luke chuckled. Shrugged he replied, "Hey man, you never know if we could be a good team." He turned to the other girl, who was a stunt person too. "Oh really?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Yeah, people are stupid. They want us to practice, but it turns out that they never let us." Luke rolled his eyes, remembering countless times being yelled at for doing a simple flip. Luke stuffed his hands into his pockets, and starred at his feet. "So, what do you guys want to do?" Exploring would be cool. Maybe there was a gym... or a pool. Maybe we could choose their dorms.

Isabel smiled. "I'm Isabel." She waved once again, and then she did a 360, looking around. "Maybe the teacher's are all in a meeting." It could happen. It was logical, all the teacher's having a meeting about the horrible kids that would be coming to their school. "But let's not go looking for them." She grinned, hoping there was some fun rooms in this school.
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"I'd prefer to wreck stuff, but my dad is such an ass that he threatened to take my car if I got arrested," Raven stated as she looked at the glass. "I don't even think I'm supposed to be here. I just found the letter this morning. But why not see what all is here...just look around until someone decides to tell us what were supposed to do?" Raven gave a small smile running her fingers through her hair.
Luke nodded. "You don't think you're suppose to be here?" Luke thought to himself. ...How could someone... Never mind. Her sentence souned weird to him, as if she was better than them. No, she didn't mean that. Luke closed his eyes for a second, and then opened them again. "Yeah, that would be fun. Plus, I already do that." He said, thinking about the countless times he'd skip class just to wander around the town he lived in.
Raven nodded ever so slightly and smiled at Luke, "My parents tried to hide the letter from me as well as other things I don't feel like talking about with strangers. They didn't want me to come so I'm not supposed to be here." She turned her head and looked either way before deciding to start walking to the right.
Kelly nodded at Isabel's comment about the teachers. It was very possibly true. Teachers always got together to talk about misbehaving students in her experience. She knew because she often heard them talking about her and how much she had changed. "Let's start with that room over there." Taking a few steps down the hallway, she moved to the nearest door and peered inside. It was dimly lighted from the morning's sun, and the girl couldn't see what was inside. She often snuck into her principal's office with a bus card or bobby pin, and she happened to have both with her at the moment. She glanced at the others, asking for approval. If she was going to break into a locked classroom, she might as well not do it alone. "Want to look inside?" She was hesitant about doing something like this on the first day, but was curious to see the inside of the classroom.
Isabel smiled. "Ooo." She walked forward to Kelly. "Looks like fun. I am curious about this school." She bit her lip and looked at the door. "Do you think it's just some random classroom or maybe there's like a gym or maybe it's the cafeteria." Isabel was hungry, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for school food again. In her old school, she found that the milk carton she was drinking out off was out of date. Then she threw up all back up. That day was horrible. But then again, everyday at that school was horrid. Isabel looked at Kelly. "Do have something to unlock it? I don't wan to be paying for kicking the door open and breaking it. Unless that's necessary."
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Raven laughed sensing their nervousness, "You guys are acting like sissies compared to what I've heard about the things you've done." They seem pretty cool. I might actually have friends here. I looked either way and sighed, "Look if we get in trouble I'll take the blame. It's what I'm used to, and you guys have more potential to actually be something here." What the hell did I just say?! I never take the blame for something!
Kelly laughed lightly. "It won't be necessary." She looked at Raven with gratitude and surprise, giving her a genuine smile. Unsure of how to respond to the girl's loyal words, she took out the bus card from her bag and slid it between the doorway and door, searching for the little knob that could be pushed to unlock the door. It took her a split second to locate it. Bingo. She felt the little knob slid in and she turned the door's knob and pushed. The door gently creaked open. "There," she said breathily, almost nervously. She had such high hopes for this school now that she had met some people and she did not want to be disappointed if there were prison rooms. Her hand reached to the side for the light switch and as the lights flickered on, she saw that they had found the cafeteria.
@RavenReigns11258 , sorry I was confused for a second, but Luke is outside. Haha, he's not with Isabel, Kelly, an Raven. :P I had a brain fart

Isabel rolled her eyes, but laughed. "Oh whatever Raven!" She giggled. "I've done stuff too, that's why I'm here." Isabel was laughing. At a school for wanted. Wow. She thought These people are cool. Oh my gosh, what if we become really good friend? She smiled to herself. Isabel never had close friends, or when she did, it didn't last. Isabel looked inside, and saw a large room. It smelled like pizza. "Well... we now know this place isn't abandoned." She said, sniffing the air. She wondered if there were lunch ladies in here. Isabel stepped inside, and saw tons of tables with benches. "Well, the cafeteria look is the same here." She placed her hands on her hips, not impressed. Her stomach growled. "You think we could just take food?" She asked, walking toward the smell of fresh pizza. Yummy.
Raven took in a deep breath and gave a crooked smile. Pizza. My favorite. She chuckled and stepped in looking at the normal looking cafeteria. "So normal for such a so called special school." She walked in a bit further seeing that the room was empty. She glanced at Isabel and Kelly, "Do you think they're on break?"
Kelly was pleasantly surprised that she had not been let down; this school was not a prison (for now). She peered behind the counter and, seeing no one, hesitantly called, "Helloo?" She turned to Isabel and Raven once there was evidently no response. "I guess there's no one here...and since the food is still here..I guess we can take it.." She glanced at the door they had come through, seeing if anyone had followed them into the room. She chuckled lightly. "This school has such little security...I expected there to be more." Metal detectors and excessive security were two of the things at the top of the list she expected.
After a couple of minutes winding his way aimlessly through the halls and up a flight of stairs, Lys found a row of lockers. He took the one on the nearest corner for his own personal convenience and carefully hung his bag on the hook. He noticed the light clink noise of some metal on the edge of the locker and flinched. Hopefully that wouldn't burst into flames. It wasn't that he minded the fire, but it would be a shame if his best trick was ruined.

He grabbed several smoke pellets and a pack of cigarettes from the outer pocket of his pack, slipping each into a different pocket. He'd had several run-ins with teachers before about the pellets, none of them really seeming to appreciate their usage in magic as opposed to world domination, but that wouldn't stop him from making a dramatic exit now. As he slammed shut the locker, he caught a whiff of something immediately recognisable to him as pizza. His eyes widened, and he started running to the cafeteria to find the source of the miraculous aroma, skidding to a halt when he saw the other teens standing there.
Isabel was about to say something a long the lines of 'Let's eat!' but she heard something behind her. She whipped around, and saw a guy standing there. "Uh." She blurted out, and blinked. She wasn't sure if she should say hi or not, the guy gave her a scare. Her mouth was open, and she just stood there. She thought he was the police or a teacher who was about to yell of them. "Hey." She finally said, shaking her head slightly. She waved, and then turned around and found the pizza. "Are you uh, here for the food?" She asked without even looking at the guy again. She grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite out of it.
Raven turned her head slightly looking at the stranger and gave a simple nod. She turned back and walked over to see if there was any other types of food. She wrinkled her nose seeing the various veggies and grabbed a slice of pizza. After shrugging one shoulder she took a bite and smiled, "So much better than regular school pizza." I could get used to this Raven thought then looked at Kelly. "You should try this. It's amazing!"
Kelly looked skeptical when Raven told her to eat some pizza. "Is it really better than normal school pizza?" She took a plate and grabbed a slice. After taking a bite, her eyes widened a bit and she looked at Raven. "Woah..it really is better.." Taking another bite, she glanced at the stranger that had walked in. He didn't look too dangerous or security guard-y, so she figured he probably wasn't here to scold them on breaking into a cafeteria.
Isabel laughed. And she wasn't sure why. Maybe just being around cool people, and having actual fun while breaking the rules. "I haven't felt like this in a while." She said, but she meant to say it to herself, without saying it out loud. But it was true. She had never felt this happy while breaking rules. Before, she was always bored and didn't feel that rush of adrenaline. Before she'd done the same things over and over again, but nothing happened ever. But this was different. She was with people she liked, and even though it was small rebellion, it felt good. She bit into the pizza again, as it's flavor filled her mouth, her taste buds tingling. She nodded in agreement to Raven and Kelly's comments on the pizza. 
((Hey guys I'll be gone until Friday! I'm going camping... and hopefully I don't get lost. But yah, see you friday!))
Amal ran for it.

He'd received a strange letter inviting him to a school for "the Wanted". He'd thought this meant the boyband, at first, but that hadn't made any sense. His parents had explained, in the end, that it was a school for delinquents.

Amal had laughed at that. It was silly that he, of all people, would be asked to go to that sort of place. He was harmless, after all. He didn't have a rebellious bone in his body. Besides, a school like that would probably eat him alive.

Until his parents had decided that he would be going, despite his most vehement protests.

He'd lost the battle. Now he was running late (literally) after his dog broke his alarm clock last week, without a car, imagining what sort of monsters lay in wait for him at the end of the journey. They'd probably be vicious, part of the mafia, even! The teachers must be like prison wardens! Punishment for misconduct must be swift and deadly!

He considered turning around and running away again, but before he knew it he was already there.

One look at the people standing outside the building made him wish he'd aborted the mission after all.
Luke turned his head in the direction of the sound of shoes hitting the road. "Well someone likes to be fashionably late." He mumbled to himself, crossing hims arms and thinking this was some kid who thought he would be cool to arrive later. Luke starred at the kid as he arrived closer, looking him up and down and wondering if saying 'hello' to him would be worth his time. But then again. Luke was planning on getting to know who everyone was SO he could know who the asses where.

Luke waited for the kid to jog closer.
Amal's second thought was, ack, why is he looking at me? Is he going to beat me up?

His first thought was, good Lord, that kid is huge.

He skidded to a halt in front of the boy, hands on his knees to catch his breath. He should really start working out more. "Good morning," he wheezed, keen to make a good impression in case that would delay the inevitable bullying to come. "Are we- supposed to- wait here?" He looked the boy up and further up. If everyone at this school was like this, he'd be in big trouble. He adjusted his glasses nervously and waited for a response.
Luke grinned. Okay so this kid wasn't a suck up or 'bad-ass'. But then what is he? He glanced at the boy and then looked away. Okay... he's... normal. Luke thought, thinking that the new kid didn't look like he belonged here. He was gentle and polite. So why was he there? Luke bit his lip, thinking. And then he heard the boy's voice. "Oh um..." He began, and then shrugged. "You can go inside if you want. I'm just hanging here with some people. Isabel's inside with some other people." He said, wondering if this kid was girl crazy... maybe that's why he was here?
Come to think of it, there did only seem to be boys outside, for some reason. It was nice to know there would be some girls around (maybe they'd be pretty; 'Isabel' seemed promising) but Amal didn't think he'd be brave enough to talk to them. It was probably a better idea to stay outside with the menfolk, even if it seemed dangerous.

This tall boy actually answered instead of ignoring him! He was probably really nice, even if he was a bit scary-looking. Hopefully, this meant that Amal would be able to make friends here after all. He looked around the group and straightened up. He smiled shyly, even though he was trying to look at least somewhat confident.

"I'm Amal. But, uhm, lots of people call me Socks, so you can call me that." Lots of people call me 'Sucks' too, but I'd prefer you didn't know that.
Amal? Ha, that's sound like... some perverted... word. Luke bit his lip to stop from laughing. Socks? Okay then. Luke nodded slightly and crossed his arms. "Okay Socks." He grinned. "What brings you here?" He asked, since everyone had told each other why there were there. "I'm here for skipping, birdies, and a few other things." He shrugged, acting as if doing what he just said was normal.
Lys stared for a few more seconds at the girls, who seemed to be entirely dismissive of his presence. He wasn't sure whether to be thankful or offended, but quickly dispelled the thought from his head, realising how he'd been standing at the cafeteria's entrance for too long to seem average. He probably already seemed like a murderous sociopath. Great job, Lys, he thought to himself, eyes darkening. He shoved his hands into his pockets and walked over to the pizza, helping himself to a rather generous slice. He took a step back from the group of girls before taking a bite in the hopes of seeming unobtrusive.

His eyes opened a minuscule amount as soon as he ripped off a bite. This pizza was a hell of a lot better than regular school pizza. It was almost like the staff gave a crap what the kids were consuming - that was heartening. "Hot damn. School pizza," he remarked to himself in wonder. He flinched as soon as he noticed he'd said it out loud, then looked to the girls apologetically. Now would be a perfect time to "disappear" with a smoke pellet, but he figured he could use those later to piss off the teachers, so he elected instead to take another step back and hide under his hood.

((Sorry I'm so late, gents. My computer crashed.))
Raven nodded ever so slightly at the stranger. "We've established that already. It's amazing for school pizza." She finished her slice quickly and smiled, "that's Isabel and Kelly and you can call me either Nicolette or Raven. Doesn't really matter to me." She smiled politely before getting another slice and sitting on a nearby table.

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