The Wanderers {Open}

(Sure, if that's okay with everyone else?)

Luke glanced up at Cam, giving him a small smile before saying, "I think I'm going to go up to my room now. Have a good night you guys!" He grabbed his guitar from the living room and headed up to his room.
Maggie woke up early again, heading downstairs. She jumped in slight surprise when she saw Cam was already up and beginning to paint the foyer a new color. She had been meaning to do that, of course, but time had gotten away from her.
Luke was having an uneasy sleep, a little homesick already since he was so far from Ireland. He slowly came to when he heard someone moving in the house; he had never been much of a deep sleeper. He sighed, glancing at the clock and seeing how early it was. He half wondered who would be up this early but figured it was probably Maggie. He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep anyway so he got up, still in his pajamas and headed downstairs for breakfast.
Maggie had gone into the kitchen, beginning to cook as quietly as she could. She got out several mugs for coffee for when people actually started waking up. She opened the window and pulled her hair up onto the top of her head so she didn't have to mess with it. Cam stretched up to paint a far corner, which she noticed with a slight wince when she went to the foyer with a mug of coffee for him.
Luke was hit with the smell of paint as he walked down the stairs and saw Cameron and Maggie. "Painting at this time in the morning?" He questioned with a small grin, still slightly sleepy. He ran a hand through his messy bedhead hair and yawned.
Cam jumped slightly on the ladder, surprised by Luke and grasping for the edge of the door when it started teetering. He regained the balance and smiled slightly, relieved. "Yeah. Gotta start early so I can put both coats of paint on the wall in one day. I hate going to bed with an unfinished project," he said with a shrug. "So, if I start early, I don't have to worry about it."
"I see," he said, looking at the extra brush sticking out of the paint bucket. "Well do you need any help? It'll get done faster that way," he shrugged, reaching down for the paintbrush. It was a nice color, he noted absentmindedly before looking up at Cam again with a questioning glance.
Cam started to nod before catching sight of Maggie's hands on her hips. "Nah, I couldn't ask that. You're a guest," he said. "You should go eat breakfast or get coffee or something."
Tessa jumps up with a start, waking from her dream. Or nightmare, she should say. She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking deep slow breaths to try to calm down. Every night, the dream varied, but it always ended the same way. Shuddering, she got out of bed, not even wanting to think about that.

She quickly made up her bed. Turning to look at herself in the mirror, Tessa undoes her messy braid and pulls her long blonde hair up into a simple ponytail. She cast a glance at her phone...good, plenty of time until she needed to be at the studio. She slips on a wrap over the clothes she had slept in and a pair of ballet flats before heading downstairs to see about breakfast.
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, about to argue before he noticed Maggie. He smirked, shaking his head, "Letting you're sister control your decisions?" He said teasingly, "Come on Cam, you're better than that and you know the help would be nice."
Paul woke up grogilly, smelling coffee he slinked into the bathroom and started taking a shower. A couple minutes later when he felt better he got out and brushed his teeth, he covered up with his towel and went to his room to get dressed. He was still not really awake he needed coffee, he looked at his alarm clock it wasn't even 7 yet. He slinked downstairs and saw three people already up. "Hello my darlings" he mumbled sleepily to the boys and Maggie, not really caring who it was. Suddenly two smells hit his nose, coffee and paint, he went towards the more appetizing one. He picked up a cup and walked over to the couch, there's not much to do before 7 in the morning so he just watched them paint, slowly waking up. Once he was able to talk and listen, he got up and walked over "Nice color." Paul said, admiring the wall.
"Exactly, I offered so there's nothing she can really say about that," he grinned, setting the paintbrush down. "Just let me get changed into some older clothes and I'll be right back down to help," he said and was climbing back up the stairs to his room before Cam could protest. "Hey Paul," he smiled, waving as he passed him on his way up to his room.
The smell of cooking food and paint hit her nose as soon as Tessa walked out into the hallway. She headed downstairs, passing by one of the men that had been in the kitchen the night before. Another one of the men was painting a wall a new colour. It was lovely shade, a great choice. "Good morning, Maggie," she smiled as she walked into the kitchen, her stomach rumbling appreciatively.
"Hey" Paul greeted luke as he passed him. Paul went back to the couch and layed down, "So, what's everyone doing?" he said, staring at the wall.

(gtg, talking with friends and stuff)
Maggie frowned at her brother as he went back to painting. She sighed. "Good morning, everyone," she said, moving towards the kitchen. "Feeling better?" She asked Paul, pausing in the living room.
Luke got dressed in old paint splattered jeans and an old shirt that was slightly baggy on him. He paused in the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair and stuff before heading back down to help Cam. He grabbed a paintbrush and got to work painting, making sure his brushstrokes were even and not messy.
Cam easily fell back into rhythm, climbing back down the ladder to refill his plate of paint. He looked around, sighing slightly at the amount of work there still seemed to be. "Thanks for helping," he said, looking over at Luke.
((sorry I wasn't on. and awww I missed Luke sitting on Cade's lap :( ))

Cade woke up to noises downstairs. The only time he was ever grouchy was in the morning. "Why is everyone up so early? Can't they at least be freaking quiet so the rest of us can sleep?" He got up out of bed and walked downstairs, not bothering to put a shirt on with his blue pajama pants. He walked, grumbling to himself, where everyone else was. He smelt coffee and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Hey, Maggie. Do you have any tea? I'm not much of a coffee person."

Bronwin walked into the house. She looked extremely tired and hungover as well. "Hey guys," she said as she passed everyone. Without stopping to see if anyone would say hi back, she went straight to her room and collapsed on her bed without even shutting the door.
Maggie blinked in slight surprise, watching Bron go by. She shook her head slightly and stood up on a stool to get her collection of various teas down. She had some of a lot, as she drank it when she had a spare moment. Otherwise it was coffee. "You can have any you'd like," she told Cade, bringing the container over to him. "Sorry. Did we wake you?" she asked, chewing her lip slightly. She really didn't like waking people up when they were asleep.
"Yeah, no big deal. I'm not a morning person though, and this is a good day. So you might want to stay away from me most mornings until I've had my tea." He smiled at Maggie as he filled a mug with water and put it in the microwave. After it was heated he put an english breakfast tea bag in it and waited for it to steep.
Luke glanced over at him and smiled, "It's no problem," he said, "This is a lot of stuff to paint all by yourself," he added with a shrug. He figured if they started talking it might make the work seem like it's going by faster so he brought up the first discussion topic he could think of, "So, how are you and Matt?" he asked curiously, thinking back to last night when the two of them abruptly left the kitchen and of what Maggie told him.
Maggie smiled slightly back at him. It was beyond her, though, as to how people didn't like mornings. She was very much a morning girl.

Cam jumped slightly, surprised by the question. His brow twitched slightly. "There is no me and Matt anymore."
"Oh..." Luke said quietly. So Maggie had been right then. "Excuse me for asking but, why? You guys seemed like a cute couple last night," he said. Then again, thinking back on it, Cam hadn't really been returning the cute touches and smiles, it had all been Matt.
Cam shrugged slightly, pausing a moment as he painted before breathing in deeply. "Matt and I weren't really working out," he replied. "I already knew were going to have to break up. He was... I don't know. He liked to speak for me and get really offended when I got irritated. And I'm not one to draw out any relationship if I know it's not going to go anywhere anyways."

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