The Wanderers {Open}

"Alright, alright, let's not be hasty," He grinned, glancing over at Cam. "No need to send anyone away. I was just saying that maybe a little bit of hired help would lessen all of the stress that you seem to have," he teased playfully, smirking in her direction. He looked over at Chris as he spoke, "Just talking about how Maggie needs to hire some people to help her out around here instead of doing it all by herself," he explained, "Which she really needs to do by the way," he grinned.
Maggie brought a plate of food and coffee over to Chris, smacking the back of Luke's head lightly. "I do not. I can handle it," she protested. "Ignore them," she added, looking at Chris. "They're idiots."
"Oh I see, my father was stubborn about repairing things himself, even if he could afford someone who could do it, I think most of the time the things he "repaired" ended up worse than before he messed with them." he left out a grin.

"Thanks." he said while grabbing the fork and knife. "Well if you can handle it, it's okay but you could at least make use of some of us to help you." he started eating.
"See Mags? Even Chris thinks you could do with some help," Luke said, shaking his hair out of his eyes. He really needed to get his hair cut soon, it was starting to do that thing where it curled out at the ends.
Maggie wrinkled her nose. "You guys are guests," was all she said to Chris in response. She turned to get her coffee before leaving the room to go out front and start deciding what she wanted to do.
"She's really adamant about doing all of the work herself isn't she?" Luke said, raising his eyebrows. He couldn't see why she wouldn't want some help... it must be really stressful having to do all of the work on your own.
"She's a stubborn ass," Cam stated simply, not at all swayed by anything Maggie had said. "She's always had this annoying need to prove herself."
"Well I don't see the harm in needing some help every once in awhile but that's just my opinion," he shrugged. "So are you going to be working on the house all day too?"
Cam shrugged. "Maybe? I don't know. I might do the big things, but I'll do that when I feel like it. She usually starts small and works her way up, anyways."
Luke nodded, "Well if you decide not to work on the house today do you want to hang out or something?" He asked, "Maybe you could show me around since you seem to know this part of New York so well?"
"But if she wants to prove herself then I guess there's not much that can be done, especially if she's like that... I just don't understand to who does she want prove herself, it's not like any of us would find bad that she asked for help."
Cam looked at Chris and then shrugged. "I don't know. I fell like she needs to prove she can do something since she's going for the whole 'realistic' lifestyle thing. She didn't go to Julliard, and now she wants to prove she can handle herself and she doesn't regret the decision."
"She got accepted into Juilliard?" Luke asked in surprise. Maggie had never told him she was even interested in music let alone that she was good enough to go to a school like Juilliard.
Cam wrinkled his nose slightly. "Not 'realistic' enough. 'After all, a very small number of students actually get anywhere in life. It hardly makes any sense to go to a school where I'll end up failing in life when I have a living already made here'." he quoted her.
"Thats ridiculous! She could have always returned here after she got her degree, then she would be able to change her mind... she can hardly go back now and try to get into that school." He said, not understanding why Maggie was so determined on wasting her life away in this house
"I saw her playing the piano once now that I remember." Chris said. "So, that's what you meant by "realistic lifestyle thing", is that how she calls tending to a place like this?" he asked Cam.
Luke sighed shaking his head. "I know it's not really any of my business, I just hate seeing people wasting their lives like this just because they're afraid to take a risk... do you think she'll really be content in caring for this place until she grows old and can't do things like see the world or follow her dreams?"
Cam shrugged. "I don't think she could even admit to herself that she might end up unhappy. She just throws her whole life into keeping this old house running."
Luke frowned, looking down at his empty plate, "Do you think there would ever be a way of convincing her to, you know, take a break and see what she's missing out on?"

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