The Wanderers {Open}

Cade ate his food while watching Luke and Cam fight over who should wash the dishes. He soon finished his meal and sat back, satisfied.
Sighing, Tessa strolled around the room, letting her blonde hair free of its bun. The high and tight hairstyle had started to give her a headache after hours. She examined the furniture and other things in her room, absentmindedly braiding her hair as she paced. Tessa stopped when she got to the window, seeing a small albeit lovely garden outside. Colourful flowers popped out of the ground, making the whole area seem vividly bright.

After placing her few clothes in the dresser and her setting out a few of her books and other knickknacks, Tessa lowers herself onto her bed. The last remaining thing in her bag catches her eyes. She reached in and pulls out of pale pink pointe shoes. Just touching them made her itch to put them on and start dancing here and now, but that wouldn't be the wisest idea. She lays them aside for another time.

Following Maggie's directions, Tessa made her way down to the kitchen, surprised to see the amount of people in their. She inclines her head in greeting, eyeing the food hungrily.
Cam snorted slightly. "Oh yeah. Hard core calculating. Really tiring," he said sarcastically, holding the dish out of reach. "You're a guest. Now go be a guest," he said, waving his hand slightly, being purposely condescending, teasing. It was entertainment for him.
Luke felt a smirk tug on his lips, his eyebrows raised in a teasing manor. "Technically if I'm living here I'm not considered a guest. Now why don't you be a nice boy and just let me do the dishes?" he said, reaching above his head to try to reach the dish.
Cam smirked, elbowing him away lightly. "Nope. You're a guest. And you can't talk down to me, first of all because you're shorter than I am and second of all because I'm older. And therefore wiser. So go on," he waved his hand at him slightly.
Luke pouted playfully crossing his arms and sticking his nose in the air. "Fine, judge me because I'm short," he said, looking away from him when his smirk struggled to break through the pouting facade.
Cam snorted attractively. "You can try that pout on someone who didn't grow up with Maggie as a sister and see if it works," he replied. "I'm all but unguiltable at this point."
Luke turned to him with narrowed eyes and a smirk, feeling a challenge. "No one resists my puppy dog eyes, I'm adorable," he grinned, "I got whatever I wanted growing up just by giving them 'the face'."
Tessa stands in the doorway, watching the men in the room curiously. As strange as their argument was, it was highly entertaining. Her stomach rumbles loudly, and she quickly presses a hand to it to try to silence it, her cheeks tinging pink.
Luke mustered up the cutest look he could, his big blue eyes looking at him pleadingly as he pouted out his bottom lip and looked at him beneath his eyelashes, "Please can I help with the dishes Cam?" he asked in a quiet small voice
Paul had gone upstairs to lay down, he was a bit tired, and the commotion downstairs had gotten a headache. He switched to his pajaymas and layed down in bed, swinging his leg over onto the right, he laid down on his side and drifted off, He suddenly woke up about 30 seconds later, and checked his phones, it was about 9:00 and he started checking his messages, and updates, and asked home how everyone was doing, he put his phone down and drifted off. (Im getting off for the night, don't progress the RP too far.)
Cam laughed and Maggie raised her brows slightly from the doorway, where she was watching. "That was good," Cam admitted with a nod. "But for the little devil over there, I might fall for it," he said with a smirk. Maggie rolled her eyes at that and walked over, bumping him out of the way and grabbing the rag out of his hand. "You've had your fun at my expense. Now," she said, looking at them sternly. "Neither one of you is going to do the dishes. You will relax or watch tv or talk or go outside or finish expenses. But the kitchen will be left to me," she told them firmly, raising her brow and challenging them to argue. Cam backed off, his mouth curling into a grin. Maggie glanced over towards Tessa and then back to her brother. "Oh, but Cam, be a gentleman and get a plate for Tessa."
Cade couldn't help but stare at Luke when he made the puppy dog face. He was quite adorable, but Cade didn't let his mind wander to anything but getting to know him.
Luke backed away from the sink with his hands up in surrender. "Fine, you can do the dishes if it means that much to you," he grinned at Maggie, "but I call doing them tomorrow!" He then grabbed a clean plate and handed it to Tessa before Cam could, sticking his tongue out at him playfully before dramatically turning and falling into the seat closest to him... that just so happened to be occupied. He gave a small squeak of surprise when he realized that there was someone there and turned his head to see he'd accidentally sat on Cade's lap.
Maggie cracked a slight smile when her brother's cocky facade shattered, watching him start cracking up at the fact that Luke had ended up in Cade's lap. She chewed her lip slightly when she saw Matt's slight frown at Cam's obvious flirting, feeling sorry for him but also finding it fun to see Cam's easy grin show through. Cam held his sides as he laughed starting to calm down a bit.
Luke jumped up from his seat on Cade's lap, a slight blush on his cheeks, "Sorry..." he said sheepishly. He couldn't help but let a chuckle escape his lips though as he realized how funny that probably looked to the people watching. He supposed it was pretty funny. Embarrassing but funny.
Cam snorted again, his eyes bright with laughter. Matt got up and left the room. Cam's smile faded, a look of annoyance crossing his features before he followed. Maggie chewed her lip and finished the dishes before starting to put away the food.
Luke's smile fell as well when Matt and Cam suddenly left. "Was it something I did?" he whispered to Maggie, his eyebrows knitted together as he tried to think of what he would of done to cause Matt to just leave like that.
Maggie snorted slightly. "No, you didn't do anything. It's not your fault that Cam enjoyed flirting with you. And he's been wanting to break up with Matt. It's been 13 days already."
Luke felt his cheeks heat up. He had been flirting with him? How had he not even noticed? He really was oblivious sometimes... "What's so special about 13 days? It's not like it's very long..." he said, wondering why Cam would want to break up with Matt. He seemed like a perfectly nice guy.
Maggie shrugged. "Cam's relationships don't last longer than a couple of weeks. He said if he can't see them being together for long, he doesn't want to waste his times. He figures out kind of quickly who he can stay with. The longest relationship he's had was 6 months, and he was dumped. Like.. Alec realized he was straight, dumped."
"Oh..." Luke said softly, glancing at the door where they had left, "Poor guy," he added, thinking of what a terrible way to get dumped that would be, especially if you thought that person might be the one.
Maggie shrugged a bit at that. "He got over it," she said, looking over when Cam came in looking entirely relaxed. He grabbed his binder and calculator. "Matt said bye, Mags," he informed her.

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