The Wanderers {Open}

Cam laughed again. "Ah, but a very cute smurf," he responded before just picking up the paint bucket and pouring it over Luke, figuring he would need to buy more anyways at this point.
Luke quickly closed his eyes and mouth, just standing there for a moment dripping in paint. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned at Cam, "Maybe you could have gotten this done faster if I didn't help," he said, gesturing towards the half painted wall and their fully painted selves.
Luke burst into laughter, unable to hold it back any longer. He looked down at himself, covered in blue and back up at Cam who was in a similar state and laughed harder, clutching his sides.
Cam couldn't maintain his ability to keep from laughing anymore, starting to laugh himself. He found it rather difficult to laugh without getting paint in his mouth, though, so he likely made an amusing picture.
Luke noticed Cam's troubles and laughed more, wiping the paint away from his face so it wouldn't go in his own mouth. They probably looked a sight right then, just standing there covered from head to toe in paint and laughing like crazy people.
Maggie walked towards the foyer with the pot of coffee to refill Cam's mug and give Luke some. She gaped when she saw the two of them, dropping the coffee mug.

Cam sobered up as well as he could, gasping for air, when he heard the glass hit the floor. He flushed when he saw his sister. "What on earth...?" she trailed off, blinking.
Luke looked towards Maggie with wide eyes, the laughter dying in his throat. "He started it!" He quickly exclaimed, pointing towards Cam. He felt like he was little again and his mum was catching him and a friend doing something they weren't supposed to.
She brought her hand up to her cheek, looking around. "That doesn't surprise me," she said, chewing her lip slightly when she saw spots of paint on the floor and on the desk.

"Luke retaliated!" Cam added, pointing back at him, paint dripping comically from his arm.
Luke couldn't help but let out a small snigger and just shrugged, his face looking far from innocent, "You brought it on yourself," he smirked, glancing over at Cam before looking at Maggie and, feeling a little guilty for the mess, added, "We'll clean it up though Mags, don't worry."
She rubbed her forehead. "God, you'd think you were three year olds," she said before bending down and picking up the ceramic pieces. "No trailing paint through the house," she said, sternly, meeting both of their eyes. "You can stay in here or go outside until the paint dries."

Cam frowned at her. "Can you at least go and get my wallet then? So I can get more paint?"
Luke had the decency to look guilty for about five minutes until he heard Cam say he wanted to go to get more paint. He grinned, "You're going to go to the store looking like an avatar?" he asked him raising his brows.
Cam smirked and nodded, sweeping his paint covered hair back with his hand. "A sexy avatar," he said with a grin while Maggie went upstairs to get his wallet for him. "Besides, I kind of owe her at this point," he said with a shrug.
Luke snorted, "Definitely a sexy avatar," he grinned, rolling his eyes at him. He looked around the paint splattered room and nodded, "Yeah, I feel like I should be cleaning this up now but I don't think I'll do much good considering I'm covered in paint. I'd just make a bigger mess."
Cam waved his hand slightly. "Maggie'll take care of it," he responded with a shrug. "But," he said as his sister came downstairs with his wallet in hand, "you should come with to get more paint. So it doesn't look like I had a paint fight with myself."
Luke chuckled, "Okay, wouldn't want you to look out of place Mr.Smurf," he smirked, trying to wipe some of the paint off of his face.
Cam grinned, taking his wallet and pocketing it. "At least I have brown eyes to counteract the smurf idea," he pointed out, taking his car keys from the hook near the door.
Luke headed out to the car, thinking of his own blue eyes and how he probably did look like a smurf at the moment. He was sure his shortness wasn't helping him either. "Aren't we going to get your car covered in paint?" he asked, pausing before he reached the car and turned to look back at Cam.
Cam waved his hand slightly. "Whatever happens, I guarantee this car has seen worse," he responded, sliding in without a second thought. He started the car and waited for Luke to get in.
Luke shrugged and got in the passenger seat. Despite what Cam said, he tried his best not to get paint everywhere as he buckled up. "So how far away is the store?" he asked, looking over at him.
Cam shrugged and pulled out of the driveway. "Ten minutes, give or take," he replied simply. He rested his hands easily on the wheel, true to his word about not caring if paint got everywhere.
Luke nodded, looking out the window at the passing scenery. He wasn't sure why but he liked car drives and just being able to see the city flashing by through the window.
Cam waved to people that drove by when he recognized them, having to reach up every once in a while to wipe dripping paint away from his eyes. He pulled into the parking lot for a family hardware store a bit later, sliding out of the car.
"Hey maggie" paul said, getting up and walking over towards her. "Would you want to go out tonight?" Paul asked, akwardly, he decided to make a joke "I think i'll have to be pretty unlucky to break my other leg" he joked.
Luke got out of the car, wiping paint out of hi face and followed Cam inside. He wondered what people thought of the two paint covered boys just casually walking through the store.

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