The Wanderers {Open}

Luke grabbed his pick from it's position in his mouth, "Oh, uh, sure," Luke said with a small confused grin. He was wondering why he was suddenly offering him a drink. "I've got some cash back up in my room to pay you back for it," he told him, holding his guitar securely to his body.
"No need" Paul said running off to the bar, he came back later with two beers. He handed one to Luke and sat down on the hood of his car. "So whats your deal with the guitar?" he asked curiously.
"Thanks," he murmured, popping the cap open. He then shrugged as an answer to his question, "It's pretty much my baby," he told him, his lips turning up in a small smile, "I've had it since I was eleven."
(haha it's okay)

Luke fell silent and took a sip of the beer, leaning against the car himself. He set his beer on the ground for a moment so he could strum at his guitar absentmindedly putting random chords together that he thought sounded nice. He would pause every so often to take another sip of his drink and glanced over at Paul a few times to make sure he wasn't annoying him with the sound.
((Hey guys I'm back! The three people that inquired about joining: you are all accepted!))Bron spent the whole morning looking for a place to play. When she passed the park for the third time, she finally sat down on one of the benches. "Well, I guess this is going to be as good as it gets." She took out her blue guitar and smiled as she put the guitar strap on. Bron then opened her guitar case so people could put money in, and started playing Blackbird.
Paul listened to the melodious twangs and strums of the guitar, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't Aerosmith. He closed his eyes and thought about what movies were on tonight.
Luke began to play the chords to Hero by Enrique Iglesias, softly humming along with the tune. He looked up at the sky, admiring the way the clouds moved lazily through the blue sky.
Maggie worked in the garden quietly. She hummed to herself, finding herself sining the tune she had been playing on her piano. She bounced up and ran inside when new notes came to her.
((YayI got accepted!!!)) Henry arrived to the home on her motorcycle. She smiled at the site of a guy playing his guitar on the car. She touched the camera around her neck. She wanted to take her picture, but she knew better than to take a photo of someone without asking. "Hi!" She called out to the guy.
Luke looked up at the approaching person and stopped playing, giving her a smile and a wave. "Hey there," he greeted happily. He took another sip of his beer and set it back down so he could strum a few more chords, not taking his eyes off of the girl who had spoken.
Paul woke up "Oh hello!" paul said shocked at the sight of another person. "Names paul, this is my car" he said hitting it on the hood. "Who's your friend luke?"
"I'm not sure," he said, glancing over at him, "she just got here," he said turning his attention back to her. "I'm Luke by the way," he told her, not even really paying attention to what tune he was currently strumming, "What's your name?"
"Yeah, I am," Luke smiled, pausing in his playing so he could hear her, "It's nice to meet you Henry. Are you going to be staying here too?"
Maggie carried her music to the front desk to get a pencil, starting to change notes on the paper as quickly as they came to her head. She sat down on the edge of the table after setting down the music, wondering idly where everyone had gone to.
"Oh Maggie will get you a room," he said, grabbing his beer in one hand and holding his guitar by the other. "Be right back," he mumbled to Paul then gave Henry a head gesture that said 'follow me' and started to head into the house to find Maggie.
"Oh yes, i shall go too." Paul said while discarding his beer rather hurriedly. "I've things to get ready for tonight" he said while scribbling something down on a piece of paper and running inside. He put the paper down on maggie's desk and ran off upstairs. He thought he had definitely chosen the right movie (Molly, just make maggie read the paper with a time and movie.)
"Hello!" Henry called while standing at the front desk. She giggled at Pauls strange, but sweet happiness. She wandered how many other people lived here. She felt a jolt of exitment go through her when she thought about how many people she could meet in New York.
After playing for a while, and gaining quite a bit of money, Bron headed back to the house. As she walked through the door, she didnt even notice the additions to the house. The guitar case hit the ground next to the couch, and Bron fell face first onto the couch, groaning as she landed on the couch. It had been a long day and she just wanted to lay there and never get up. Yet, it had only been a few hours since she left.
Maggie walked back into the main foyer when she heard a girl call out. "Hi, there," she said with a smile. "How can I help you?" She watched Bronwin go through, furrowing her brow slightly before returning her attention back to the girl.
"She needs a room," Luke said for her. He noticed a girl he hadn't met before walk in and collapse on the couch and he wondered briefly what she was up to. He decided he'd go over and introduce himself in a little bit after he was done speaking to Maggie.
Maggie looked over, smiling just slightly when she noticed Luke in the room. She nodded and pulled out the binder and made another mark in it before getting a room key.

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