The Wanderers {Open}

Luke nodded, seeing where he was coming from. "That's probably better than leading him on anyway, right?" he said. He could understand why Cam didn't like to stretch out the relationships but he couldn't really relate. He'd only had a few relationships in his life and had never had one with a guy. He usually was too scared to hurt their feelings so he always waited as long as he could before breaking it to them. Even then it was horrible to watch them get all sad, he absolutely hated break ups.
Cam nodded at that. "I think leading people on is cruel and cutting them loose before they start to think that you'll be with them in the long run is a lot kinder than the alternative," he said, his speech easy. His thoughts were tinged with bitterness, though.
Luke grimaced, thinking of all of the girls he'd lead on without really meaning to. He was never good at that kind of thing. "Uh, yeah," he agreed, nibbling his bottom lip in guilt.
Cam sighed and rubbed his forehead when he saw Luke's grimace. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That's not necessarily always true and what I just said mostly results from bitterness. And it's certainly easier to stay with someone longer than you intend to than to break it off sometimes."
Luke didn't have to ask what the bitterness was from. He could clearly remember his and Maggie's conversation from the day before about that Alec guy. "That's more like the cowards way out though isn't it? Staying with somebody you know you don't like?" Cam was a lot braver than him when it came to people's feelings and Luke admired him for that.
Cam thought about it a moment. "Sometimes," he conceded. "But, again, it's kind of a case by case basis, isn't it?" he asked, starting to paint again. "I mean, some people genuinely care about the other even if they can't see them being together forever and they don't want to hurt who they're with. Others just enjoy stringing people along for six months with no real intentions. And then there's me... I'm a jerk, admittedly," he said simply.
Luke frowned, shaking his head, "I don't think you're a jerk. You just know what you want and don't want to give people false hope if they're not the person for you," he said turning back to the wall to continue painting as well, "I don't think that makes you a jerk."
Cam raised his brow slightly, going quiet for several moments. "Nah. I'm a jerk," he said finally, smiling a bit. "I just don't really care."
Luke looked at him with a a small smirk and raised eyebrows, "Well you can think what you want, I'm just going to keep thinking there's nice motives buried behind the jerkness," he told him.
Cam pulled an indignant expression. "No, no, no," he said, shaking his head. "You're supposed to just go along with the impression of me being a jerk. It's far easier to maintain than having people think you're nice."
Luke grinned, "Well too bad! I already think you're nice so HA," he said, his playful side coming out once again. "No turning back now; if you're nice, you're nice," he smirked at him.
Cam raised his brows and then smirked, dipping his paint brush back in the paint before leaving over slightly on the ladder and dribbling the paint over Luke's hair. "Uh-huh. Right."
Luke gasped, jumping away from him at the feeling of the cold liquid in his hair, "Hey!" He exclaimed, reaching up to try to rub the paint out of his hair but only ended up turning his hand and a patch of his hair the same shade as the wall, "Oh you are going to pay for that one," he said, reaching up to paint a streak up Cam's arm.
Cam laughed and leaned back, flicking the paint brush at him so he was hit with a spray of wet paint. He redipped his paint brush, a grin bright across his features.
Luke flinched as the paint hit him and wiped the paint from his face, trying to hold back the laugh that threatened to bubble up from his throat. "Cam, Cam, Cam," he said shaking his head, "You really don't want to get into this fight with me," he grinned, dipping his paint brush and smearing paint across his cheek.
Cam blinked in surprise when paint got stuck in his eye lashes. "Oh, but Luke, I really think I do. Besides," he said, dumping the bowl of paint over his head. "I'm bigger than you are."
Luke gaped at him, slowly opening his eyes to stare at Cam. He was now covered from head to foot in paint and a smirk found it's way on his lips as an idea struck him. "You know what? You're right. Let's hug and make up," he grinned, quickly pulling him into a hug before he could stop him, effectively covering him with the paint that was stuck to his body. He made sure to reach up and smear some of the paint from his hands into his hair while he was at it.
Cam grimaced and squirmed away from him, his hand going to his hair. "That was not nice," he said, trying to smooth it back down before dipping a paint roller in the bucket and running it along Luke's back.
Luke giggled and squirmed at the weird feeling of the roller on his back and put both hands in the paint bucket, not worried about getting paint on himself anymore since he was literally covered in it. He cupped his hands together to hold the paint and flung it at Cam, laughing when it splattered across his face.
Cam gaped, grimacing when some dripped into his mouth. He looked around, smirking when he saw some of the pain had landed on Maggie's desk. "Ouuu, you're gonna get it," he said with a laugh, flinging more paint at him.
Luke pulled a frightened looking face when he saw the paint on the desk but couldn't help but laugh, flinging paint back at Cam but this time being careful not to hit any furniture. "If I'm going down for that, I'm bringing you with me," he chuckled, re-dipping his brush.
"You started it though," he said childishly, using his brush to paint a stripe from his belly all the way to his face. "I really hope this paint comes out, I'd rather not be permanently painted," he grinned.
"I look like a smurf!" Luke laughed, grabbing the roller that Cam had used before and smearing paint in any place that wasn't already painted blue.

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