The Wanderers {Open}

Luke saw that Maggie didn't even notice the note Paul had left for her and decided to help him out. He nudged the note closer to her and said, "I think this is for you," with a smirk playing on his lips. "Paul left it before going up to his room," he added
Maggie glanced up. "What?" she asked, and then spotted the paper. "Oh," she said, picking up the note and raising her brow while she read it. "Oh. Oh right. He wanted to go to a movie tonight," she said, blinking slightly. Huh. She hadn't thought he was actually serious about that. "Well...I guess I should probably call my brother and see if he can take care of things for a couple of hours..."
"Well let me know if you need any help around here. I'm used to doing things like cooking and cleaning so I really don't mind helping out," Luke told her with a small smile. "From what I've seen, you deserve some time off so don't let that stop you from having fun," he added.
Luke cocked his head to the side, looking her over with a small frown, "Is something bothering you?" He asked hoping he didn't come off as nosy. He was a curious type of person and he didn't like it when people were upset, he always felt the need to help when he noticed someone was upset. He wasn't even sure if there was anything bothering Maggie but for some reason she was coming across as a little stressed or upset.
Maggie flushed slightly and shook her head. "No, no. Not at all," she replied, shifting slightly on her feet. She hadn't really ever been on a date before, embarrassing as that was to admit, as she was now 20.
Luke narrowed his eyes at her, "Maggie, I grew up with four sisters, I can tell when a girl's upset," he stated, reaching up to push aside a lock of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes, "You can tell me what's wrong you know," he said then quickly added, "But you obviously don't have to, if I'm being a nosy twat just tell me and I promise I'll back off," he said with a small grin.
Maggie turned a bit redder in response. "Nothing's....wrong..exactly..." she trailed off once more. She dropped her head into her hands. "I thought he was kidding about actually wanting to go to the movies with me," she admitted.
Luke bit his lip, thinking back to how happy Paul had seemed earlier. "Do you not want to go...?" He asked gently, not wanting to upset her farther but also wanting to know if she didn't like Paul that way so he could at least warn the guy before he got his hopes up too high.
Maggie sighed. "It's not that I don't want to go. But I've never actually been on a date before.." she replied. And, truth be told, she hadn't really been thinking of Paul in that way at all. Honestly, she had kind of found herself enjoying Luke's company. Not that she'd ever say anything about that.
"Never?" Luke asked in surprise. He tried not to show how shocked he was that no one had ever asked Maggie on a date before but he wasn't very good at masking his emotions. "How did a pretty girl like you end up going this long without being asked out on a date?" He wondered aloud.
Maggie grew more embarrassed by his reaction and his comment, dropping her face back into her hands. God, he must think she was retarded or something. "Never," she mumbled an affirmation.
"Well don't worry about it," he said, tapping a finger under her chin to get her to look up at him. "Dates are easy, especially if you're the girl since it's up to him to pull all the moves," he told her, a small smirk on his lips, "you just have to be yourself and not worry too much."
Maggie reluctantly looked up at him. "Even if you're not entirely sure you're interested in the guy?" she asked him, meeting his eyes. She sighed and stepped back. "I need to call my brother."
Luke frowned at that, reaching out to stop her, "Hold on Maggie, do you not like Paul? He seems like a pretty cool guy to me and I think he really likes you," he told her, letting his hand rest on her shoulder. He knew he should just let her go and figure it out on her own but he couldn't help it, he hated the feeling of not being able to help.
Maggie frowned ever so slightly. "He's known me all of a day. I've talked to him once." she responded. "If he likes me, I haven't the slightest idea why. So I don't know if I like him or not because I don't know him," Maggie chewed her lip slightly, looking down so she didn't have to meet his eyes.
"Well that's okay, that's what the date's for; to see if you like him," Luke told her giving her an encouraging smile. "Just don't stress about it, okay? If you're too nervous you won't have any fun and that's not how you want the date to go. Just go in there with an open mind and maybe he'll surprise you," he said
"Right," she said, quiet. "Maybe he'll surprise me," she stepped back once more, disappointed. He may as well have been holding up a big neon sign that screamed he wasn't interested. At all. She turned and picked up her phone so she didn't have to look at him.
Luke frowned, sensing there was still something wrong. He didn't want to bother her though so he didn't ask about it, he opted for instead standing there awkwardly and glancing over at her every few seconds to see if her face would give away what she was so upset about. Weren't girls normally excited for their first dates? His sisters all had been anyway... he just didn't understand what the problem was.
Maggie spoke with her brother when he finally answered, offering few details other than she just needed someone to be at the house so she could go out that night. She hung up after a few minutes and turned back around, jumping slightly. She was surprised he was still there.
Luke saw her jump and his eyes widened as he realized he probably looked strange just standing there by himself. "Um... Sorry, I'll just go up to my room or something," he mumbled, a slight blush creeping up onto his cheeks at how awkward he sounded. He turned to leave, feeling stupid for just zoning out like that.
Luke slowly turned around to face her, unable to take not knowing any longer. "Maggie, there's something else bothering you and I can tell," he said softly, nibbling on his bottom lip. He looked back at the stairs, wondering if he should just give it up and go up to his room since she probably wasn't going to tell him anyway. "I know it's none of my business but I only want to help," he added looking back at her with sincerity in his eyes. He wanted her to know she could trust him and that even though he couldn't stand secrets being kept from him, he was good at keeping other peoples.
Maggie shrugged, her face falling slightly. "It doesn't really matter," she replied, folding her hands together. "It's not like anything would change."
"You don't know that, maybe I could help," he said, determined to find out what was wrong. "But you'll never know if you don't tell me what it is that you're upset about," he told her.

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