The Wanderers {Open}

Cam shook his head. "I didn't say all teenagers were cute. Right now, I've only said that you were cute," he pointed out, dipping his paint brush again.
"But you said being cute was teenagey?" He said, trying desperately to ignore the blush on his cheeks. He was supposed to be making Cam blush not the other way around! "I don't believe it since I still think you're cute," he added with a grin.
Cam shrugged slightly. "Being called cute made me feel like a teenager," he replied. "And I am no longer a teenager." he said, sticking his tongue out at Luke.
"How old are you then?" Luke asked curiously, "You can't be that much older than a me that you have to look back on it like it was your childhood or something," he smirked.
"Twenty-five," Cam replied simply. "And those years seem like forever ago. I matured far passed my teenage years though, obviously," Cam said with a smirk.
"You poured the whole can on me," Luke deadpanned looking at him for a moment before cracking a smile that he couldn't hold back, "It was funny though."
Cam grinned when he saw his smile before directing his attention back to the wall. "It was not the whole can," he protested. "Don't you notice the paint on the walls?"
"At least half of the can," he defended, standing on his tip toes to paint higher up on the wall where he couldn't reach.
Cam laughed, slightly amused at his trying to reach up higher. "Okay, so you're a teenager as well as short," he mused with a smirk. "Need help there?"
Luke pouted, "I'm not that short! It's just a tall wall..." he said defensively. "But, uh, yeah help would be nice," he added sheepishly
"Yes! You were using a ladder for the tall parts, I shouldn't be called short because I can't reach when you need a ladder to reach," he said, going back to painting part of the wall that was closer to his own height.
"Okay, I will," Luke said, climbing up the ladder to try to paint the higher up parts. It was slightly annoying that he still couldn't reach the ceiling even on the ladder but it was a tall wall! He painted the part of the wall he could reach.
Luke painted the top of the wall, except for the parts he couldn't quite reach and climbed down the ladder, looking sheepishly at Cam before saying, "Um... can you get the part at the very top...?"
Luke pouted in defeat, "Okay so I'm a little short..." he admitted, straightening up so he looked taller, "But I could still be growing! Maybe..." Probably not actually, but he didn't want to think of that. He was still hoping for that last minute growth spurt.
Luke swatted his hand away and stuck his tongue out at him, "You never know! Maybe I'll be looking down at you in a few years time," he said. "And I'm not even that short! I'm 5'10..."

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