The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie smiled slightly at that. "Sure," she replied. "I'd love to."

Cam walked towards the paint section, smiling and waving at the people who greeted him. He walked through and read the labels before grabbing three buckets of paint.
"Okay, tonight at 8, ill pick you up i guess." Paul smiled. In his head the possible restaurants. He went upstairs and went online, checking his updates, facebook posts, and job offers. He watched a couple of videos and kinda zoned off. (Don't progress too far, sorry if im not posting alot, im really busy recently with school and family.)
"A lot of people know you around here," Luke said, noticing all the waving. He waited for Cam to pick the right color, absentmindedly picking at the paint on his arm.
Maggie nodded a bit at that, a smile coming over her lips as she walked back to the kitchen to clean up the dishes.

Cam shrugged a bit. "I've lived here my whole life," he said simply, walking over to buy the paint. "And my grandmother lived here her entire life too."
"You've never felt the urge to leave the city? Get out and explore the world?" He asked curiously, knowing that him himself got bored easily of plain old Ireland and was happy to be here in New York despite being a little homesick.
Cam considered that for a moment. "Not really. I've always been content right here. I didn't even go to college away from here, in spite of scholarships," he said with a shrug. "Don't get me wrong, travelling's. Great. I just like living here."
Luke nodded, "I can see why. It's a really nice place and the people are pretty friendly as far as I've seen," he said with a small smile. "I wouldn't mind living here myself if it weren't for my mother who wont get off my back for five minutes until I come home," he grinned, "I'm actually surprised she hasn't called me yet today to beg me to go back to Ireland again."
Cam raised his brows slightly, starting to head towards the parking lot again. "So how long are you going to stay here, if your mom wants you to go back to Ireland?"
"Well, unfortunately I probably wont be here for more than a year. That is, unless I can manage to make it into the music business before then. If I've got a solid career ahead of me then I can stay as long as I want but if not she wants me to come back so I can go to the university there and get a 'real job' as she calls it," he scoffed, shaking his head.
Cam wrinkled his nose slightly. "So she isn't overly supportive of your music? Or she just wants you close to home?" He asked, his head tilting slightly as he walked.
"Eh, a little of both I think. She used to love it when I played at places around Mullingar, where I grew up, but when I told her I actually wanted to be a musician I don't think she liked the idea. Thought it was impractical," he said shrugging. "She still supports me of course, she just would rather I became like a lawyer or doctor or something."
Cam nodded slowly, unlocking the car and tossing the paint buckets into the back. "Something practical," he mused. "I suppose I can understand where she's coming from, then. You said you had sisters?"
Cam smiled slightly when he saw Luke's. "Well, then that explains why your mom would want to make sure that you succeeded in life. You're the oldest as well as her only son," he pointed out, getting into the car.
"Yeah I suppose," he shrugged, climbing back into the passenger seat. "I get why she does it, I just don't really like it I guess," he said, "But at least I know she cares."
Luke was going to respond to that but he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket and reached for it. Of course. He sighed and quickly answered it, "Listen mum I can't talk right now. Can I call you back later?"
Cam raised his brow slightly. He could talk to her-it'd probably be easier than remembering to call her back later. He pulled to an easy stop at a red light.
Luke knew that his mum said some pretty embarrassing stuff sometimes over the phone and preferred talking to her when he was alone and didn't risk the chance of people overhearing. She always talked louder than usual on the phone almost as if she thought it wouldn't go through if she didn't raise her voice so Luke was always afraid people would hear her, especially in this quiet car. 'Alright sweetie. I miss you,' his mum told him. "I miss you too mum, I'll call back later tonight promise." He said waiting for her to hang up. 'Okay, love you Boobear.' Luke felt his cheeks heat up at the childhood nickname and quickly muttered a, "Love you too," before hanging up.
Cam raised his brow once more when he saw Luke's face go red. "I would ask why you're flushed, but I don't think you would tell me," he said, a slight smile playing at his lips as he started driving again.
That just made Luke's blush darken and he groaned, "I'm not flushed!" He said, denying the truth as he leaned his face against the window to cool his cheeks down.
Cam snorted, clearing his throat to try and cover it up. "Sure," he said, shrugging slightly. "Whatever you say. Even if it is kinda cute," he said, purposely to see just how much he could make him blush.
Luke felt like his face was on fire and in his mind he was cursing his Irish roots. He covered his face with his hands and groaned again, "Shut up!" He knew for a fact that his blushing wasn't cute. He went all splotchy and red and it just wasn't attractive.
Cam started laughing, having to pull over because his eyes kept sliding shut while he did. "That's not a very kind thing to say," he said while he was catching his breath.
Luke glared at him from between his fingers until the redness in his cheeks died down a little and he took his hands away from his face. "You said that on purpose to make it worse! I can tell!" He pouted.

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