The Wanderers {Open}

"Disgusting Cooper?" Luke questioned, "Isn't that the brother you don't like?" he asked, remembering that conversation from earlier today.
"I get that he's a homophobic jerk but what exactly did he do to make you hate him so much?" Luke asked curiously. "I mean, if you want to tell me," he added, silently chastising himself once again for being so nosy.
Cade had spaced out, wondering when dinner would be ready, when the word 'homophobic' caught his attention.' "You have a homophobic brother? That's not cool."
Cameron was cut off again by Matt and her pursed his lips together. "Well, Cameron determined that he didn't like girls, his dad ended up getting a divorce from his mom, Cooper went with his dad, (as freaked out by a gay guy as his father was) and Elena, their youngest sister, went with them. Cooper refused for half a decade to even be in the same room as him, and he won't let his kids be around Cam for very long. His wife is concerned that homosexuality could spread to her precious boy," Matt explained.

Cameron nodded in response to Cade's statement. "Homoophobic twin ​brother," he added.
"That's horrible!" Luke exclaimed, disgusted by his brother and whoever else believed in that nonsense, "It's not like a disease! You can't catch homosexuality!" He shook his head, grumbling a few choice words under his breath, "People sure can be stupid sometimes..."
Cameron shrugged, holding up his hand to stop Matt from speaking for him again. "You know that. I know that. My sister and mother know that. Most everyone else knows that. I don't particularly care what Cooper or my father think anymore."
"Oh, that's even worse." Cade could never imagine what that was like. When he had told his parents that he was gay, they accepted him for who he was. Except for the ocassional bully at school, he had never had any long term problems with anyone nagging him about his sexuality. "Exactly! People think it's some kind of disease that you can catch. I always wonder what this world is coming to if they think homosexuality is contagious."
Tessa nods, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. "A pleasure, Ms. Maggie. I am Tessa Valentia." She bent down to pick up her bag quickly. "I'd like to be shown to my room first, but afterwards, supper sounds lovely. Do you provide meals here daily or have I arrived at a special occasion?"
Maggie headed towards the stairs. "Just Maggie would be fine," she said. The 'Ms' had always made her feel older than 20. "Any particular specifications about a room?" she asked.
Luke nodded his head at Cade, completely agreeing with that statement. He then turned back to Cam and gave him a small smile, "Well it's good that you don't let it bother you. It's not exactly something you can change right?" He said, going quiet as he thought of his own family. He wondered how they would react when he eventually got around to telling them he was gay. He could only hope that his family didn't turn out like Cam's...
Cam nodded his agreement. "Nothing I would ever want to change," he said simply. "And I don't really care. My mom was my favorite parent, and she took it really easily. She had actually already known. And Maggie took it all in stride. I believe I told her and she looked at me like I had three heads. 'And?' was all she said. Matt's family was perfectly fine with him, and so were most of the others I've known."
Luke relaxed a little at the knowledge that a lot of people's families were completely fine with them being gay. He was still extremely nervous to tell his parents but he figured he could put it off for at least a year considering he was so far from home for that time anyway.
Tessa nods, following the woman. "Maggie, then. Specifications? No, whatever you have available is sufficient, thank you." As they walk, Tessa looks around, admiring the layout of the house. Madame Lucine's school had been so refined and elegant, but everything in New York just seems so...beautiful. It all makes her head spin.
Maggie glanced back at her before unlocking the door to one of the rooms that overlooked the side gardens and setting the room key on the side table.
She walks into the room, setting her bag on the floor and looking around. "Thank you, Maggie. Could you tell me where the kitchen is? I'll come down once I'm done unpacking if that's okay."
Maggie nodded. "It's downstairs and to the right-you go through the sitting room and there's a doorway on the far side that leads to the kitchen," she told her. "It'll be open."

Cam ate the rest of his food and stood up, bringing his plate to the sink quietly. He started to do the dishes reflexively.
Luke cleared his throat as the table went silent and looked at Cade, "Do you want something to eat? There's lots of food," he said noticing that he didn't have a plate or any utensils.
"Yeah, It's been quite a long journey for me to get here and I haven't eaten since breakfast." Cade didn't know how things worked around here. If he was supposed to get his own food, or even where the utensils were at.
Luke smiled at him and brought his own dish over to the sink, beginning to clean it off like he had been at all the meals. He knew he didn't really have to but it was habit and he enjoyed helping out anyway.
"Thanks...Cameron, right?" Cade asked as he heaped food onto his plate. He usually didn't eat as much as he was, but not eating lunch and having to travel all day had made him more hungry than usual.
Cam nodded. "Yep," he replied and frowned slightly when he saw Luke doing dishes. "Hey. I had that covered," he said, walking over. He took the dish out of his hands.
Luke looked over at him feeling the dish suddenly leave his hands, "Oh no it's fine really, I'm used to doing the dishes and you deserve a break anyway. It looked like you were doing some pretty hard calculating before supper," he grinned, reaching out to take his dish back.

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