The Wanderers {Open}

Luke nodded, glancing back up at her apologetically. He really did feel horrible. He didn't know what to say though that would make it any better, he felt as if the more he talked the worse it was going to get so he just stayed quiet and hoped that it would be okay soon.
Maggie walked up to her room and closed the door quietly behind her, dropping down onto her bed and breathing in deeply. He was gay. Alright. So that took care of the whole having a crush on him problem. Because it cancelled out the fact that she liked him because he never would return the feeling. She got back up and tossed a fresh outfit onto her bed before going into her bathroom to take a shower.
Luke sighed heavily and sat down in the chair Maggie had been occupying before. He strummed away absently at his guitar, playing sad sounding chords because they just matched his mood at the moment. He was upset about what had happened and hated the fact that he'd not only made Maggie cry but had had to tell her he was gay which was probably exactly the opposite of what she wanted to hear.
Maggie took her shower, keeping strict control over herself. She had cried enough for one day, in her opinion. She stepped out and got dressed before beginning to apply makeup, something she didn't typically do. But she figured that having makeup that could be smudged by tears on her face would keep her from crying.
Paul had been upstairs getting ready for a while, When he was confident he was dressed, the movie was perfect and he was ready he was about to go talk to maggie when he stopped and said to himself "What am i getting myself into?... Why do i like this girl?.." He had never really felt this way about anyone before, He was too busy preocupied with acting and schoolwork most of the time but now he had nothing and he just... noticed her, she stood out like an angel surrounded by darkness. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture, it was of him, 13, and a girl... His first girl friend, He doesn't carry around any other pictures of any of his other ex's but this was different.. he put it back and opened his door.

Maggie twisted her hair into a ponytail, deciding not to straighten her curls. She pursed her lips slightly, looking over herself. She supposed nice jeans and a blouse was okay for a movie date, right? She slipped on a pair of ballet flats before going over and opening her door so she could go downstairs and wait for her brother to get here.
Luke saw Maggie come down the stairs and looked at the floor awkwardly. He started absentmindedly playing the tune of Lost by Micheal Buble while doing his best not to look in her direction.
Maggie almost squealed when she saw her brother's car come up the driveway, running outside. He laughed as he got out of the car, ruffling her hair. She walked inside with him and he kicked his shoes off easily. "Cooper came by with his wife and Alec earlier," he said, wrinkling his nose. "They said to say hi. They left quickly when they realized it was just me at home and not you or mom." He looked around, nodding slightly in Luke's direction in greeting.
Paul started walking over to the stairs to wait in the lobby for maggie when he heard a voice, he always liked meeting new people so he started to hurry up a bit more to go greet them, only one problem, he forgot to tie his shoe, As he attempted to go down the first step he slipped and fell down. He stared up at the ceiling, He felt pain entering and leaving his body, He wasn't sure but he thought his nose was bleeding, he then fell unconscious as the group noticed him.
Maggie gasped, her eyes widening in alarm as Cam pulled out his cellphone to call for an ambulance, going behind the front desk and handing her the roll of paper towels to try and stop the nose bleed. Maggie wiped gently at the blood, crouching down beside him.
Paul felt the soft tissue wipe at his nose, and he heard the wail of the ambulance and as the paramedics flew in and laid him down on the stretcher all he could feel was an intense head ache. He drifted out of consciousness as soon as he was loaded into the ambulances blinding lights that decorated the interior.
Maggie chewed her lip, seriously concerned. She got into the ambulance and Cam stayed back at the inn while she was gone. She sat up front, twiddling her fingers.
Paul woke up a couple hours later, in a hospital bed, dazed and confused he looked up and saw the bland hospital ceiling and the dim flourescent lights and felt the pounding in his head his mouth was parched and he didn't really know what was happening. He looked around and saw Maggie. "Wha- what happened?"
He whimpered a little at the pain of moving his head to try to get up a little. "Explain's the pain in my head...." he said grinning. "What time is it?" he said attempting to rub his eyes but stopped because the pain was too great.
"W-we missed the movie..." he said frowning as he tilted his head to look at her, His leg felt wierd, Like it was in a cast.. oh great.. he broke his leg... He was somewhat hungry but he didn't feel like he should have needed to ask but he questioned maggie "Does the hospital have any food?
Maggie shrugged a bit. "There'll be other movies," she said simply. "And yes, there is food. I'll call a nurse and have her bring you some," she said, pressing the call button.
"Thank you" he said, with a slight smile. He saw the nurse walk in with the plate of food and set it down, Tried to start eating but hurt too much to pick up the fork.
Maggie watched him for a moment, shifting slightly as she wondered whether or not she should help him. She pressed a button, the bed lifting up slightly so he could more comfortably sit up.
"Thanks" he said smiling. He felt a rush of tiredness as he closed his eyes, knowing he wouldn't be able to stay conscious any longer he said "You should probably go home get some rest" he said yawning. "I'll see you tomor-" he mumbled, drifting off silently
Maggie breathed in deeply, moving the tray of food away from him. She didn't like the idea of him being all alone here. But she didn't want to give the impression of her having feelings for him just yet. Even if they might just be peeking through with him in the hospital.
(Lets just skip to the next morning, :D )

Paul slowly opened his eyes, his wounds feeling slightly better. He Looked up and reached for the remote to adjust the bed. He Grabbed it and pulled adjusted so he was sitting up right-ish. He looked at the foot of his bed to see the table that you can pull over yourself to eat and set stuff down. There were some flowers and a card or two. He smiled at the thought that everyone must of put in for him. He glimsped over at the clock. 9:02 AM.. He saw the usual fussing and bussing of the nurses and doctors and patients outside. He thought of maggie and smiled, She must be back at the house tending to Luke and everyone else. He reached over to grab his phone from the table next to his bed when a nurse came in, "Oh, paul, your awake!" she said while checking his charts. "It says here you should be able to go home today, do you feel good enough after your fall?" she chuckled. "Oh, uh yeah, i guess" He said, checking his phone for texts. He Tried to get up when he remembered the cast. "Uh do you have a crutch or something i can use?" he asked, pulling himself up from the bed. "Oh yes, one second, just sit down and wait, ill be back in a jiffy" she said, scurrying off to attend to other patients and get the crutch from the supply closet. He reached over to the table and grabbed his jacket, pulling it over himself, He climbed off the bed and sat down in one of the chairs, slipping on his right shoe, the left would be useless for at least six weeks. He got all his things together as soon as the nurse walked in. She handed him the crutch and told him how to use it. "Just check out at the front desk when you're ready to go, you may want to call someone to come get you!" she said smiling as she walked away. He reached for his phone and realized he didn't have Maggie's, Luke's, or anyone else's number... He had the number for the Wayward House! He called it hoping maggie would pick up...

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