The Wanderers {Open}

"Well I used to play some with my friends in school but I began to slowly lose interest in them as I my friends and I got separated, since then I prefered to stay in my room listening to music instead of going out at all." he said, remembering those times.
Luke listened to the conversation curiously. He personally loved sports although he wasn't a big baseball player like Cam had said most Americans were. He was more into sports like football -or soccer he supposed it was called here- and maybe a little rugby or basketball.
Paul woke up on the couch, after his date with Maggie last night he had been pretty exhausted when they got home so he collapsed on the couch. He wondered if Maggie had had a fun time. He went in to the kitchen half awake dressed in the clothes he wore on the date last night, to his surprised to find Chris, Cam, and Luke in there. "Sup" he said groggily pouring some coffee. He went and sat at the table, he had heard some of their conversation. "Sports huh?" he paused and took a sip. "I used to play baseball, i was real good, i had to stop when i broke my leg," he said with a crest fallen look on his face, remembering the fun. "I couldn't stand the thought of not being occupied a lot so i signed up for the school play, i was a natural" he took another sip of the coffee. "Yeah i got bit by the acting bug i guess? more like acting virus." he chuckled softly. "Maggie up yet?" Paul said, grinning at cam, he didn't know whether or not he had known they went out last night.
Cam nodded at Paul. "She's been up and working since 5 this morning," he informed him. "You can have breakfast if you want it, it should still be warm. And Maggie's out front," he said, nodding his head slightly towards the foyer. "She's probably out working in the yard."
"Cool" paul said, putting the coffee down. He walked out side looking for Maggie (Btw can someone give me a status on paulXmaggie?) He saw her and smiled softly, she looked good and was working hard. He somberly moved towards her. "Good morning" he said smiling, even though it was near noon and his back hurt from sleeping on the couch.
(A status?)

Maggie jumped slightly, a bit surprised. She shook her a head a bit, looking up at Paul. She smiled a bit. "Morning," she replied cheerfully. "Sleep well?" She brushed off her pants as she stood up, sliding her gloves off of her hands.
Luke got up, taking his dish over to the sink. He washed the dish and put it away before heading upstairs to change into some nicer clothes and brush his teeth and hair. He returned to the kitchen in a t-shirt and jeans and leaned against the counter, bored.
(Im here, time slipped away entering third quarter in school alot, of stuff.)

"Not really, i've slept on comfier couches" Paul smiled, rubbing his hand on his back. He slowly yawned, the morning sun was blazing gently in the early march day. He started mumbling and rumbling through his mind not really sure how to continue the conversation "So hows it going?" he asked of maggie.

(Status = Dating, or what)

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