The Wanderers {Open}

(Okay, that works. Hope everyones okay with the timeskip :P Sorry I'm not on very often, I try to get on for like an hour a day maybe more on weekends but I've been really busy with school and stuff)

Luke walked back into the wayward house, feeling pumped on adrenaline after the show he'd given. He knew it wasn't that big of a deal, it was only a job at a local club after all, but he still felt excited that he was playing in front of people and getting to show off his talent. Luke walked into the house and, not feeling tired enough to go back up to his room yet, he collapsed on the couch, his guitar sitting on his lap. He had a satisfied grin on his face and his hands were itching to play another tune.
Maggie chopped vegetables for dinner, laughing as her brother's current fling propped his feet up on the chair in front of him, bantering back and forth with her. Cameron was calculating this month's expense for the house, furrowing his brows as he tried to figure out just how much wiggle room she had to start having the home repaired. Money had rarely been an issue, but the fact that she wanted to keep the money she had from her grandmother in savings didn't leave much to spend.
Luke quickly got bored of just sitting there. He wanted people to talk to and to laugh with. He still felt super energetic and maybe even a little hyper so he jumped up from his seat and let his guitar stay propped up against the couch, certain no one would take it. He headed into the kitchen, thinking there might be people in there and was happy to hear voices. "Hey, excellent night isn't it?" Luke smiled, bounding into the kitchen and leaning against the counter.
Maggie glanced over and nodded, Cameron barely responding as he punched more buttons on his calculator. Matt snorted slightly, flicking Cam's shoulder before nodding slightly at Luke. "You could be a little more polite to your sister's guests," Matt said, raising his brow when Cameron didn't react at all.

"Luke, that's Matt. Matt, Luke," she introduced, checking the oven.
Matt shook his hand, his head shaking slightly. "Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'. "I'm only here because Cam's here, and I'm kinda fond of the strange girl over there. And she feeds me free food. And listens to me complain about Cam, and usually agrees with me. So it's great."
(I've got to go to bed now but I'll be on more tomorrow)

Luke laughed, nodding his head, "I see. That's pretty much what I'm here for too. Free food and a strange girl that's interesting to talk to," he grinned in Maggie's direction, hoping if he didn't act awkward about the whole situation it would make her forget about it faster.
Maggie flung a chunk of bread in their direction. "Luke, you are not supposed to encourage him!" she protested, sticking her tongue out when Matt laughed at her.
Bron came down from her room dressed in her sweatpants and a hoodie. Her hair was in a ponytail and her guitar case was slung around her shoulder. She walked into the kitchen. "Hey Maggie, you got something I can take to heat up at work? I got to get down to 002 straightaway to get dolled up before it opens." She leaned on the counter.
Maggie looked around before warming a plate and then putting some food on it. She wrapped it in tin foil before walking it over to Bron. "That should be good, I think," she mused. "But there's more food in the fridge if you don't like anything on the plate. I suppose I shouldn't have wrapped it..."
Paul's eyes slowly opened, he had been exausted after the recent endeavors at the hospital so he went back down stairs, and walked into the kitchen where he heard an awful lot of hubbub. "Hello, hello!" he said, greeting the large group of people, he went over and stood over by maggie "So what's happening everybody?" he smiled, feeling a lot better. (Sorry if my post are a bit small/bad, im getting out of a funk of sickness and tiredness)
Maggie smiled slightly up at him. "Feeling any better?" She asked. She blinked slightly. "Nothing- my brother and his boyfriend are being jerks and I'm cooking," she added.
"And I have to go! Thanks for the food Maggie." With that she walked outside and got in her car. Bron got to the nightclub in ten minutes and got on her clothes and had the makeup artists work their magic.
"Ha, you guys, stop teasing maggie!" he joked, smiling. "And yeah, i feel AMAZINGLY better" he said, laughing. he sat down on the counter and began to speak "So whats for dinner?" he implored of maggie.
Matt wrinkled his nose at the idea as Maggie opened the oven. "Barbecued pork chops, salad, fresh vegetables, and fresh mozzarella and tomato."
"Sounds delicious, smells like it too!" Paul said, complementing maggie. He looked over at Matt and Cameron. "So how's life, guys?" he queried of the boys sitting at the table. He smiled as he slid of the counter and walked over to the sink, washing his hands.
Luke was surprised when Maggie said that Cam and Matt were boyfriends. He wouldn't have even guess that either of them were gay like him when he first met them. He shrugged it off, thinking he might be able to ask them for some pointers about being open about it later if he could manage to feel comfortable with talking about it. He stayed quiet, just listening to the others conversations now and occasionally stealing vegetables off of Maggies chopping board to pop into his mouth.
He looked over at Luke, "Whats up man, haven't talked to you in like a day" Paul said, acknowledging lukes presence in the room. He reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bag of chips taking 5 or 6 and putting the rest back. Paul walked over and sat at the table, playing on his phone.
"Yeah, I heard about the incident. How are you feeling?" He asked, motioning to Paul's leg. He kept sending sideways glances at Cam and Matt, hoping no body noticed. He was just curious since he'd never had a relationship with a guy before. It wasn't as if he'd never seen any gay couples before now but it didn't stop him from being curious.
"Oh it feels better Luke, definitely better" he said trailing off before he turned his attention to Matt. "Eh, not much" he paused, answering Matt "Broke my leg falling down the stairs." he joked, tapping on the cast. He stared up at the ceiling and started humming along to a song he heard on the radio last week. Then he started thinking, so much had happened in the last week.... He had moved up to NY from Virginia, Asked a girl out on a date (And almost went out on it), broke his leg, and made friends!

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