The Wanderers {Open}

Maggie picked up the phone after rushing from the kitchen with a bowl of ingredients, tucking it between her ear and her shoulder. "You've called Beth's Wayward House for Wayward Wanderers. This is Maggie speaking. How can I help you?" She asked, stirring batter for pancakes with a whisk.
"Hey maggie, it's me Paul, they say it's time for me to go home so can you send Luke or some one over to get me?" he requested while twiddling with his finger.
Maggie nodded, feeling stupid because it almost made the phone drop and he couldn't even see her. "Mhm. I'll be there in about 15 minutes," she replied, pulling a pair of shoes on and grabbing her brother's zip up sweatshirt to cover her tanktop and pj shorts.
"Thank you!" he said, glad that he would see Maggie again and would be back on his way home. "Ill see you in 15 then!" he said, ending the call. He walked out to the parking lot, supporting himself with the crutch, he sat down on a bench and pulled his jacket together, it was a cold January and there were bits of unmelted snow on the side of the road, mixed with salt and gravel. He stared off at the soft New York sky. He heard a car pull up and looked at it. "Hey maggie" he said, as he walked up to the car to climb in.
((I'm just gonna pretend Chris returned last night because I hadn't noticed we had skipped to the morning already.))
Maggie shrugged slightly, driving back to the wayward house. "Nothing really," she replied. "People kept asking about you and my brother kind of crashed on the couch. I made dinner..." she trailed off. "So not much."
"OK, i hope everyone is alright" Paul exclaimed, sounding concerned. The car bustled down the Highway before stopping outside of the wayward home. "Thank's Maggie " Paul beamed gladly. He grabbed the crutch from the backseat and got out before Maggie, walking around the car to open her door. If there was one thing his mom beat in to him it was how to treat a lady.
Maggie looked at him in surprise before grabbing the keys and getting out. "Thank you," she said, locking the door behind them before heading towards the door.
"You're welcome." Paul said with a smile. He started walking to the door. He held it open for her, and after they were both inside he walked up to his room "Hey im going to go get a bit more sleep, hospital beds aren't that comfy." he joked.
Maggie thanked him again and smiled slightly. "Alright. I wouldn't expect they would be," she said, pulling off her brother's sweatshirt. "Sleep well."
Maggie bit her lip slightly before going to the kitchen to clean up. Her brother had a massive amount of food piled onto his plate that he was eating, his feet up on the chair in front of him.
Paul woke up ten minutes later, finding it hard to sleep and went downstairs to sit on the couch and browse some jobs he may be able to get for acting. He grabbed his mac book and headed down stairs. Once downstairs he made himself comfy, spread out on the couch, and put his laptop on his lap and started browsing... "Oh yay!" he exclaimed out loud by accident, he had found a job that was perfect, It was for a small community theater, but it was a job, and auditions were in two days..
Maggie jumped slightly when she heard the exclamation. She peeked into the living room and placed a hand on her hip. "I thought you were sleeping?"
"Too much pain." Paul answered the confused Maggie. "And i just found the perfect acting job, It's in the community theater, basically, It's an abridged version of the wizard of oz, but with some varieties" Paul explained smiling.
"Auditions are next thursday, and yeah ill take a tylenol." Paul said, acknowledging her. He looked at the adress and set a reminder on his phone, he started scrolling down funny cat pictures on the internet.
"Thanks" Paul smiled, throwing the tylenol in his mouth and started drinking the water. Paul looked up at Maggie, "Hey when do you want to reschedule the date for?" he implored. Attempting to strike up a conversation (Sorry if i don't post much my sister just made an account and im helping her)
Maggie looked at him in surprise. "You still want to go out?" she asked, furrowing her brow slightly. Honestly, she was still confused as to why he was interested.
"Uhhh, yeah, i mean, we never got to go out when we were supposed to." Paul said a bit shyly. He started looking at some resturants on the computer. "I could probably get a reservation somewhere..." he said trailing off, his sentence ended when he felt a bit of pain in his stomach and an undescribable ache in his leg, he stopped and warned maggie "Probably not right now though, i just have to lay down for a while.." he said while slowy placing his laptop on the coffee table and streching out.
Maggie nodded slowly. "Oh, I know. I just didn't think you'd be interested," she admitted. "But yeah, definitely not now. You should sleep though."
"Thanks" paul said sounding pained, he layed on his side, and slowly drifted off, but before he did he thought of a few lost memories, not worth remembering, and dreamed of a dream undescribable (Im off for the night, not going to post anymore today.)

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