The Wanderers {Open}

Luke sighed in defeat, looking up at Cam with a small pout, "Okay fine, I'm short and probably wont grow much more... which sucks but I'll get over it. Or, I'll try to but it'll be pretty hard with you're reminding me every few minutes," he smirked, raising his eyebrows accusingly at him.
After a few hours of sleep Bronwin woke up and got ready for the day. Cade had also gotten ready, and now the two were sitting on the couch talking. Cade turned around to face Cam and Luke. "Would you two just get a room already?" He smirked, knowing it would just feul the fire. "You two flirting is starting to making me sick." Bron laughed. "Starting to? I've been feeling queasy ever since they walked through the door."
Luke stuck his tongue out at him then heard Cade speak up from the couch. He felt the familiar blush return at his words and glanced at Cam. Had they been flirting? He hadn't even noticed, it had felt so natural. "Oh shut it you two..." he mumbled awkwardly.
Cade and Bron laughed together. They had just met a little while ago but had become good friends already. Bron looked at and Luke and smirked. "Don't count on it." She looked down at her watch and jumped up from the couch. "Crap, I'm late for a jam session. Anyone else want to come? It's open to any musicians or singers. We are all just meeting up at 002 while it's closed to sing and whatever." Bron looked around at everyone.

Cade jumped up as well. "I'm in!"
Cam went quiet when accused of flirting, starting to paint the walls once more. "Thanks for the invite, but I need to finish up here," he said with a bit of a shrug, genuinely thankful.
Luke looked up at her, blush fading, and grinned. "Yeah that sounds like fun! You sure you don't want to come Cam?" he asked, looking up at him hopefully. He knew Cam wasn't much of a musician but he felt like it would be more fun with him there.
Paul Glanced at his clock.. it was 11. (Sorry if this is a timeskip) He needed to go talk to maggie about switching from dinner to a lunch date and a movie, He needed to go audition for the play later. He went downstairs looking for Maggie, hoping she could bend her schedule.
Cam sighed slightly. "I wouldn't be able to have much fun knowing I had left a project unfinished," he said, shrugging again. "Maybe next time though?"

Maggie walked through, carefully avoiding the tarp that she had laid out on the floor in case there was any paint on it.
"Oh, okay. Maybe I should stay and help you then, I'll feel bad just leaving it all up to you," he said taking his bottom lip between his teeth indecisively.
Cam shook his head immediately. "No. Don't feel bad. This is something I promised I'd have done weeks ago," he said simply. "Go have fun. Enjoy the city."
"Well then, you two just grab whatever you need and meet me back down here in 5." Bron headed up to her room and grabbed her guitar, ukelele, and car keys and headed back down the stairs.

Cade ran up to his room to get his wallet. He figured that he had a couple more minutes so he decided to fix his hair a bit.
Luke looked torn for a moment before nodding slowly and saying, "Okay, I'll help when I get back if you're not done by then," he promised before turning to Bron and Cade, "Give me a sec to grab my guitar and a shirt, be right back," he grinned and hurried up the stairs to get his stuff.
Paul walked down the stairs and saw maggie! He walked over to her. "Hey maggie i need to reschedule the date for lunch today..." he said, gently trying to shift the situation. He started to think.. "We could go see a movie afterwards, to make up for the lost time" He smiled, Eager to finally go out.
Maggie blinked in surprise and looked down at her watch. "What time did you want to go, then?" she asked, ignoring Cam's raised brows and once over with Paul. Brothers.
Luke returned back downstairs, fully dressed and holding his guitar in one hand. He saw Bron and smiled, walking in her direction.
Bron smiled back at Luke. "We're just waiting on Cade now." She walked over to the bottom of the stairs. "Cade! Hurry it up!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He walked out of his room and down the stairs.

"Ok. Let's go. We can take my car. Luke, you can put your guitar in the trunk with mine if you want." She led the way out of the house and to her car that was parked in the front.
"Uhhh.." Paul said blanking out. he looked at his watch. "Let's leave at 12:30, i need to clean my car." Paul said smiling. He ran out the door smiling, rushing to clean out his car and go to the bank to get some money. Paul started laughing and turned on the radio. Starting to clean out the messy car from the 500 mile trip.
Luke nodded walking to her trunk and popped it open, carefully placing his guitar next to hers before heading back around to the front of the car where she was standing. "I call shotgun!" He grinned, hopping in the passenger seat.
Paul's car was cleaned and he looked behind him to see that Maggie hadn't come out yet. He hurried inside and went upstairs, knocking gently on her door, as not to startle her if she was applying makeup or getting dressed. He gently alerted her, "Maggie, the car's ready, ill be waiting downstairs." Paul went downstairs and sat on the couch, looking up at the stairs every few seconds.
Maggie jumped slightly when she heard Paul, remembering, a little embarrassed at the fact that she was being so apparently rude and taking such a long time, their date. She quickly brushed out her hair and grimaced at her simple outfit before slipping on a pair of shoes and heading down the stairs.
(Sorry i may not be on much for the next week, i have to remake a test and my mom got mad that i stayed home sick that day because i got a virus.)
((I'm back and really really sorry I took so long, I'm going to read everything I haven't and I hope I won't be gone for so much time in the future))

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