The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie swatted at Luke's hand the next time he tried to snag some more veggies. "Stop that. You'll ruin your appetite," she complained before tossing the salad. She just barely felt her brow twitch, having noted his slight glace towards Matt and Cam. She walked over and lifted the calculator and binder, ignoring Cam's complaints and Matt's smirk when she deposited them on the fridge before cleaning off the spot where they had been so people could eat.
Luke pouted playfully, "I always have an appetite," he complained, reaching for another veggie when she turned away and popped it in his mouth with a smug smirk. He nodded at Paul muttering a, "Well that's good," before going back to silently observing, not really sure what else to say.
"Thanks Maggie" Paul smiled kindly. He got up and walked over to the counter, and grabbed the salad, placing it on the table, helping Maggie set it. He got out plates and forks like his mom would always tell him when he was little. He set them down in front of everyone and sat down, waving Maggie to sit down next to him, He yawned and started poking at the salad, serving himself a little bit.
Maggie placed her hands on her hips when she noticed more missing. "Luke." She huffed slightly when Matt snorted, sitting back in his chair and casually resting his arm across Cam's. Her brother, in turn, hopped up as if he had intended to all along. She frowned slightly. Poor Matt. She supposed they had been dating for nearly two weeks now. Cam's usual limit. Cam pulled the pan with the meat out of the oven for her and she thanked Paul for helping out.
Luke stuck his tongue out at her, a smirk still on his lips, and started helping bring stuff over to the table before taking a seat between Paul and Matt. "Thanks for cooking all of this Maggie," Luke said with a smile, "Looks really good."
Maggie smiled slightly at the thanks, sitting down herself. "You're welcome," she said with a shrug. "It was my pleasure." Cam took a seat beside her and started putting food on his plate.
Luke piled food on his plate, glad there was a lot since he was a pretty big eater. He still wasn't really sure how he stayed so skinny, must be the fast metabolism. He started to dig into the food, starting with the veggies that Maggie had been so adamant about him eating.
Paul smiled, they all resembled something of a family. He smiled and looked down at his plate, Delicious! He started poking around at everything and bring it up to his mouth and eating. He glanced around and thought of an idea "So who has a story to tell?" he questioned the group, stories were always best at dinner. He put his fork down and started asking "How about you luke, any stories about Ireland?" he questioned, wanting to learn more of the country.

(Last post of the night.)
((I'm adding a new character woop woop.))

Name: Cade Young

Appearance:View attachment 11337

Age(17-24 please): 20

Wanderer or native?: wanderer

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: to be a singer

Personality: He is a very relaxed guy and gets along well with most people. Singing is his passion and he has done many covers. Cade is pretty well known for his covers on Youtube, so he decided to go after his dream of becoming a professional singer.


Other: He is gay but doesn't really just tell people straight out. If the subject comes up he will say that he is, but other than that he really doesn't go around talking about it.

Cade payed the taxi driver and got out with his small suitcase. He looked at the house and smiled. "Well this should be fun." He walked in the door and shut it behind him. There were voices in the kitchen but no one was at the desk. "Hello?"
Cam shook his head at the question as to whether or not he had a story to tell, his eyes moving to Luke when Paul directed the attention to him. Maggie excused herself when she heard someone, getting up and heading to the foyer. She smiled when she saw someone knew. "Hi," she said cheerfully. "Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I need a room. If there are any more available that is." Cade smiled at Maggie. She already seemed really nice and he was looking forward to living there. "The name is Cade by the way."
Maggie nodded, writing the name down in her binder to ensure she didn't forget it. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "There's dinner in the kitchen. I can show you to a room after you've eaten?" she offered. "Or now, I suppose, if you aren't hungry."
Cade nodded. "Sure I could eat." He looked around at the living room and wondered how many other people lived there.
Maggie nodded and inclined her head slightly, gesturing for him to follow her, before she headed back towards the kitchen. She got another place setting out and put it at an empty seat.
Cade followed her into the kitchen. He waved to everyone else in the kitchen. "Hey everyone. I'm Cade." He sat down at the table. "So what's for dinner?"
Luke looked in Paul's direction, trying to think of any stories he had about Ireland, "Um... there's not much to tell really. It's pretty boring there most of the time honestly since it's always raining. Football games were always a big thing there, we'd go watch them all the time as a family or sometimes with friends." He looked up as a new person walked in and sat down. He smiled and nodded at him, "I'm Luke," he introduced himself before going back to his story, "Uh yeah, I remember one time at a footy game they were doing this half time competition. It was one of the college games so the prize was nothing huge just like a new bike or something like that. Anyway, they were asking for volunteers so of course the lads and I all tried to volunteer each other and with my luck I was the one they chose. So I had to get up in front of this giant stadium and try to kick the ball into the net from the half way mark. My friends decided they wanted to be funny and just as I went to kick the ball they go ahead and yell 'MISS' and didn't I kick that damn ball like five feet ahead of me and fall on my arse..." He shook his head at himself, chuckling slightly at the memory. "I just laughed it off but the video they took on their phone will haunt me for the rest of my life."

Name: Tessa Valentia

Age: 18

Wanderer or native?: Wanderer

If a Wanderer, what is the characters dream?: To be a dancer on Broadway.

Personality: Ever since she was young, Tessa has loved to dance. She used to prance around the house, throwing herself into all kinds of crazy contortions. Years later, not much has changed. She is much more reserved now, refined and elegant. She recently graduated from a prestigious dance school back home in Washington and moved to New York. Tessa is rather quiet and reserved, a quality that people often mistake as snootiness. In truth, Tessa is a kind heart, but it takes a lot to get close to her.

Crush/bf/gf: None yet.

Maggie smiled slightly at the idea of someone recording the incident, blinking in surprise when Cam lip up. "Oh! That's like the time when Maggie was 4 and Cooper and I were 10 and we decided it would be a great idea to torment the little stalker. Unfortunately, while Cooper hung her upside down out his window, holding onto her ankles and making her scream like a fu-reaking banshee-" he noted my pointed look when he started to curse- "And then Tyler, my old best friend and...second? boyfriend, caught us and pulled Mags back in. He was so irritated by the incident that the next day when we were at a chorus concert and his mom was recording the whole thing, he decided it would be a great idea to accidentally trip me backwards off of the risers, into the curtains, which fell down on top of everyone in the choir. Not only did three people end up with broken bones and the video is it now on Youtube, he was a bit bitter when we broke up, but I'm still not allowed to go near the stage at that elementary school. The chorus teacher won't even greet me when I see her; she steps in front of her kids like I'm about to fall and break them. It's great."
"Oh thats hilarious!" Paul said, giggling at the idea. He saw Cade and stood up. "Hey dude, welcome to the house!" he said, walking over and shaking his hand. He loved meeting new people, more people, more friends! Paul stepped back and stood next to Maggie. "Whats your name guy?" Paul questioned the new guy. Paul glanced around the room, he felt a bit thirsty and walked over to the fridge, he pulled out a cola and opened it.
"I'm Cade. So do all of you guys live here?" Cade leaned back in his chair. He thought there would be more people.

(( [MENTION=4355]Alkonost[/MENTION] accepted!))
Thanking the cab driver and shutting the door behind her, Tessa sighed and looked up at the house in front of her. Finally. She was finally here. She walked inside, lugging her bag behind her. "Hello? Anybody home?" No one seemed to hear so she dropped her bag on the floor, waiting. Tessa stretched out the kinks her back. It had been an extremely long plane ride, and she had sat still for far too long. Still waiting, she takes a seat, crossing her long legs and resting her palms on her knee.
Maggie was about to complain that caffeine would keep Paul awake when she heard another person. She closed her mouth and stood up before heading to the foyer. "Can I help you?" She asked, smiling slightly.
Tessa stood as the woman walked in the room. She stepped forward and inclined her head politely. "I heard there were vacancies here. Is that still so?" She hoped so. This was a beautiful house in a great location for low prices. It was perfect.
Luke was busy laughing at Cam's story, "That's great," he grinned in his direction, "Gotta love childhood memories," he added, his grin morphing into a smirk as he racked his brain for any other stories he could think of.
Maggie nodded easily in response. "Yep. Do you want a room?" she asked her. "And if you're hungry, there's dinner in the kitchen," she mused, as an after thought as she got out her binder. "I'm Maggie, by the way."

Cam smirked, watching Matt raise his brows when he said, "Strangely, all of my best memories include tormenting Maggie in some way. She has great reactions. Recently, it's been disgusting Cooper, though, I must admit," he mused, tapping his chin slightly.

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